Thursday, February 25, 2016

Entering/ Leaving a House

2.1 HOW TO ENTEREnter or leave your house with your right foot first, as it was the tradition of the Prophet. Imaam Abul Ala Hasan ibn Ahmad al-Hamazani, a great scholar of Hadith of his time, was so keen on applying this Sunnahto the extent that if someone entered his house with their left foot first, he would ask them to go out and re-enter with their right foot first. He was so much respected that the Sultan of the day would visit him at school and sit in front of him as a student. At one occasion, he told the Sultan to exit with his right foot first and walk on the right side of the road.When entering or leaving a house, donot push the door violently, or slam itshut, or leave it to close by itself wildly. Such actions stand in contrast to the gracefulness of Islam to which you are honoured to belong. Close the door quietly with your hand. You may have heard a Hadith reported by Imam Muslim whereby ‘Aisha (RA) quotes the Prophet: ‘Gentleness adorns every act. Its absence will tarnish it.’2.2 ENTERING WHILE OTHERS ARE ASLEEPIf you enter a place where people are sleeping, whether during day or night, be quiet and gentle. Be considerate. Do not cause any unduenoise when entering or exiting. You have heard the saying of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم): ‘Whoever is deprived of gentleness, is deprived of all sorts of goodness.’ Muslim and Al-Tirmidhi reported that the honourable companion Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad (RA) said: ‘We used to preserve the Prophet’s share of the milk, when he came back at night he would greet us with a voice loud enough for those awake to hear, without disturbing those who were asleep.’ In addition, whenever the Prophet used to pray at night, he would recite the Quran with a voice that pleased those that were awake, without disturbing those that were asleep.’Princess Qatrul Nada (Dew point) was famous for her intelligence, manners and beauty. She was the daughter of Khimarwaih bin Ahmad bin Toulon, the King of Egypt. She married Al-Mu’taded Billah. Qatrul Nada said: ‘My father taught me an important manner – do not sleep among sitting people and do not sit among sleeping people.’from the book ISLAMIC MANNERSBy Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA)

Importance of Appearance part 2

1.3 ARRIVING FROM A JOURNEYIf you are traveling to visit someone or if you are about to receive guests, whether those in question are your parents, relatives, peers, or friends of a different age, make sure that your hands, feet, and socks are clean, and your appearance and clothing is neat. Never neglect or underestimate the importance of your look, for that would certainly mar the pleasure of the meeting, while dulling the enjoyment of those you meet. In this regard, the Prophet directed his companions upon returning from a journey: ‘You are returning to your brethren, dress nicely, and sort out your rides so that you may become a beauty mark among people, for Allahdoes not like sloppiness or acting in a sloppy way.’Try to bring some gifts to those receiving you, and likewise present your guests with a present. Always be prepared to reciprocate with a suitable gift. The subtle joy of seeing your beloved ones will be vividly remembered for many years. A gift, however symbolic, will greatly enhance the pleasure of such a meeting. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), as reported by Bukhary, said: ‘Exchange gifts; exchange love.’ Our Muslim predecessors used to leave their host with a present which could be as symbolic as an Arak stick.1.4 DRESS PROPERLY WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDSDress properly, even among friends and relatives. Dress properly when visiting your parents, a pious person,an elder, or even a relative or a friend. Your attire should be clean and elegant, not ugly or unsightly. We are attracted or repulsed by what we see. If you look good in clean clothes, smelling nice, you will be pleasant to look at and people will beattracted to you and enjoy your presence. If you were the opposite, people will look down on you even if you were a relative or friend. To look good while visiting or being visited isan instinctive trait in addition to being an Islamic manner. Do not ignore this aspect because you consider yourself to be close to your hosts or guests.Imam Bukhari in his book, ‘Al-Adab Al-Mufrad’ reported that the great follower Abi Al-�Alia Al-Riahi Al-Basri said, ‘Muslims were at their best when visiting each other.’ Al-Hafez Al-Haithami in ‘Majma Al-Zawaed’ (1:169) reported that Thabet Al-Banani, the student of Imam Anas bin Malik said, ‘When I used to visit Anas, he would call for a perfume and run it along his cheeks.’Accordingly, if you were visited at home while dressed very casually, asit sometimes happens, you should change for your visitor. This will enhance his respect for you and will complement your hospitality. It is, after all, the manners of the early Muslims.from the book ISLAMIC MANNERSBy Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA)

Importance of Appearance part 1

1.1 Distinct Muslim PersonalityIslam advocates this etiquette and stresses it so as to perfect the Muslimpersonality and to bring about harmony among people. There is no doubt that embodying such mannersand virtues enhances personal style and qualities, refines personality andbrings us closer to the hearts and minds of others. The forthcoming manners and etiquette are central to Islam, its purposes and its aims. Calling it ‘etiquette’ by no means implies that it is marginal to life and social behaviour. It does not mean Muslims have the option of ignoring this code of behaviour, or that it is merely preferable to adhere to it.In pointing out that manners rank higher than deeds, Imam Al-Qar�fi in his book Al-Furw’q said, ‘Learn that a little etiquette is better than a lot of good actions.’ Rw’aim, the righteous scholar, told his son, ‘Oh my son, make your deeds salt, and your manners flour.’ Many good manners with few good deeds are better than many gooddeeds with few good manners. Even if some of these rules appear to be simple common courtesy, it is important to highlight their significance. Many Muslims commit errors which blemish the Islamic personality, whose purpose is meant to be unique in its beauty, perfection and traits. Our master, the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) directed the blessed companions by saying: ‘You are on your way to meet your brothers, put on a nice dress and fix your riding so you appear distinct among people asa fleck [on a beautiful face]. Allah does not like roughness nor rough manners.’When the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘No one will enter Paradiseif they have at heart a grain of arrogance.’ A man asked: ‘A man may like his dress to be nice and his shoes nice.’ The Prophet answered ‘Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Arrogance is to deny rights and look down at people.’Shaikh Ibn Taimia said that the beauty that Allah likes include nice clothes. Hence it could be said that Allah likes all nice things. Therefore, a Muslim ought to be recognized by neat dress, cleanliness and graceful appearance.1.2 CLEANLINESS AND WASHINGThe Sunna is to keep perfume and to use it regularly on oneself. Al-Bukhari narrated that Salman Al-Farsi said: the Prophet, peace be upon him, said ‘Allah will forgive the sins of the past week for he who on Friday will take a bath, cleanse himself, put on his [regular] perfume or any perfume available in house. Then, he goes out [to Jumu’ah prayer] and does not try to separate two friends. Then he prays wherever he could and listens to the Imam.’ If the body became odorous a day or two before Friday, one should not wait till Friday to cleanse the body. We should wash our bodies as soon as it require washing to keep ourselves clean and fresh.To take a bath on Friday is specifically required since a large number of people will be gathering at mosques. However, if our body became dirty or we sweat on a particular day, then, we should take abath at the end of day or the next morning. This is indicated by a Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim that Abu Huraira said, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘It is the duty of every Muslim to have a bath once every week to wash his head and body.’ Another Hadith

Islamic Manners

Islamic Manners have been practically demontsrated to us by Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and have been recorded through numeroushadeethon the subject. It is sad though that many Muslims do not pay attenttion to the Islamic Manners they should be adopting and instead restrict their view of religion merely to Ibadat (external acts of worship). Below we share some articles that talk about the rightmanner to be adopted by a Muslim incertain situations taken from the book written by Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA). MayAllahalmighty give us all the ability to practise upon the Sunnah and teachings of Rasulallah (صلى الله عليهوسلم).

Ch 19.2: Islam, the Perfect and True Religion

Christian woman (after some silence): Our Lord is the model for spiritual life. What concern he has with physical life?Isabella: Quite right, Jesus Christ canbe a model in spiritual life and not in physical life. So for physical life another guide should be found. In this aspect your Lord is wanting. But the being who can be a model both for spiritual and physical life is only one. Man is neither only physical that he needs just a worldly guide. Just as man is a combination of spirit and body, he needs a guide who can rightly guide him in both thespheres of life and whose life can be a model in the whole life of man. There is no doubt that Prophet Moses’ life was of Dignity, while the life of Jesus Christ was of Grace, but the life of the Last Prophet, Muhammad, was of Perfection. Just as his life was a model for the prayerful, pious and for sufi, so also for a man of the world, a merchant and even for a king, The Prophet Muhammad grazed goats in early life, then retired to the seclusion of the cave of Hira for meditation.He traded in Syria, then married Khadijah and, taking to household life, preached from the top of mount Faran and in the lanes of Mecca, went to preach in Taif and among thetribes of Hejaz and suffered at the hands of enemies and opponents, served the starving people, looked after orphans and widows of the community, migrated from Mecca to Medina, made pacts with Jews of Medina, built mosques, settled disputes between parties, led prayers, delivered speeches at different places, trained armies in thebattles of Badr and Uhud and led them as a commander, exhibited the highest military skill, and then prayed at night and for so long a time that his feet swelled and cracked. So, in fact, all the ways and means and models of life’s requirements are found in the sacred,perfect life of our Holy Prophet Muhammad. Just as for one who grazes goats as well as for a great trader his life is a model, so also for apreacher and for a traveller and an emigrant his sacred life is worth following, so also for a retired devotee he is a good guide and his teaching a model for worldly men of homely life.And his teaching provides perfect regulations, for international life as also for the need of the dweller of forests. Just as his plan of work is a guide in the battlefield, so also he is agood model for people in the days of peace and security. In short, in household life, preaching, trading, leadership, sermonising and leadingprayers, retired life, tending cattle, formulating laws, ruling as king, andin happiness and mourning, marriage and divorce, life and death, teaching and training children and whatever tasks come in man’s civilised life there is nothing for which there is not a model in the perfect life of the Prophet. Thus perfection of life and all embarrassing needs of life are found neither in the life of Prophet Moses, nor in Prophet Jesus. So in justice and honesty we are bound to say thatthe Last Prophet Muhammad embodies in him all spiritual and physical codes of human life and of glory as well as grace. Any man of the world who is in search of a correct plan of actions for this world or the next for him in all honesty there is no other course but to take cover under the vast and merciful shade of the Last of the Prophets, Muhammad, and his sacred and complete life, his code of conduct.The entire assembly was struck dumb after this speech of Isabella and even the Christian woman with all her claim of performing miracles was entranced. When Isabella found the Christian woman sunk in humility and remorse, she apologised to all guests and said good-bye to them.It is reported by Abu Hafs that the effect of this speech was that many ofthe Christian women present at the meeting accepted Islam and after some years even that Christian woman also accepted Islam at the truthful hands of Isabella. But it did not happen all at once ; it took a few years for the amenable souls to comeunder the shade of Divine Grace and Mercy.So long as Isabella lived she continued to render magnificent services to Islam. On the one hand she silenced Christians and on the other hand poured an ocean of learning in traditions and interpretation of the Holy Quran, and thousands of Muslim divines were benefited by her learning. She lived up to the age of eighty. All Spain mourned her death and millions offered her funeral prayer.THE END

