The Kerry Blue Terrier has a great personality for fun and adventure. it has been described as comical by somesources. The breed can be strong willedand requires an experienced dog owner. The Kerry Blue Terrier makes a good watch dog, barking only when necessary and is alert and protective of family members. The breed tolerates children well, but should be socialized into accepting other pets in the family. They enjoy learning and are an intelligent dog with long memories, so they can trained. Training requires consistency and determination by the owner. Kerry Blues need to know that the human is the one that determines what will happen. If they sense that you are a weakowner, they will decide that they are in control. This can lead to difficult behavior problems with the dog. Kerry Blues do well in apartments, however, they should have some time each day to stretch their legs by going for walks or a jog. The owner should plan on spending some time playing with the Kerry Blue on a daily basis to expend energy and bond with the dog.Kerry Blues live about 12 to 15 years. As a breed, they are generally healthy. The biggest problem seems to be the development of eye problems - cataracts and dry eyes. As with many pure bred dogs, there are some hip problems and cardiac problems that can develop in the breed. However, mostly you can expect to have a fun loving, playful member of the family for many years. One of the most notable aspects of a Kerry Blue is the coat. It is soft, with a texture similar to human hair. Also the traditional color of the coat is a slate gray (or blue) color that can run darker with some animals to black. This is one of the breeds that does not shed (or does not shed much), and the hair tends to grow throughout the year. For this reason the Kerry Blue must be groomed about every 6 weeks to keep it looking good. The coat should be brushed daily and the beard should be cleaned daily as well. Weekly baths are recommended and do not seem to dry out the skin as with other breeds. Also, the breed does not give off the typical"wet dog" smell when wet, so this should encourage the bathing practice. Hair should be plucked from the ears to prevent ear infections.The Kerry Blue Terrier can be a great addition to the experienced dog owners family. With training and consistency the dog will learn your expectations, but you must make sure you are a confident leader. Grooming must be done on a regular basis and items can be found athttp://www.doggroomingtablesplus.comto assist with home grooming. These dogs look sharp and have an interesting color which is what attracted me to the breed. Now I love the spirit and intelligence of the breed.Article Source:
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