Monday, February 15, 2016

Love Should Not Be A One Day Affair

Love is the loveliest of all human emotions. Because, it produces more solace and happiness to all parties involved. Life without love has no charm and it likens a lonely tree in a desert. Similarly, a person without love is a skin-clad bone cage only. Imagine the world without love. Only chaos will surround us.Love is the only game around the world where everyone wins. If you keep judging people, you will have no time left to love them. Always see the good and bad aspects of anything to decide its character. Rose is liked by everybody for its bewitching beauty, though it has spines on its stalk. All great things in life have been developed by making mistakes only. In the middle of any difficulty, only lies the opportunity. Mistakes can be reduced if we love what we do.Love takes different forms depending upon the relationships and status of individuals. Relationships exist as Parents-Children, Sister-Brother, Husband-Wife, Friends, Colleagues, Teacher-Pupil, etc. Status refers to the stage in which an individual is placed as Childhood, Adolescence, and Adult. However, Love in the modern age is used to represent the affairs that develop before a person's marriage.Generally, people tend to show much enthusiasm before marriage for various reasons, the principal being sexual attraction. The intensity of such love fades away after the marriage. That is why many people of this category end up in divorce or other decisions. People loving their partner after wedlock maintain it generally. With some relationships growing sour over time due to loss of trust and misunderstanding due to the internal or exterior factors. The people of the latter category have respect for the family institution and social values. So, Keep loving your partner always. 'Give and Take' is the ideal way for love to nurture the life.Whatever be the stories behind the Valentine's day,it has come to be known as Lovers Day. Don't thinkit is for the young or unmarried people only. Whether married or living-in-relationships, everybody tries to celebrate as if on other days, they do not indulge in cupid (not stupid!) behavior.In one incident, the couple who got divorced earlier got engaged through Facebook without knowing each other (as the profile picture not used). They decided to meet on the Valentine's day in a hotel and reveal their love. Once they met, they could not digest their past and parted ways again.True love has no limitations such as selfishness, region, creed, and caste. It has no boundaries and in fact, integrates with Nature. Pure love shares with others. Pure love helps others in times of griefand sorrows. Pure love breeds enduring peace and happiness. This is what Jesus, Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi exhibited in their lives. According toThirukkural, the Tamil classic of couplets, Love and honesty are the two virtues that make life meaningful.Love is not a one day affair, but a way to celebrate the whole life.Author, an Ex-Banker with Masters in Agricultural Economics, publishes very useful and practical tips and ideas for happy life at his sitehttp://www.mohanspage.comArticle Source:

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