Ch 19.1; Islam, the Perfect and True Religion

Isabella did not say anything after this and all those present were struckdumb. The Christian women put theirheads down in humility, while Muslims seemed to be pleased in their minds. The Christian woman herself sat silent and found no word to say. When Isabella noticed her helplessness she spoke again.Isabella: Well, you must be tired now.Let us put off the discussion till tomorrow. Now, say at what time willyou be able to come?Christian woman: I will not rise without finally deciding about truth and falsehood right now. But probably you are tired.Isabella: From me you are at ease to continue the talk day and night and do not go till truth and falsehood are sorted out. What I said was for your convenience.Christian woman: In fact, I am resolved to carry the discussion till the last point. Now, just say what was the need of Islam when Christianity prevailed.Isabella: If Islam had not come, truth would not have been brought here to the world. It was Islam which revivedthe teachings of Apostles and taught people purity and cleanness. I tell you briefly a few reasons for the coming of Islam :(1) Islam by its advent perfected religion, for teaching of previous revealed Books were suited for their own time and had no universal appeal. The Quran filled the gap.(2) True teachings of Prophets were corrupted by their followers which the Quran purified. For instance, Christians, by deifying Jesus Christ, had built up the rotten structure of assigning partners to Allah which was pulled down first. Islam broughtthe light of the sun of God’s unity andpresented the true form of God’s Glory and Mercy to the world.(3) Ahl-i-Kitab (People of the Book) had attributed many shameful acts to Prophets, calling some of them liars, cheats and adulterers and thus making all Prophets sinners. Islam strongly refuted these charges and restored the real nobility and dignity of Prophets.(4) Ahl-i-Kitab (People of the Book), by interpreting their sacred Books, had manipulated them and so people’s trust on all revealed Books was lost. The Quran exposed their mischief and fraud and presented all the real teachings of previous Books anew, and now we have no need of any other book as the Quran includesteachings of all the Books revealed toProphets.(5) Since previous Prophets and their revealed Books were for particular periods and particular people, so they did not contain laws which wereneeded by men till the last day. The gap was filled by the Quran and, aftercompleting the code of religion, proclaimed that needs of all humanity are served in it by which men will be benefited till the Day of Judgment.Do you now realise why Islam came to the world?Christian woman: All these are mere claims without arguments, you neither mentioned any miracle of your Prophet nor proved his Prophet-hood. The question of his teachings comes after these problems are resolved.Isabella: You asked me to say what was the need of the advent of Islam and I briefly narrated some of the needs. Now it is for you to meet these arguments. I have already given you the proof of miracles and have put upto you such a living miracle which can be seen by all the world today, that is, the Quran and its challenge. Ifthe Quran is not the” Word of Allah, then bring just one verse to compare with it. But it is just this which the world could not accomplish. As to the Prophet being a Messenger of Allah its proof is in this very miracle. When not even one verse can be produced to compare with it, then it is established that it is the Word of Allah and the person who brought it can only be True Apostle of Allah. Another proof is that the Prophet, after his getting Prophethood, gave such a reform to the world and in his own lifetime made entire Arabia to bow before Allah. Can an example of this type be found in any false prophet? Just name even one fraudulent man who would have performed this great reforming task.Christian woman: Whatever you say, your Prophet is not fit to be obeyed. How can a person who had shed blood all his life and married so many women be ever a reformer? Look at the purity of our Lord, that he never married all his life.Isabella: Well, your lord was God and did not need married life, for it is man who needs marriage. As our Prophet was a human being like others, he contracted marriages. But just name any other Prophet who, in spite of being a human being, had not married.Christian woman: The perfect man is one who is distinguished from others.Isabella: But you believe your Lord to be God, Son of God.Christian woman: But along with thisour Lord was also a perfect man.Isabella: Did he eat and drink ?Christian woman: Why not? His eating and drinking was not in his capacity of God but in the capacity of man.Isabella: Then, how was your Lord distinguished? What is the definition of perfect man?Christian woman: The perfect man is one in whose obeying there is no difficulty.Isabella: Quite right. Now, you yourself have clarified the point. Howcan a Christian who has wife and children follow his Lord in his home life? Similarly, how can Christians who are fighting against Muslims and idolaters follow their Lord in military matters?Christian woman: Our Lord neither fought any battle nor married. So the question does not arise.Isabella: You have defined perfect man as one in following whom no difficulty arises. But here a great difficulty has arisen, for a man with awife and children has no model for him in your Lord because he remained unmarried all his life. In the same way for the man staking hislife in a battle, for him Christ cannot be a model.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Modern World of Artificial Intelligence

Technology plays a pivotal role in bringing transitional changes in the lifestyle of humans all over the world. Since ages, men, women, and the technology are deeply associated with each other. The growth in technology also brings our future much closer to uswith ever faster speed that we think of it today. The technology is expanding at an exponential rate and hence, No one can predict or guarantee how long yourlatest gadget or product that you buy from the market few second before will remain in the top technology list.The extensive growth in the technology has not leftany stone unturned to mesmerize the human experience. Every stage and state of the industry in which we work today has been reshaped fundamentally through technology, which emerged drastically in the second half of the 20th century. With the advent of the internet, the technology has broken all the boundaries and perception of the people all over the world.This revolution is also believed to be powerful toolthat is capable enough so that in the upcoming days Computers and the technology will soon become more intelligent than us. The technological development opens new possibilities whereby the daily life of people became more comfortable, healthy, understandable, safe, fun and independent. The latest technologies also provide us, the assistance in terms of energy-friendly and sustainable solutions that helps in improving the environment in which we are living.The rampant intensification in Technology has moved much ahead from merely making our lives more convenient. In addition, to this, it has the potential to change every aspect of what we think as humans. Due to this, we have become transhuman.What Is Transhumanism?Transhumanism is said to be an intellectual movement that aims to comprehend what makes one human, and how we can go beyond our natural limitations. In short it is a phase that transform human in which we behavior and condition through developing its physical, and psychological capacities with the growth of available sophisticated technologies.The growing usage of technology has also changed the mankind in regards to the ability to perform in any situation. The rapid use of latest technology also makes a man and woman smarter. Furthermore, the faster rate of technologytransfer in this digital world also explores how quickly our younger generation is adopting this technology in this age than those who were born few years earlier. The advancement of new technologies provides us a better way of communication and excellent usage of entertainment for making our life more enjoyable.Article Source:

Seven Legal Tips To Start A Business

1. Ensure your business name is available:You need to invest money as well as effort into starting a new business. Before doing so, you should ensure that the title is available for registration. It should not happen that you do everything and suddenly find that someone else has already taken the title. This will prove advantageous to you while you register for your trademark.You can check the availability of a title in many ways. You can conduct a search if any firm has applied for a trademark registration in the same name. You can also conduct an extensive search to verify the existence of the same name elsewhere in the country. Your business lawyer can do the search for you.2. Choose the appropriate legal structure:There are various structures for a business entity. There can be sole proprietorship concerns, partnership firms, limited liability companies (LLC), or even corporations. You should choose theappropriate structure for your business enterprise. The sole proprietorship and the partnership firms are the easiest to form. They do not require any formal registration as such. However, these concerns cannot offer any protection to the owner against any liability. Hence, you can opt to form a LLC. You get protection against any liability in such kinds of concerns. This is easier to form than a corporation is. You can consult your legal advisoror business law firm.3. It is better to register your business name:You should register your business name with the state authorities. This gives it an identity and people get to know whom they are dealing with. In case you wish to form an LLC, it requires an automatic registration. However, in case you form a sole proprietorship or a partnership, you can ask your business lawyer to assist you in registering the name with the authorities.This procedure ensures you legality to operate your business in your name. It can also ensure that no one else takes up this name in the future.4. Do not forget to obtain a Federal ID Tax number:Every individual in the United States has a Social Security number. Similarly, a tax ID number is necessary for every business entity. They also call it the Employer Identification Number. You can apply for a Tax ID number online with the IRS. Your legal advisor can assist you in this regard. This number is mandatory in case you wish to recruit any employees. This will ensure that you need not use your social security number for business transactions.5. Opening a business bank account is mandatory:You have completed your registration. You have also obtained your Tax ID number. You can now proceed with the opening of a business bank account in the name of the firm. You will be able tomake and receive payments through this account. You need not use your personal account for official purposes. This can also be useful for tax calculations later on.6. Obtain the requisite local permits:You may have to obtain certain local permits depending upon the business you do. Your business law firm or your business lawyer will be able to guide you better in this regard. You may require local business licenses such as a sales tax license, health department permit and so on. You can also contact the local authorities or visit the necessary websites to learn more about obtaining the requisite permits and licenses.7. Familiarize yourself with employer laws and responsibilities:You will have to employ many persons in your firm. You should be fully aware of the employer laws as well as responsibilities. There are many legal obligations to observe while hiring employees. You may require knowing about pay roll administration, tax rules, waging per hour requirements and so on. You can consult your legal advisor about the same. Your business law firm will be able to explain to you the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. You should be aware of your obligations before you go on with the job of recruiting people.It is beneficial for you to know about the rules and regulations before embarking on your own business. Remember, you are your own boss. Hence, it becomes all the more important to know the legalities ofstarting your own business.Article Source:

