Mainstream psychiatry is not working. If it was, then people who go to therapists would recover. Bringing up past trauma and rehashing it over andover does not work. The medical system is in the dark ages when it comes to the knowledge of how spirituality and science work. Our bodies are suspended in energy. We are energy and light beings.If you compressed our matter, you could fit it into a golf ball. Vibrating energy is the basis of how the body and universe work. It's the science of quantum physics that has been suppressed to keep us in a material world that only brings more suffering.Bringing up the energy of the past does not heal, it keeps those energies around. We need to increase the vibration of our body. When a personis happy, cells vibrate fast, like being in love.When a person is sick, there is a low body frequency. Everything is energy. The psychiatric system will not do anything until it reaches the core of the person.We are energy. That is what the focus should be-energy and vibration! Quantum Mechanics! This is what will bring psychiatry into the new era of healing.At 52 years, I entered into therapy for the first time. As open as I could be, there was much to bedigested. CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-was the route I chose and the therapist had a background in theology. In the time we spent together, I've become more aware and focused on being present for life's many lessons.My maladies include anxiety/depression. I swing from one extreme to the other. Panic attacks have sent me to the ER and MDD, Major Depressive Disorder, has plummeted me into suicidal depths. I'm not proud nor ashamed; this was simply the hand I was dealt.In a twisted move of fate, I have endured life with an angry sister. She decided to post all of my struggles on social media without any consideration to my health. As an inpatient in a psyche ward, I received phone calls and flowers due to her exposure. I was beyond humiliated but will admit that some people were so loving and kind and extended much needed compassion.Today, with medications and therapy, I face life with hope. It took raising my energy level slowly and allowing me to adapt to the world in a new way. No more escape routes using alcohol or any other unhealthy means of coping. I am truly at peace and wake up with a relative degree of anticipation at what the day might bring.Article Source: