Monday, February 15, 2016

Why You Should Never Listen To A "Pickup Artist"

One of my high-end coaching clients recently asked me if I was a pickup artist.It's a fair question.And the answer is a big fat NOPE.I tried it once or twice, but furry hats andsilly manipulation tactics just don't sit well with me.Today I'm going to share with you the biggest reason you should never listen to those guys.Because no, I'm not a pickup artist.But I do teach guys the art - and science - of reading body language, building rapport, increasing sexual confidence, creating social circles, balancing relationships...And dozens of other life-changing skills they nevertaught you in school.So what's the difference?A pickup artist is someone who spends all his timeand energy approaching and seducing women.Well, at least that's what they *try* to do.The reality is, they mostly just approach a lot of girls, then go home alone and write lengthy "field reports" about it.(like a scientist studying gazelles in the wilderness).It's kind of sad to be honest.There are tons of guys out there who completely waste their own power and potential trying to be a"master seducer," and it doesn't even work for them.Why? Because...The more time and energy you spend chasing women, the more you repel them.Period.Try and understand this:The "game" (if you will) of social interaction is all aboutpsychologyandabundance.If you understandhuman behavior(TRULY understand it) and you understand how to create anabundance of optionsfor yourself...You can have any kind of woman, any kind of social circle, and any kind of life you want.And it's not even hard. It's easy when you have those two things down.If you do not understand these two elements, you will just limp along getting "lucky" every now and then (or perhaps not at all).And whatever relationships you do end up forming, they are not gonna satisfy you because they are not what youchose, they are what yousettled for.I'm going to ask you a question that's going to set off a thousand little light bulbs in your brain right now.If your goal is to date higher quality women and have a more fulfilling social life, and you only have 2 hours a week to work on those things, which is a better use of your time?2 hours cold-approaching 5 or 10 girls at the bar... ?Or 2 hours forming a genuine connection with just1 person who knows lots of women and would be happy to introduce you to them in the future... ?The answer should be obvious to you.The first one is an expenditure of time and effort that lowers your value (relative to women).The second one is an investment of time and effort that increases your value.If you do the first option, and you spend your only available time approaching women, what does that say about you as a man?What does that say about thevalueyou place on female attention?How can you possibly NOT put a woman on a pedestal when yougo out of your wayto approachher? It's unavoidable.You're doomed to fail before you even get started!Here's the "Law of the Jungle" I want you to understand, deeply:Everything runs away when you chase it.That means - women, status, happiness, money, etc...You can't get what you want by running after it.You get what you want byraising your valuein theworld so that it all comes running after YOU.Stick around this newsletter for the next month or two and you will see that start happening for you in a big way, I guarantee it.And remember - don't fall into the "pickup artist" trap.Use what I teach you to make your relationships and your life better, but never sacrifice #1 - your own time and attention.Your time is the most valuable asset you will ever have.Don't give it away to women you barely know just because they're hot.Invest it in yourself and use it to increase your value in the world, and the rest will all start coming to you (like a big funnel).Make sense?Cool.Tomorrow I have something lined up for you, that you have never seen, heard, felt or tasted before.If you're a badass you're gonna love it.You're gonna love it so much, you're gonna wish it was a sexy girl so you could tease her and challenge her over and over again...Peace.!CTo learn how to double your dating options and get a girlfriend in the next 30 days, go tohttp://thedailywingman.comArticle Source:

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