3 Reasons Why Business Credit Is For You

Whether you're an enterprising entrepreneur or a resourceful investor, funding for your business or investmentneeds can be elusive.There is no shortage of methods that can be used for business funding:*.personal savings*.retirement savings*.personal credit cards*.lines of credit on personal assets*.private money or partners*.business/personal loansHowever, these methods may be limited in amount and/or require demanding qualifications. Even worse, some methods require use of YOUR money.Personal capital should be the last resort of any entrepreneur or investor.Here's a smarter option:business creditw/ a personal guarantee. This is the route of least resistance.3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Business Credit w/ a Personal Guarantee:1. Minimum Qualifications*.Qualifying w/ a personal guarantee is straight-forward. There are only 2 requirements: good personal credit and healthy projected income. Lenders want to know how well an applicant has managed their personal funds, and if the applicant is able to project substantial earnings from their business's products or services.2. Quick Transfer of Funds*.Business credit refers to the securing of credit cards under your business entity. Typically, funding w/ a personal guarantee is swift and seamless. There are no long waits or strenuous application processes. Do you recall how quickly lending decisions came back after you appliedfor personal credit cards? Business credit decisions work the same. Some decisions are instant while others takea little over a week.3. NO attachment to your personal credit file*.As a business owner/investor it's best practice to keep your personal credit clean. A clean credit profile characterizes you as an attractive business partner and ideal lending candidate. The benefits of great credit are endless; fortunately, business credit allows you to maintain great personal credit while still granting you access to the capital you need. Although, you are personally guaranteeing funds, business credit does not appear on your personal credit file unless you default. Making the minimum payments required is non-negotiable.Requirements for business credit w/ a personal guarantee are minimal; however, simply applying does not guarantee maximum funding. I suggestconsulting an expert or a professional service. They should be able to assist you with qualifying for and securing maximum funding.Always evaluate the potential expenses that accompany your selected funding option prior to making decisions.Raising capital doesn't need to be stressful or time-consuming.Don't allow burdensome lending to slow you down.What method will you use to secure business funding?I chose business credit. MAXIMUM funding with minimal requirements.Qualified applicants receive an averageof $40,000+ in funding.Learn more and receive your free consultation --> Source:

The 7 Forces Of Business Mastery

Starting with the end in mind, I want you to envision consistently creating raving fans and a raving culture for your business. Everything you are doing is to accomplish this goal.1. Know where you really are. Create a business map to get from where you areto where you want to be.2. Constant, Strategic Innovation. All business fundamentally comes down to2 core things. Marketing and Innovation. These are the only 2 things that make money in any business.3. Constant and Never Ending Improvement of World-Class Marketing and Product Promises. Your products and services must be the best.4. Constant and Never Ending Improvement of Sales Mastery Systems. Do you use a system to succeed?5. Constant Anticipation for the power of financial and legal analysis. Most people don't pay attention to this until it is too late. Every successful business needs advisers for legal and financial issues.6. Constant Optimization and Maximization. Draw out the experience your customer goes through and see where you can add more value to this process. Most people are blind to advertising because we are bombarded by it. People will remember the experience they have and how they felt after interacting with you.7. Constantly Create Raving Fans and Culture. People are going to keep buying and will stick around. Remember your best customer is your current customer.Now ask yourself some quality questions. Listed below are the exact questions Steve Jobs asked histeam when he revolutionized Apple.1. What business are you in? Their first answer was they were in the computer business.2. The next question was, what business are you REALLY in? We are actually in the business of connecting people with their greatest passion.3. What business do we NEED to be in? We are in the computer business, but we NEED to be in the music business. This is when the iPod and iTunes were created. These same questions then led them in the iPhone business.Now ask these questions of yourself. Why did you get into your business originally? Why are you in itnow? Every business needs 3 types of people to be successful.1. People Who Are Entrepreneur Minded2. Managers and Leaders.3. Artists To Implement Your ConceptsIf you personally don't have all these qualities, team up with those who do. Implement these 7 forces, ask yourself critical questions, and watch your business flourish into what you dreamed it would be.Dee Carlson is a stay at home mom (retired) and loves spending time with her family camping, horseback riding, motorcycle riding, skiing and travelling. She is focused on showing others that Network Marketing works! Dee enjoys sharing tipsand tricks she has learned along the way. Avoid information overload and follow a proven system.Grab her free step-by-step guide to get prospects to join your team and get your business to the next level. Source:

Palm oil hits over 2-week low on data showing surprise output gain

Malaysian palm oil futures dropped for a fourth straight session on Tuesday to hit their lowest level in more than two weeks, after data from a palm millers' body showed an unexpected rise in production.The palm oil contract for May delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange fell 0.6 percent to 2,551 ringgit at the close of trade, after hitting 2,542 ringgit, its lowest since Feb. 5, earlier in the session.Traded volume stood at 48,314 lots of 25 tonnes each."Palm continued (its fall) on technical selling on yesterday's weak closing," said a Kuala Lumpur-based trader with a brokerage firm, blaming the surprise gain in output for the fall.The Southern Palm Oil Millers' Association released data on Tuesday that showed output up 2.6 percent between Feb.1 and Feb. 20 compared with the same period in January.Output of the vegetable oil is likely to drop in February due to seasonal trends and the dry weather effects of the El Nino, an industry analyst said earlier.Industry experts have also forecast growth in global palm oil production to slow this year, but recent rainfall could mute the impact of the El Ninoweather pattern which brings crop-damaging dry weather across Southeast Asia.Palm stockpiles have been falling since they reached a record high of nearly 3 million tonnes inNovember, lending support to benchmark palm oilprices.A stronger ringgit also weighed on sentiment. The Malaysian currency strengthened against the dollar on Tuesday, hitting a high of 4.1680 in early trade, before snapping some of the gains later.A stronger ringgit makes palm oil more expensive for holders of foreign currencies.Palm oil is expected to slide to 2,506 ringgit per tonne, as suggested by a rising channel and a Fibonacci projection analysis, according to Reuters market analyst for commodities and energy technicals Wang Tao.In competing vegetable oil markets, the May soybean oil contract on the Dalian Commodity Exchange lost 0.6 percent, while the Chicago soyoil contract fell 0.8 percent.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy Business Recorder

Agriculture sector USAID, PBIT sign MoU

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday to promote Punjab as a desirable destination for investment in agriculture."The MoU signed highlights USAID's commitment to developing the agriculture sector in Punjab.Through this partnership, USAID and PBIT will work together in promoting investment and creating jobs in the livestock, dairy and horticulture sectors," USAID Provincial Director forPunjab Dr Miles Toder remarked."The combination of USAID and PBIT resources will help stimulate the business enabling environment in the province, which will help overcome investment and trade challenges."Through this memorandum, the USAID-funded Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP) and PBIT will promote investment opportunities for joint ventures, advocate for public-private partnerships emerging from the Government of Punjab's agricultural initiatives, and highlight trade and investment areas for international and domestic investors.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy Business Recorder

Vegetable crops: farmers asked to take steps

The Met Office on Monday asked the farmers to take steps to guard the vegetable crops against diseases.It said that the vegetable growers should ensure field sanitation with using prophylactic fungicidalsprays to protect the crops from diseases attacks.It warned the farmers of growing weeds could scale down their crop yields at the end. It urged that the wheat growers should speed up measuresto remove the unwanted plants from the fields either with sprays or manually.It advised that the growers of agriculture plans should stop irrigating wheat at the present shooting stage since there was a rainy spell expected to drench the crop.Farmers of the country's lower half region especially in the central parts should take ensure optimum room temperature of the poultry rearing houses against the fast changing humidity levels, it said.Trees continue to fall away leave that could hurt the standing Rabi crop growth including wheat, it said, asking the farmers to begin collecting the foliage immediately after landing the field to help improve yields.In Punjab, weather is expected to remain mostly dry with light to moderate rain in Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Lahore and D G Khan divisions on February 28 and 29. Sindh is likely to undergo dry weather.Weather in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is expected to remain mainly cold and cloudy with light to moderate rainfall and light snowfall over the hills in Hazara and DI Khan division from February 27 to 29.Widely cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of Balochistan with light to moderate rain and light snowfall over the hills in Zhob, Sibbi andKalat on February 28 and 29.In Gilgit-Baltistan, cold and cloudy weather is expected to prevail with light to moderate rain andlight snowfall over the hills main in Gilgit, Skardu and Hunza on February 28 and 29.Widespread rain-thunderstorm and snowfall overthe hills is expected in most parts of Kashmir including Muzzaffarabad, Rawalakot and Kotli on February 28 and 29.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy Business Recorder

