Isabella: So you should come forward with the criterion of the truth of your Lord so that on the same criterion the Prophethood of Muhammad may be proved.Christian woman: The greatest proof of the Prophethood of our Lord is thathe revived the dead, gave sight to the blind, cured the leper and saved people from the grip of Satan.Isabella: What is the proof that your Lord did all this? Where are those dead whom Jesus Christ revived? Where do those blind and lepers live whom your Lord gave sight and cured? As against this I present to you a miracle of our beloved Prophet which is as alive today as it was in his lifetime and will live for ever. Thisis the miracle of the Holy Quran which challenged the whole world, that, if it is the invention of the Prophet’s mind, to bring forth any such work: just ten verses, a few verses, only one verse like it, but so far no Christian, no Jew, no idol-worshipper, nor anyone else has taken up the challenge. This is the living miracle which will keep helpless the whole world till the Day of Judgment. As against this the miracles of other Prophets were transitory, timely and made to die out, of which there is no proof except hearsay.Christian woman: You have started irrelevant talk. Can such a book be a miracle which orders four marriages? Look here! our Lord had said that he was the path of truth andlife and without him no one could reach God, the Father.Isabella : The Quran never ordered four marriages. It has just given permission for it under certain conditions. But if multiple marriages are any crime what would you say about Prophet David and Solomon who, according to Old Testament, had hundreds of wives? As to your Lord saying that he was the path of truth and life, how can this be a refutation of the Quran? Every Prophet came to the world with the path of truth and life. Your Lord said that he was the path of truth and life, but the Quran says about our Prophet that not only he was on the right path but he also showed the path of truth to others : “Innaka la-tahdi ila siratin mustaqim” [Surely thou guidest to the right path (xliii. 52)}. The Quran says our Prophet was not only himself life but he came to give life to the world : “Ya ayyuhalladhina amanustajibu lillah wa lir Rasuli idha da’akum lima yuhyikum” [O ye who believe, when Allah and His Apostle call you then you should respond to the call so that he may give you life (viii. 24)].The proof of it is that the Holy Prophet converted the barbarians, cruel, oppressive, ignorant, thieves, murderers, adulterers and idolators into moral, Allah-worshippers and pious men and hundreds of thousands of Companions flocked to his standard. That is, he gave life to the Arabs in his very lifetime. As against this, your Lord made just twelve Disciples in his whole life and even to them he did not give full life, as Christ himself called some of themdishonest, some accursed and some thieves.Christian woman: You talk a lot, but so far you have not proved what miracle your Prophet performed.Isabella: My advice to you is that you give up logical talk but try to convince me by your miracle, as yourmiracles are widely known and people come to take your blessing from long distances. You are not apt in logical talk.Christian woman: You are not competent enough that miracles maybe performed before you.
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