Isabella: Very good. Now, tell me if the quality of bravery can be manifested except in battle and justice can be at its best without the establishment of a government. Never! Thus Allah had provided both these opportunities to our sacred Prophet. That is, he waged war against non-believers and also acquired the ruling power so that on the occasion of fighting, his quality of bravery is manifested and with the establishment of a government the quality of justice comes to the fore. Can you show both these qualifications in your Lord?Christian woman: You think fighting is also a great merit. Our Lord brought the message of peace and security and not of fighting.Isabella: But in our Prophet both these qualities were combined. On the one hand he was a mercy for the worlds and kind and forgiving and on the other hand a champion fighterin the cause of Allah, so that he may be an example and good model in allaspects of life.Christian woman: How perverse is your talk, Isabella? Can you comparefavourably a fighting man with a man of peace?Isabella: If fighting the enemies and suppressing their mischief is a great crime, then what do you say about Prophet Moses, whole life was spent in fighting against enemies and of which the Old Testament is witness? It is true that Jesus Christ was an apostle of peace and security and he never fought in his life. But our Prophet was an Apostle of Dignity as well as of Grace. If on the one hand he fought against enemies like Moses, on the other hand, like Christ, he gave the message of peace and security to the world. Thus he was the most perfect example of both Prophets Moses and Jesus.Christian woman: It seems that you have become very clever, but I will not leave you till I have defeated you completely. I want to talk to you frankly so that all the women present here may follow it as two and two make four. Just think after comparing the Quran and the Bible so that the truth becomes quite clear to you at once.Isabella: I will promptly answer whatever question you ask.Christian woman: Look here, unless the apostleship of your Prophet is proved all this talk is useless. First you prove the truth and prophethood of Prophet Muhammad and then the talk may proceed.Isabella: What is the test of Prophethood according to you?Christian woman: If you can prove two things about Prophet Muhammad, then Islam is true, otherwise false. Firstly, that some previous Prophet has foretold about him and, secondly, that he should have performed miracles. For every Prophet these two things are essential.Isabella: Was Adam a Prophet according to you?Christian woman: Why not ?Isabella: Did any previous Prophet foretell about him ?Christian woman: There was no Prophet before him, so how could anyone have foretold about him?Isabella: So your criterion is obviously wrong and mischievous that it is necessary for every Prophet that some previous Prophet should have foretold about him, otherwise Adam would be excluded from Prophethood. As to the performance of miracles, that is also not necessary for prophethood, as it is written in your own Bible, that false prophets will perform greater miracles than Jesus.Christian woman: You do not agree to anything. After all, will you prove the Prophethood of your Prophet or not?Isabella: This is the very question I am asking you. On what ground Christians believed in Prophets Moses, David, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Noah, Abraham? Just letme hear that argument and on the same ground, Inshallah (God willing), the Prophethood of the Last Apostle will be proved to your entire satisfaction and you shall have no reason to reject.Christian woman: We have accepted every Prophet by his acts.Isabella: What acts! Just give their details so that there remains no difficulty in establishing the basis of argument.Here the Christian woman became thoughtful keeping her head bowed for a long time, while the women present there felt that it was difficult for her to escape the strong grip of Isabella and that she would certainlybecome the cause of humility and degradation of the Christians. Then the Christian woman raised her headand spoke.Christian woman: We do not know about other Prophets, we are only concerned with our Lord Jesus Christand through him we believe in all Prophets.
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