Wheat worries

It would appear strange but bounties of nature could sometimes have their own complications and side issues. The surplus wheat the country has in its stores this season reflects such an unusual situation.As the new harvesting season nears in both Sindh and Punjab, Pakistan has already five million tonnes in its stocks.Of the total wheat stocks, Punjab is holding 3.5 million tonnes and Pakistan Agriculture Storage and Services Corporation (Passco) about 1.6 million tonnes while Sindh is believed to possess stocks of around 0.5 million tonnes.According to market reports, the country is again set to harvest a wheat crop of 25 million tonnes this season due to favourable weather conditions and a higher procurement price to lure growers to produce more.In January, the federal government had set a wheat export target of 1.2 million tonnes by offering transport rebate.Punjab was allowed to export 0.8 million tonnes of this commodity with a transport rebate of dollar55 per tonne while Sindh was asked to export 0.4 million tonnes with a rebate of dollar 45 per tonne.However, only 247 tonnes of wheat was exported during July-December 2015-16, fetching just$66,000. Exports had already dropped to 10,441 tonnes (dollar 3 million) in 2014-15 from 20,037 tonnes (dollar 7 million) a year earlier.Wheat surpluses in the country and the failure of the government to dispose them of in a fruitful manner is a proof of the authorities' callousness and indifference to analyse the situation carefully and in time for the larger economic interest of the country.It is more than obvious that wheat could either be consumed locally or exported to fetch foreign exchange.So far as domestic consumption is concerned, since wheat is a basic necessity of life for most of the households in the country, its demand is almost inelastic since a reduction in price can hardly lead to higher consumption.As for exports, the government seems to have misread the situation entirely. While wheat prices in the world market remain under a great deal of pressure, India has taken over the Afghanistan market from Pakistan, causing a glut of wheat in the market.The government did not consider global trends while fixing the procurement price of Rs 1350 per 40 kg for wheat. Clearly, these rates are not feasible when the international wheat prices are inthe range of Rs 2200 to Rs 2300 per 100 kg.Against this background, there is no way in sight to dispose of last year's stocks or current year's crop which will find its way into the market after the middle of March in Sindh followed by Punjab crop after 15th April, 2016.It needs to be noted that if the procurement price ofwheat had not been fixed at such a high level, farmers could have utilised their lands for growing some other crops like pulses which were more rewarding.Besides, it needs to be mentioned that usually big landlords are the real beneficiaries of high procurement prices.Obviously, neither the small landowners nor ordinary consumers in the cities are going to benefit from the existing policy of the government.Apparently, the government is also faced with an issue which could only be resolved through highersubsidies, entailing a great deal of burden on the budget.We don't know about the policy approach of the government to this festering problem but the authorities need to think fast and in a more prudent fashion to overcome the odds and sods of a difficult situation.The issue is important because wheat is the leading food grain of the country, occupying the largest area under a single crop.Not only does wheat add value to agriculture, it also makes a significant contribution to country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy Business Recorder

Ch 18.5: A White Lie

Isabella: So you should come forward with the criterion of the truth of your Lord so that on the same criterion the Prophethood of Muhammad may be proved.Christian woman: The greatest proof of the Prophethood of our Lord is thathe revived the dead, gave sight to the blind, cured the leper and saved people from the grip of Satan.Isabella: What is the proof that your Lord did all this? Where are those dead whom Jesus Christ revived? Where do those blind and lepers live whom your Lord gave sight and cured? As against this I present to you a miracle of our beloved Prophet which is as alive today as it was in his lifetime and will live for ever. Thisis the miracle of the Holy Quran which challenged the whole world, that, if it is the invention of the Prophet’s mind, to bring forth any such work: just ten verses, a few verses, only one verse like it, but so far no Christian, no Jew, no idol-worshipper, nor anyone else has taken up the challenge. This is the living miracle which will keep helpless the whole world till the Day of Judgment. As against this the miracles of other Prophets were transitory, timely and made to die out, of which there is no proof except hearsay.Christian woman: You have started irrelevant talk. Can such a book be a miracle which orders four marriages? Look here! our Lord had said that he was the path of truth andlife and without him no one could reach God, the Father.Isabella : The Quran never ordered four marriages. It has just given permission for it under certain conditions. But if multiple marriages are any crime what would you say about Prophet David and Solomon who, according to Old Testament, had hundreds of wives? As to your Lord saying that he was the path of truth and life, how can this be a refutation of the Quran? Every Prophet came to the world with the path of truth and life. Your Lord said that he was the path of truth and life, but the Quran says about our Prophet that not only he was on the right path but he also showed the path of truth to others : “Innaka la-tahdi ila siratin mustaqim” [Surely thou guidest to the right path (xliii. 52)}. The Quran says our Prophet was not only himself life but he came to give life to the world : “Ya ayyuhalladhina amanustajibu lillah wa lir Rasuli idha da’akum lima yuhyikum” [O ye who believe, when Allah and His Apostle call you then you should respond to the call so that he may give you life (viii. 24)].The proof of it is that the Holy Prophet converted the barbarians, cruel, oppressive, ignorant, thieves, murderers, adulterers and idolators into moral, Allah-worshippers and pious men and hundreds of thousands of Companions flocked to his standard. That is, he gave life to the Arabs in his very lifetime. As against this, your Lord made just twelve Disciples in his whole life and even to them he did not give full life, as Christ himself called some of themdishonest, some accursed and some thieves.Christian woman: You talk a lot, but so far you have not proved what miracle your Prophet performed.Isabella: My advice to you is that you give up logical talk but try to convince me by your miracle, as yourmiracles are widely known and people come to take your blessing from long distances. You are not apt in logical talk.Christian woman: You are not competent enough that miracles maybe performed before you.

Ch 18.4: A White Lie

Isabella: Very good. Now, tell me if the quality of bravery can be manifested except in battle and justice can be at its best without the establishment of a government. Never! Thus Allah had provided both these opportunities to our sacred Prophet. That is, he waged war against non-believers and also acquired the ruling power so that on the occasion of fighting, his quality of bravery is manifested and with the establishment of a government the quality of justice comes to the fore. Can you show both these qualifications in your Lord?Christian woman: You think fighting is also a great merit. Our Lord brought the message of peace and security and not of fighting.Isabella: But in our Prophet both these qualities were combined. On the one hand he was a mercy for the worlds and kind and forgiving and on the other hand a champion fighterin the cause of Allah, so that he may be an example and good model in allaspects of life.Christian woman: How perverse is your talk, Isabella? Can you comparefavourably a fighting man with a man of peace?Isabella: If fighting the enemies and suppressing their mischief is a great crime, then what do you say about Prophet Moses, whole life was spent in fighting against enemies and of which the Old Testament is witness? It is true that Jesus Christ was an apostle of peace and security and he never fought in his life. But our Prophet was an Apostle of Dignity as well as of Grace. If on the one hand he fought against enemies like Moses, on the other hand, like Christ, he gave the message of peace and security to the world. Thus he was the most perfect example of both Prophets Moses and Jesus.Christian woman: It seems that you have become very clever, but I will not leave you till I have defeated you completely. I want to talk to you frankly so that all the women present here may follow it as two and two make four. Just think after comparing the Quran and the Bible so that the truth becomes quite clear to you at once.Isabella: I will promptly answer whatever question you ask.Christian woman: Look here, unless the apostleship of your Prophet is proved all this talk is useless. First you prove the truth and prophethood of Prophet Muhammad and then the talk may proceed.Isabella: What is the test of Prophethood according to you?Christian woman: If you can prove two things about Prophet Muhammad, then Islam is true, otherwise false. Firstly, that some previous Prophet has foretold about him and, secondly, that he should have performed miracles. For every Prophet these two things are essential.Isabella: Was Adam a Prophet according to you?Christian woman: Why not ?Isabella: Did any previous Prophet foretell about him ?Christian woman: There was no Prophet before him, so how could anyone have foretold about him?Isabella: So your criterion is obviously wrong and mischievous that it is necessary for every Prophet that some previous Prophet should have foretold about him, otherwise Adam would be excluded from Prophethood. As to the performance of miracles, that is also not necessary for prophethood, as it is written in your own Bible, that false prophets will perform greater miracles than Jesus.Christian woman: You do not agree to anything. After all, will you prove the Prophethood of your Prophet or not?Isabella: This is the very question I am asking you. On what ground Christians believed in Prophets Moses, David, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Noah, Abraham? Just letme hear that argument and on the same ground, Inshallah (God willing), the Prophethood of the Last Apostle will be proved to your entire satisfaction and you shall have no reason to reject.Christian woman: We have accepted every Prophet by his acts.Isabella: What acts! Just give their details so that there remains no difficulty in establishing the basis of argument.Here the Christian woman became thoughtful keeping her head bowed for a long time, while the women present there felt that it was difficult for her to escape the strong grip of Isabella and that she would certainlybecome the cause of humility and degradation of the Christians. Then the Christian woman raised her headand spoke.Christian woman: We do not know about other Prophets, we are only concerned with our Lord Jesus Christand through him we believe in all Prophets.

Ch 18.3: A White Lie

Isabella: It does not prove superioritybut a defect. If mischief-makers and criminals are forgiven on every occasion, mischief will spread in the world and order of the world will be disrupted, but the Quran has allowedthe use of both, forgiveness and retaliation, in their proper places. Besides, the teaching of the Bible alsocasts aspersion on God as to why He created the quality of anger and excitement in men. Has the quality of anger been created uselessly? Never. God has never created any of the capabilities of men without merit. So the Quran has taught proper use of the qualities of mercy and anger and forgiveness and retaliation and does not allow any branch of human capabilities to wither away.Christian Homan: Look ! how unjust it is that you are rejecting every good quality of ours. Our Lord never fought with anyone but forgave his enemies and bore their oppression patiently, while your Prophet took revenge from his enemies and never forgave anyone. Thus it is proved that it is the example of the Bible and our Lord which will lead to salvation.Isabella: Patience, forgiveness, firmness, bravery and justice, etc., are such qualities whose merits are known to every man but few of them know their real significance. Every moral quality is good or bad according to its use in its proper place, otherwise in themselves patience and forgiveness, etc., have no merit. Look, forgiveness and overlooking will be at their best whenthe forgiver has the power to retaliate. If a helpless and weak person has no power to retaliate, his overlooking and forgiveness will not be considered a merit but just his helplessness. Our Prophet possessedthis moral power of forgiveness and overlooking in the highest degree. Thus when after the victory of Mecca cruel unbelievers were brought to him he let them free, saying : La tasriba alaikum al-yauma [There is no charge against you today]. Although if he wanted he could have cut them to pieces, because he was inpower and his Companions awaited his orders. Now, tell me what was theposition when your Lord forgave his enemies. Obviously he was oppressed, had no one to help him nor had he the power to take revenge; what else could he do but to forgive?If he were in power and then had forgiven his enemies it would have been a matter of pride for you. Patience in the state of helplessness is not at all forgiveness.Christian woman: Fie ! Isabella, you call sanguinary men moral and do not give any merit to the person who never shed a drop of blood.Isabella: It is your faulty understanding that you take obvious things in perverse light. I now put it to you. Do you see any good in bravery and whether you regard justice good or bad ?Christian woman: Both these qualities are excellent; who can deny it ?

Ch 18.2: A White Lie

Isabella: I mentioned the Quran because you may know that in this matter the Quran and the Bible are one. Now listen! It is written in the Book of Matthew 10 : 5: “These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into the city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Look, it has been proved from your Bibles also that Jesus Christ did not come as a prophet for us but only for the Israelites and it is better for you to obey your Lord. To convert us to Christianity is to act against the injunction of your Lord and to rebel against him.Christian woman: What do you knowabout the Bible? Ask from me the meaning of these verses. Is it not written in the Bible that the Bible may be proclaimed everywhere?Isabella: Not at all !Christian woman : Do not speak a white lie, Isabella. At least before this assembly you should refrain from lies. See, it is written in Mark 16:15= 16: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth shall be saved.” Look, how clear is the injunction to make all the world Christian.Isabella: These are verses 15 and 16 of chapter 16. Probably you do not know that the real Bible ended at verse 8 only and the remaining twelve verses are later additions. So you cannot put forth in argument thismanipulated gospel.Christian woman: How do you know that these verses are later additions?Isabella: From the researches of Christians themselves, for by comparison with older copies it was found that twelve verses of the last chapter were not in the earlier copies. [In the Urdu edition of the Bible this manipulation is indicated in the margin.]Christian woman: As we do not have original copies of the Bible I cannot say anything in reply. Let me consult the original copies. But just what teaching of the Quran is not in the Bible? Then why did you accept Islam?Isabella: On this subject I had had detailed discussion with the priests. So you just enquire from them and then ask this question.Christian woman: How do I know what reply you gave to the priests. But just tell me what superiority you found in Islam. Tell me any superiority of Islam.Isabella: Do you think I accepted Islam with eyes closed? At least there is something which made me disgusted with Christianity and made me a lover of Islam.Christian woman: Why do you not mention the superiority of Islam? In fact, there is no superiority in it. Look here, Isabella! There is no one in Spain equal to me in learning and you have not the least inkling of things that I know Anyway, I am asking you just one question which will make clear the truth and untruth like the bright day. Just tell me which of the qualities of justice is superior to the law of grace or the law of graceis superior to the creed of justice.Isabella: Both are superior in their proper places and defective when outof place.Christian woman: Did you understand what I said ? Look ! the law of Taurat is justice as in this punishment is specified for every transgression, but the Bible is the lawof grace in which only Lord Jesus Christ has been specified as atonement for sins. Now, say if you reject the law of grace.Isabella: I have already said that both are correct in their proper places. If any transgressor is forgiven with a view that he will reform himself, then forgiveness and grace will be followed, but if it is feared that the transgressor will be emboldened in transgression and even then he is forgiven, then this forgiveness will be criminal and injustice to the transgressor.Christian woman: Now just say whether the Quran is the law of justice or of grace.Isabella: According to your view, Taurat is the law of justice and not of grace, while the Bible is the law of grace and not of justice. So both of them are defective in their places, while the Quran covers both justice and grace and has taught correct ways of the use of both. For instance, the Quran says that “the return of evil is evil.” This is the law of justice. It further says that “if anyone forgives and there is better in it, then he will berewarded” (xlii. 40). This is the law ofgrace.At another place it says: “If you have been wronged, then retaliate according to the wrong done.” This is justice and : Walan sabartum fa huwa khairul Sabirin [If you be patient, then that is also good for those who are patient]. This is grace. At a third place it says: Wa in kana dhu ‘usratin fa naziratun ila maisaratin [If the debtor is in strained circumstances then give him time till it is easy for him to repay(ii. 280)]. This is justice. But Wa in tasaddaqu khairul lakum [If you forgo it, this is better for you (ii. 280)].This is grace. Thus the Quran comprehends both justice and grace.Christian woman: The Quran orders retaliation but the Bible prohibits retaliation and orders forgiveness. Thus the superiority of the Bible has been proved.

Ch 18.1: A White Lie

The light of guidance of Islam is the greatest boon of Allah which He confers from His unknown treasure on whomsoever He likes. Isabella is the daughter of a great Christian priest, was a strict Christian herself and a scholar of Christian theology, but now she is a Muslim saint, a traditionist, a devotee and a perfectly disciplined Muslim lady. Eminent Muslim divines and jurists are proudof being her disciples and she is famed all over Spain for her learning and piety. She could solve at a moment’s notice the most complicated problems of Muslim law.She had been a Muslim for ten years and in this period the attacks of Christians had subsided. Hundreds of Christian men and women got right guidance of Islam through her and by Allah’s grace she won laurels in many learned discussions.Just at that time the news spread thata Christian woman of Toledo was highly learned in the Quran and the Traditions and earlier revealed books and she had such convincing arguments on the truth of Christianity that even the greatest divine could not refute. Besides, the fame of her miracles gave her a position among Christians which even the Pope did not enjoy. Christian men and women from far-off places came to touch her apparel to acquire blessings and it was said that she cured the most dangerous diseases just by her look. This woman knew that Isabella had accepted Islam ten years ago; she publicly proclaimed that if Isabella came to her she would reconvert her to Christianity by her miracles and force of her arguments, but said that Isabella would never come to her as during the last ten years she must have known the “fraud” which made her to give up Christian religion. Thisproclamation again created a stir all over Spain and Christians started mischief-making. At last one day in her study circle a learned man addressed her.The learned man : Have you heard of a new proclamation ?Isabella: What is it ?The learned man: A Christian womanhas challenged you to debate and has proclaimed that in the first place you will not come to her, and if you came she will not leave you without reconverting you to Christianity both by her miracles and arguments.Isabella: La haula wala quvvata ilia billah [All power and authority is with Allah]! A Christian woman and her assumption that she can convert a true Muslim to Christianity by her arguments! In fact, I have lost interestin such things. It seems that this Christian woman is greedy of fame.The learned man : She has her fame since long, but now she aspires to confront you. There is a talk of it all over the city and Christians.. .. Isabella, this is what I have heard that she is very learned and scholarlyand Christians even claim that no Muslim divine can beat her in the knowledge of the Quran and the Traditions.Isabella: Very good. If she is fond of confrontation, let her come here with her associates and ask any question she wants.On the sixth day after this Isabella received a letter from this woman which said: “Will you have a talk withme on Islam and Christianity? If you allow me to come to you I will gladly try to resolve your doubts.” Isabella wrote in reply: “Not for idle talk or wasting of time but for search of truth, you are welcome to my house at any time.” Immediately on getting Isabella’s reply the Christian woman made it known publicly and next day with about a hundred Christian women she came to Isabella’s house which was in fact a centre of Quranic studies. Isabella cordially welcomed all guests and the talk was initiated by the Christian woman.Christian woman: It is said that you gave up Lord Jesus and all the saints and accepted a spurious religion likeIslam. It is better that after having this experience you come back to Christianity.Isabella: Even if anyone burns me alive I cannot give up Islam, nor can Iaccept multi-divinity and shameful creed of Christianity, yet I have a rightto ask why you have come here to invite me to Christianity. It is nowhere written in your Bible to invite other communities to Christianity; on the other hand, it is written there that Jesus Christ was the Prophet of Israelites (Jews) only and he was sent to preach to them alone.Christian woman: But is it written in the Bible that the doors of Christian religion be closed to humanity? Is this your research that made you renounce Christianity?Isabella: Yes, it is written in the Bible and is also proved by the Quran which says: Wa Rasulan ila Bani Isra’il, that (Jesus Christ) was sent as an apostle to the Israelites (Jews), and at another place: Waj’alnahu mithlan Bani Isra’il [And We have made Jesus Christ a model for the Israelites (not for the whole world)].Christian woman: We do not believe in the Quran; why do you put it to me?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Losing Weight by Reviving the Adrenal Cortex

Losing weight is one of the most popular searches on Google. There are many modern outlooks on how to lose weight effectively without any side effects. The major reason for gaining weight in today's world is the trash we feed ourselves. The intake of junk food disrupts our natural cycles including the adrenal rhythm. A disrupted adrenal rhythm is responsible for weight gain and many other maladies.What is Adrenal Rhythm?Adrenal glands are small glands which are situated above the kidneys and they are responsible for producing hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine. These are the hormones responsible for gearing up us against any perceived threat. The outer cortex present in the adrenal glands, produce cortisol which is a hormone responsible for maintaining equilibrium especially during chronic stress. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for maintaining weight.A normal adrenal rhythm is characterized by a rise in cortisol early in the morning, which reduces during the afternoon and goes low during the night. Sleepiness is caused due to the reduction of cortisol which in turn helpsthe pineal gland to release melatonin. Cortisol affects weight variations as it helps in regulation of blood sugar. If cortisol levels are not well maintained then depression and weight gain are seen. Moreover it may lead to irregular sleep and stress.The blood sugar levels are directly proportional to the amount of carbohydrates in our food. If there is increase in carbs then the blood sugar rises. Similarly when a meal is skipped the blood sugar drops suddenly leading to the release of extra cortisol which further results in stress and irritation. Hence, it is essential to maintain a regular supply of carbohydrates on which the body is used to. Moreover, the timing for consumption of carbs should also be modulated in order to promote effective weight loss.Basically the diet comprises of two major divisions, one the foods we need to avoid and the other the foods we need to incorporate in our diet. A correct method of eating the same is also essential. Eating correct meals is just not enough as the correct timings for the same also count. The entire topicabout food is too complicated but if onefollows basic rules then it will lead to a complete picture.Adrenal rhythm affects many functions of our body and hence a control on this will lead to the overall wellbeing of our body. Moreover it will also help in somebasic function of the body such as:Adrenal Fatigue:Adrenal fatigue is the belief that the general fatigue experienced by people is due to the poorfunctionality of the adrenal glands. This occurs in people who are stressed or mentally disturbed. The adrenal glands can be revived by the addition ofseveral nutritional foods at the correct time.Balance Hormone:A complete balance of the hormones leads to a better life. This can be achieved by a healthy lifestyle and a complete diet.Relieve Adrenal Stress and anxiety:Adrenal stress occurs due to an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Stress is also related to poor nourishment to the brain. Hence, this again can be brought under control by a proper diet. Similarly one can break free from insomnia.Lose Radical Weight Naturally:Weight control can be achieved in a simple manner by retrieving the adrenal rhythms which lead to a better life on the whole. This can be done by consuming food on regular intervals based on the adrenal rhythms.Article Source:

The Key Elements to Success As an Affiliate Marketer

A Successful Affiliate Marketer's primary advantage is the fact that they never give up and a passion for what they do drive them. A determined eagerness to learn, and patience to achieve their goals is what resulted in their outstanding success. Their fascination with the entire logic behind the method of making money online drives them. Yes, good things come to those who wait but Great Things come to those who go out and get it. They only promote what they have personally purchased and tested, to enhance their product knowledge.Successful Affiliate Marketers are constantly testing different products, systems, methods and tactics in order to learn new things to share with their audiences. They sacrifice the needed time to complete crucial tasks and carefully track their analytic results. They constantly change and adapt their content to target a current high converting trend and/or keywords and keyword phrases. The majority of Successful Marketers absolutely love what they do, and it's not a job to them but rather a stimulating activity.The engagement of a targeted audience is a favourite, where they write their own eBooks and articles to share with their audience. Content creation is one of the skills every one of them had to master, any they will confirm that true success can take a really long time. Actually generating sales on the internet as an affiliate marketer has no specific time or final destination. Success is theability to have combination of methods and tactics all resulting in a single primary purpose. They don't just comment and post on any website, they target Page ranks 1-3 which is why they get the floods of visitors.Proper targeting is what separates a visitor from abuyer, where relative and useful content remain the secret sauce. Successful Affiliate Marketers know just how and when to share what kind of content, because they know their audiences. Success come form blogs where they share great content, the kind that inspires and teaches with links to their own professional websites. You will seldom find them sharing raw affiliate links on posts and emails, because they prefer visitors to their own sites.They absolutely prefer to offer advice, rather than a sales pitch and their content is always focused on that. Sharing and inspiring, offering solutions to obvious problems established by research within their niche.Being a Successful Affiliate Marketer will depend on your Attitude and not your Aptitude, where a willingness to learn will serve you well. More information on this is available on the Websites and Blog.Wishing You Prosperity,http://www.bestviralmarketing.comhttps://bloggingaffiliatemarketingwriter.wordpress.comArticle Source:

Top Hosting Companies in Asia

There are more than 4 billion people living in Asia, with a large amount of Outsourcing, Tech, and IT based companies. There are also some hosting providers to host their company websites. Along with using hosting providers from the west, people are now trusting the hosting providers from the east as well. Some of the companies have servers in the west but have data centers in Asia. It helps them to provide better support to the local companies. So, we are going to discuss on some leading hosting companies in Asia.Leading Hosting Service Providers in AsiaHosting a website in a fast and reliable server is very important to give proper service to the customers and visitors. With the impact of loadingtime in SEO, choosing a perfect hosting is a must for a company.HostSGHostSG is a Singapore-based hosting company, providing consistent hosting service with its six tier one networks around Asia. The company covered a global reach of more than two lac users with Deutsche Telekom, Hurricane Electric, PCCW, NTT Communication, Singtel, and Starhub networks. The company was founded in 1997 and started their shared hosting services in 2006. HostSG has different hosting packages, which suitable for different users and companies.The 5 GB storage with unlimited bandwidth is the starter package for their "Budget Shared Hosting" Plans. This package will cost $6 per month. The premium package will provide 15 GB storage for$18/month. They also offer Cloud Shared Hosting, Business VPS Hosting, Cloud Business VPS Hosting and many more plans for their big customers.Eleven2Eleven2 has headquarters in Singapore along with Dallas and London. The company has various plans for different kinds of businesses. This company provides proper support to their customer websites with faster bandwidth. Eleven2 ensures some attractive budget plans for the smallbusinesses. They also offer some attractive premium packages. In their shared hosting plans, the "S-100" package with 10 GB storage will cost$4.95/month. They also provide fully manageable VPS plans for different customers. Starting from the 120 GB storage plans for $49 per month, the 360 GB storage plan will cost $149 per month.SignetiqueThe company was founded in 1996 in Singapore. It has become very popular among Tech Communities for their reliable hosting services. Their customer care is renowned for user-friendly supports. The company has a presence in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia and many cities around the world. Signetique provides a wide range of packages for hosting services for their different kind of customers. The shared hosting plans started with 1 GB storage is for$8/month. However, the plan offers enterprise packages of 150 GB Storage for $99.95 per month,with some decent 80 GB, 50 Gb, 30 GB packages.They provide Linux, and Windows-based VPS hosting plans. Their package starts from 20 GB storage for $49.95/month. Their professional package provides 60 GB storage in for $ 89.95/month.WebAsroyWebAsroy is providing different hosting packages.There are some low-budget packages for small companies. WebAsroy also offers some big plans for the large businesses and companies. The hosting provider is a sister concern of XerOne IT, a web programming company of Bangladesh. If youare looking for a cheap andreliable hosting servicein Bangladesh, the company is a good choice.Their services start from $2.42 (190 BDT) for a month with 10 GB space and 100 GB Bandwidth to$8.80 unlimited packages for unlimited domains. Comparing the services with the costing,WebAsroyis decent choice for the small companies.Article Source:

Start Your Day Off Right

I am always being asked what to do next, what will help us make a difference in our lives as adoptive or foster parents? My answer always starts with... Intentionally Build a SafetyNet for your child. There are multiple ways in which we do that and I think one of the most foundational ways is when we meet them right where THEY are at.Our children come to us with so much life and loss behind them. Among other things, they've missed developmental milestones and trauma's impacts have taken hold. They have had to adapt and survive. There is so much behind the cover of the book that is their life story.As I continue to answer my question, I urge you and those that have asked it before to realize that itseems like we know this story, like we have read this book before and that it seems like we know theending. Here's the BIG part - it might look the same, but it is imperative that you remember to never judge the pages of the book by it's cover. It is HUGELY important that we check our expectations and read the book with an open mind and heart... even memorizing each page.Meeting your child right where he/she is at increases your child's successes in life and ultimately in relationships. Start by understanding that his chronological age and emotional age are NOT the same. He may look 13, but that does not mean he is prepared to emotionally handle all that entails (remember... book - cover). Do you see your child sabotage goodness in his life? How about problems makingfriends, or doing chores or taking care of toys/things? What if emotionally that 13 year old really can only deal with life at about his 6 year old self? What if your seven year old child is emotionally only able to manage at 3? What if your 3 year old is still trying to master the milestones of infancy?Remember my friends, your child's story entails being a survivor. Survivors can look okay on the outside, but they are "getting by" for the moment. Itis what it is costing them, on the inside, each time they have to survive that gets in the way of healing.That gets in the way of his ability to do positive, loving and trusting relationships.Many misinterpret survival behavior as defiance. Many misinterpret their child's emotional inabilityto manage a moment, finish a job, do a chore, relate to a person, be careful with an item, interpreta nuance, etc., as defiance, manipulation or, even worse, a lack of conscience or respect.I once had a client who was so frustrated with her twelve year old daughter. She really felt like when her child didn't get her chore done the right way, ina timely fashion without being reminded, she was being disrespectful and showed she didn't really love her. (Been there done that - I get it!) Now, my response usually goes something like... "Would you ask a 3 year old to complete that job the right way every time, in a timely fashion without you asking? Seems ludicrous when you put it like that - doesn't it? Her daughter was SO emotionally 3! She handled most emotional situations from a 3 year old perspective - especially within her relationship with her Mom.Meet your child at his emotional age as well as hischronological age... and most of the time in that order!I want to challenge you to start today and every day by remembering to read every word on every page. Don't assume or paraphrase. Don't look for the ending to be like someone else's ending. When we look with clarity at our child's pages, we can meet them where they are at, which allows us to build them the Safety Net they've lost. From that netcomes trust, self-worth, regulation, and a belief that I am worthy of goodness... from the net comeshealing!Stacy Manning strategy that will show how to connect with your child at the right level. That's where success happens for you, your child, & your relationship. Get your seat for this POWERFUL class.Article Source:

Ch 17.4: Duty of Islamic Government

Mirano: Never. All the three are false and if anyone is correct it cannot be specified.Umar Lahmi: You have seen contradictions in two different Bibles and contradictions in the same Bible.Now see the wonder of contradiction in one and the same verse. In Luke, chapter 21, verse 16, Jesus says to his disciples that men will kill them and drive them out of their homes butthey will not be able to injure them in the least. It means that enemies will kill the disciples but would not cause any injury, as if killing is not contradictory of not causing any injury. One may wonder whether the compilers of Bibles had any sense. Inone and the same verse there is such a ridiculous contradiction.Isabella: After all, how do the unluckyChristians explain this?Umar Lahmi: What explanation can they give ? They evade the question by irrelevant talk and attribute the error to the copyist. This does not lessen the importance of the matter. Even if this answer is taken for granted the question remains as to what the real passage was and which are the errors of the copyist? For instance, the age of a person is said to be twenty-two years and forty-two years at one and the same time; which of them is the copyist’s error and what is the correct figure ? No Christian can say now that the real passage was this but the copyist made it thus. And when the copyist’s error cannot be located, then the explanation and the reply are nonsense. So it proves that even according to Christians these books are suspicious. When at one place the copyist’s error has been admitted, there could be no belief or faith in the whole book.Isabella: Is it not possible to correct these errors of the copyist’s by a comparison with the original?Umar Lahmi: Had the original books been available, why should have there been all this trouble? Original books do not exist; only the translations from translations and copies from copies are relied upon. And what is more strange is that it has not yet been ascertained about these Bibles as to when they were written or who were their authors. Some say that the original Bibles were written in the Greek language which was current in Palestine at that time. Some say they were writtenboth in the Greek and the Hebrew languages. But in whatever languages they were written they should have been available, but they are not found anywhere ; the translations from translations cannot be trusted. Then there is also the difference of opinion about the period during which they were written, nor is anything known about their authors. Some say that the Disciple Jonah wrote his own Bible and some say it was written by another person whose name was also Jonah. What is worse is that there is no internal evidence in the books about their authors; in the Bible of Matthew his name is mentioned in absentia.Mirano: Christians say that whichever books have been certified by the Church they alone are Books ofGod and revealed ones.Umar Lahmi: So for the book to be taken as revealed we have to depend on the Church and the books themselves are deaf and dumb.Isabella: Christians assert that the decision of the Church is free from errors and so their decision is also revealed.Umar Lahmi: If the decisions of the Church are free from error, why then are there differences in the decisions of different Churches. In the Council of Nice held in Constantinople some of the Books were treated as revealed; these were excluded from the revealed books by the Councils of Trent and Philadelphia, while some books which were excluded from the list of revealed books were again included in the revealed books by the Council of Trent. As if the revealed books are noses of wax which may be turned to any side.After this meeting the participants dispersed. Arrangements were made for the training of Isabella and her friends and they all devoted themselves in acquiring religious knowledge. Four years later all the girls began to speak Arabic fluently and gained direct knowledge about Islam. Isabella after some time became the refuge of women of Cordova after acquiring religious knowledge. She became a model of Islamic injunctions and she was taken as a Muhaddithah (Traditionist) in Cordova as she became an expert in the knowledge of Traditions and the related matters and she continued to advance in piety, prayerfulness and attachment to Allah, and many women were benefited by her vast learning.

Ch 17.3: Duty of Islamic Government

Mirano: Fie, fie! so many contradictions in these books! God forbid! How can they be accepted in Islam? The fact is that so thick curtains are drawn against the wisdom, conscience and love of unbelief that they do not see while they have eyes and do not hear while they have ears. May Allah give them guidance!Umar Lahmi: So much about contradictions of Taurat and Old Testament which can admit no compromise. Now let us have a look at the Bibles. It appears after careful consideration that the condition of all the existing four Bibles is worse still. In the first place the Bibles were composed and written in different languages. The Bibles which were in olden times regarded as divine revelation are today regarded as apocryphal (of doubtful origin) and, instead of these, other Bibles came into use. As if Bibles were just school text-books which could be changed at will according to prevailing conditions and a new series of text-books introduced. Besides, different Bibles were used at the same time, such as the Bibles of the Eastern Church are different from the Bibles of the Western Church. Councils were held at various times in which different Bibles were chosenas if God’s revelation and word is dependent on the judgment of the Church.Mirano: Yes, I also once heard from my father. (Michael) that in one of theCouncils some of the revealed books were excluded from the list of revealed books.Umar Lahmi: Now let us test the Bibles on the Quran and its principles and standard so that the unstability and unreliability of Biblesmay be established. It is written in the Book of Matthew 27 : 3-8 that a disciple of Christ (Judas) taking a bribe of thirty pieces of silver surrendered Jesus Christ to the government and when (God forbid!) Jesus Christ was killed on the cross, Judas was very repentant and went to the chief of fortune-tellers and left after throwing the thirty silver pieces before them and committed suicide on reaching home. But in the Bible of Acts it is written that Judas purchased a field with the bribe money and, while he was going to this field, stumbled and his entrails came out. In the first Bible it was saidthat Judas returned the thirty pieces to the chief of fortune-tellers and committed suicide on returning home, while the Bible of Acts says that Judas purchased a field with the bribe money and while going to it he stumbled there and his entrails cameout.These are two different statements of the different Bibles both of which are accepted as revealed by Christians, and the Holy Ghost got them written according to revelation. That is whenthe Holy Ghost went to the author of the Book of Matthew he dictated one thing, and something quite different when he went to the author of Acts. Now either you should take the Holy Ghost as a liar and cheat or refuse to take the books as revealed. It is, however, preferable that, instead of accusing the Holy Ghost, you should declare all these Bibles as forged andfalse, otherwise neither God nor the Holy Ghost can be exonerated from evils.Mirano: Obviously it is the existing Bibles which are forged and false and the enemies of Christ have forged them to serve their ends.Umar Lahmi: This was the contradiction of two different Bibles, but let us see the contradiction in oneand the same Bible. The story of the conversion to Christianity of Saint Paul, who, inventing the creed of Trinity, made all Christians guilty of assigning partners to God, is mentioned in three places in the Bookof Acts and all the three are different. How strange that (God forbid!) the Holy Ghost lies at three places in the same book about the same incident. In chapter 9 verse 3 of the Book of Acts it is written that Saint Paul was going somewhere with his companions when he saw a light in the heaven and heard a voice on which he fell on the ground, but the companions remained standing. Thecompanions heard the voice but did not see anything, while in chapter 22,verse 4 of the same book it is written that the companions saw the light but did not hear the voice and in the same Bible, chapter 26, verse 13, it is written that Saint Paul and all his companions fell on the ground. Now just fancy in one Bible three lies have been told about the same incident at three places. Can all these three be correct?

Ch 17.2: Duty of Islamic Government

Mirano: Christians say that these are the very Taurat and Bible which the Quran confirms.Umar Lahmi: Well, now I will ask the Quran itself whether it confirms the existing Taurat and Bible or considers them false. The Quran says that Allah is one Who created the earth and the sky .. . and was not fatigued in creating them. But Taurat says that God created everything in six days and on the seventh day he rested.! Rest is taken by one who is fatigued So by Taurat it is proved that God fatigued, but the Quran saysAllah is never fatigued. Now say whether the Quran confirmed or rejected the previous books. The Taurat says that the Prophet Solomon worshipped idols, but the Quran says Solomon never committed unbelief. Now is it confirmation or rejection of Taurat ?Now take the Bible. In all the four Bibles it is said that Jesus Christ died crying on the cross, that he was actually crucified, but the Quran saysthat the Jews neither killed nor crucified Christ. Then the Bible says that Jesus Christ claimed to be God, but the Quran says that those who call Jesus son of Mary God are rejectors. Now let any Christian priest say with justice whether the Quran confirmed or rejected the Bible.Mirano: No doubt, it is proved from the Quran that It does not confirm theexisting Taurat and Bible but rejects them.Umar Lahmi: It is now clear that the Quran does not at all confirm the existing Taurat and Bible but rejects them strongly and has called their statements and facts and beliefs as assigning partners to God and apostasy. Now I am giving a general principle from the Quran by which every book can be tested, as if the Holy Quran had given us a touchstone by which we can judge every book. The Quran says that if theQuran were not from Allah you would have found in it many contradictions. This verse of the HolyQuran asserts that except the Book of Allah no other book is free from contradictions, because man is not immune from errors and lapses and howsoever care a man takes in writing a book there must be some contradictions in it and a book whichhas contradictions cannot be from Allah, otherwise Allah will be taken tobe committing lapses and lies. Can anyone dispute this principle?Mirano: The principle is quite just and natural. Surely any book containing contradictions cannot be from perfect God. But are there contradictions in Taurat and Bible?Umar Lahmi: Many, so many that the reader’s mind is puzzled. Now I test Christian books by this principle so that you may also see reality. Now, sister Mirano, tell me what is your age.Mirano : Between twenty-one and twenty-two, say twenty-two.Umar Lahmi: Very good. Now if you say that your age is twenty-two and an hour later that it is forty-two. Will both the statements be correct?Mirano: How can both be correct? My statement that my age is forty-two will be quite wrong, twenty-two will be correct.Umar Lahmi: Now, see it is written in 2 Chronicles 21:20. that Ahaziah’s age was thirty-two when she was enthroned, but in 2 Kings 8 :26 it is written that at the time that Ahaziah began to rule her age was twenty-two. Can both these statements be correct?Mirano : Never, one of them will be correct and the other wrong.Umar Lahmi: Now the question which of the statements is correct can never be solved and so both the books of the Bible have become doubtful and the seal of falsehood is affixed to both. Now see further. It is written in 2 Samuel 24:9 that there were eight lakhs of Israelites and five lakhs of Jews who took up swords, but in 1 Chronicles 5: 1’8 it is written that Israelites were eleven lakhs and Jews 440700. Now say if both the figures are correct.Mirano : Never, one of them is incorrect.Umar Lahmi: And can the book which gives such incorrect figures befrom God?Mirano: Never, God forbid ! God protect, fie, fie ! God’s honour is damaged by this and so it is better not to attribute them to God.Umar Lahmi: Now, see further. It is written in 2 Kings 24 : 8 that at the time of coronation Jehoiachin was only of eighteen years. As if coronation was a miracle that his age was at the same time eight and eighteen. In the presence of these contradictions, can anyone call Taurat and the Psalms revelations from God ? Can (Allah forbid!) such inaccuracy be attributed to God ?Mirano : Subhan Allah (Glory to God)! These are such patent arguments of unreliability of Christian Books which cannot be explained away. Even a child can understand it as two and two are four.Umar Lahmi: In 2 Samuel 23 : 8 it is written about an incident that Adino the Eznite killed eight hundred enemies and against this in 1 Chronicles 11:11 it is written about the same incident that he killed only three hundred, and, strangely, both are about the same incident. In 2 Samuel 24:13 it is said : “Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thyland?” but in 1 Chronicles it is said that the famine would be sent for three years. Probably in those days, there was no difference between the figures three and seven, as Christiansdid not discriminate between one and three Gods!Those present: Surely, it looks like this.Mirano: It is strange that Christians did not notice such errors.Umar Lahmi: They could notice theseerrors if they had made enquiries and had resolved to reject inaccuratestatements and confirm what is correct. But they hold on to these errors as one would adhere to the truth. And see in 1 Kings 4:46 where it is written that there were forty thousand stables for horses and carriages of Prophet Solomon and twelve thousand horsemen, but against this in 2 Chronicles 9 :25 it is written that there were just four thousand stables for horses and carriages of Prophet Solomon. Is there no difference between four thousand and forty thousand ? One book says forty thousand and the other book deducts thirty-six thousand from it and is contented with just four thousand, and what is strange is that both the books are regarded as revealed and from God. Did the Quran say it wrongly that there can be no contradictions in a book of God?Isabella: Subhan Allah (Glory to God)! How great is the Quran! If this book had not come Christian books would have never been shown in their true colours.Umar Lahmi: Now just see another interesting reference. It is written in 2 Samuel 10:18 that Prophet David cut down men of seven hundred carriages and forty thousand horsemen. Just keep in mind the figures of seven hundred and forty thousand horsemen. But against thisit is written in I Chronicle 19:18 that Prophet David cut down seven thousand men mounted on carriagesand forty thousand footmen. Both thebooks are said to be revealed and from God and both are supposed to be from men’s manipulation and satan’s interloping, but one book says men on seven hundred carriages and the other book says seven thousand men on carriages and forty thousand footmen, not horsemen. These books are said to be revealed and it is to these books that Muslims are called. Are these thebooks which God revealed to Prophets?

Ch 17.1: Duty of Islamic Government

The Muslims had learnt the details ofthe secret meeting which was convened by Christians and that Isabella’s letter had cooled down all their ambitions. After four or five days in the company of Ziad b. Umar eminent exponents of Islam and divines assembled. Isabella and her friends were also present there when one of them said.A person: Respected sir! the Christians have been secretly trying to defraud Isabella and reconvert herto Christianity, but the Muslim government has not taken any actionin this respect so far. When Isabella has become a Muslim it is the duty of the Muslim government to release her from the clutches of Christians, but it did not do that. Even now Christians are’ doing mischief but the Muslim government is taking no action against them.Ziad b. Umar: All the efforts of the Christians have so far been secret, so how could the Muslim government take cognizance of it? Then there is another thing. It is true that when anyone becomes a Muslim it is the duty of the Muslim government to protect him from the oppression of the non-Muslims and stand by anyone openly declaring Islam. But we deliberately prevented the Muslimgovernment from taking such action for we thought the persecution suffered by Isabella and her friends will make them used to suffer troubles in the path of truth and their belief and faith will be put to the test. If we wanted we would have openly released Isabella from their clutches.The same man: But for the future, the Christians should have been warned to refrain from doing this in the case of anyone else.Ziad b. Umar: You need not worry. In future the government will be more active to support freedom of conscience. In this connection we have informed Christian priests about all the details of Isabella and her whereabouts and told them that we do not in the least want to concealIsabella as the government is responsible to take action against anyone trying to make her an apostate and that if they took any action in future against Isabella they will be liable to answer before the government.Umar Lahmi: Respected sir, Isabella’s friends request that they may be taught the tenets of Islam andconverted to Islam.Ziad b. Umar : Well, do it in the name of Allah and convert them.Umar Lahmi: Have Mirano, Mertha and Hanana any doubt about any tenet of Islam? Mirano for her own satisfaction wants to clarify some points. We do not want to stop her from further inquiry and not to answer her questions.Ziad b. Umar : Very well. Ask Mirano to put up questions and I depute you to answer her.Mirano: Respected sir, first let us be converted to Islam and then I will askone or two questions just because I wish I could give silencing answer to Christians. God forbid! I do not have the least doubt in my mind about Islam.Then the three girls were converted toIslam and all those present congratulated them and after accepting Islam they covered their faces while Mirano proceeded to ask her questions.Mirano: According to the Christians, Taurat is the law and Bible the perfection. Obviously after the law and perfection there is no need of anything else, so the Quran was also not needed. Since the Quran has confirmed Taurat and the Bible, the objection gains further strength.Umar Lahmi: If Christians attribute certain qualities to their books, how does it become necessary to believe that they are actually so? This claim must be proved by argument. But taking for granted that Taurat is the law and Bible the prefection, then the Quran is the preserver. As a preserverthe Quran covers both the law and the perfection. The word preserver the Quran itself has used. It says in Surah Maidah (v.), verse 48 : “(0 Prophet!) this Book (the Quran) has been revealed to you with the Truth which confirms previous books and is their preserver.” But the Bible, never uses the word perfection for itself. It is thus proved that the Quran covers both the law and the perfection.Mirano: The Taurat and the Bible have been mentioned in the Quran and it is necessary for every Muslim to accept them. Then why do not the Muslims believe in them?Umar Lahmi: Because Christians do not have the real Taurat and Bible with them.Mirano: If Taurat and Bible do not exist, why does the Quran confirm them ?Umar Lahmi: The Quran has confirmed the original Taurat and Bible and not these forged and manufactured ones.

Ch 16.3: A Secret Meeting

“All praise to Allah, the Fosterer of theworlds, Who created the earth and the sky and everything in the universewith His absolute power. Thousands of thousands of greetings to that holyand chaste Prophet who came to the world and took out the world from misguidance and darkness to the bright scene of spiritualism and guided us to the right path which was taken by all Prophets and whoseadoption leads us to the nearness of Allah and everlasting peace and security.“O, my respected father! be it known to you that I have accepted Islam which, according to my deep study, isthe only religion which is free from excesses and defects and is the giver of right guidance and salvation. I gave up the Christian religion because it is full of excesses and defects and a contradiction of teachings of all Prophets. Briefly, the following comparison will make the truth clear to you.“(1) According to Islam, Allah in His Person and Qualities is One without any partner. He is unique and is all goodness and perfection. The Quran says that Allah is one, neither he is the son of anyone, nor has He any son, neither is anyone equal to Him. He is living and will live for ever and is free from sleep, drowsiness or fatigue or any human want. To enumerate His good qualities you should study the Quran.“(2) On the other hand, Christian religion believes that God is not one but three, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and he is creator and everlasting like his father, although the Bible says that Jesus ate and drank, slept and woke and was dependent on water, air and everything that a human being requires and had in him all human wants. If God is also dependent on all things like man, then how can He be fit to be God and what difference remains between God and man? The Quran has clearly declared that those who call Christ God or Son of God assign partners to Allah and are unbelievers. Christians by making Christ son of God are traducing God. The Quran has taught that Christ, likeMoses, David, Solomon, Job, Hud, Noah and other Prophets, was an apostle and prophet and just a man and created and not creator. Now think yourself how clear and acceptable is this declaration of the Holy Quran and how the Christian creed is complicated and unacceptable.“(3) According to Islam, every man is born pure and free from sins and on attaining maturity, others lead him astray. Further, Allah has given man the capacity to obey the laws of Allah and avoid prohibited things. The Quran says that Adam did not commit any sin and all Prophets were innocent and free from sins, and so the question of inherited sin issatan’s invention. The Christian creed, on the other hand, says that every man is a sinner, born so much so that even Prophets committed sinsand Adam’s sin has made all men sinful. It is obvious that this belief is illogical, unnatural and contrary to the evidence of intuition that while Adam commits sin (which is also not proved) all humanity suffers punishment for it. So in this respect also the teaching of the Quran is just and right and its decision is logical, natural and according to the usage of Prophets.“(4) The emphasis which the Quran lays on conduct and on the sublimity and superiority of morals is not found in any other religion. Islam says that man will succeed by his own efforts and will be rewarded by his own good actions. It says that this was the teaching of all Prophets (see Surah Najm, Section 6).“No one can bear the burden of another, but every man will be responsible for his own actions. It is this chaste teaching which gives man the lesson of nobility and urges him to do good.“On the other hand, the Christian teaching is that Jesus Christ, taking the load of the sins of all sinners, wascrucified and he atoned for the sins of all. Sins were committed by thousands and millions of men but punishment was given to an innocent person, the only Son of God!This teaching, on the one hand, makes man worthless and insolent and, on the other hand, one loses confidence in oneself, and so his worth and value fall in his own eyes. Further, this creed is a great derogation of God’s Holi-ness.‘ “(5) When the Quran came to the world, it revealed all the truths, the truths which had been long forgotten; even their sources were polluted. Islam re established the nobility of all Prophets and refuted the false allegations made against them. It exposed man’s interpolation made in their revealed books and clarified the reality by this exposition. Islam refuted false and base-less charges against Prophet Jesus which some enemies and false friends had made against him, and it is in fact the beneficence of Islam thatit represented Prophet Jesus in his true colour and cleared him of the accusations of the Jews and the so-called Christians.“As against this Christians have accused the Prophets with falsehood,fornication and murder and presented the character of Christ alsoin such a mutilated form that if Islam on its advent had not clarified the truth” no one would have taken him even as a man of morals. This is an obligation of Islam which Christians can never repay. Christians not only manipulated their books but also compiled hundreds of Bibles in the name of Christ. Today the same compiled, fraudulent and false Biblesare put before us which do not have the remotest concern with Christ. TheQuran claims that all revealed books have been fully and completely preserved in it. So I invite you and all Christians to this Quran which maintains the honour of Christianity in the world and which presents to usall at a time the teachings of all Prophets.“(6) Islam specifies the rights of women, issues orders for the liberation of slaves, infuses the spirit of equality and brotherhood among mankind and establishes contact between man and God.“But in Christianity there is not even ahint at women’s rights. Only men have been told that they can divorce their wives on adultery but said nothing as to what the wife could do on husband’s going bad. There is not a word of liberation of slaves in Christianity.“(7) Islam fertilised human morals and provided a regular code of conduct for humanity. By following itman can utilise moderately his inner faculties. The Holy Quran says (see Part 2 5, Section 4): ‘The return of evilis evil, but who forgives for the sake of reforming them, its reward and credit is with God.’“But Christianity emphasises only one aspect if it that the offender may not be punished, but if anyone strikeson one cheek the other cheek should also be presented to him. How can anyone in the world follow this teaching and how can world order be maintained by it? If it were the intention to show mercy and kindness on every occasion, then why did He create the quality of anger in man and then why did He allow His part of human instinct to wither away.“These are a few points as an illustration on understanding. I have accepted Islam and so for you also if there is any straight path it is only one, that is you should accept Islam at the earliest and express penitence on such multiplication of Divinity in Christianity which are contrary to all qualities of God and an obstacle in the path of human progress. May God grant you the privilege of accepting the truth ! I am also praying for your right guidance and may God give it to you soon! Amen !