The light of guidance of Islam is the greatest boon of Allah which He confers from His unknown treasure on whomsoever He likes. Isabella is the daughter of a great Christian priest, was a strict Christian herself and a scholar of Christian theology, but now she is a Muslim saint, a traditionist, a devotee and a perfectly disciplined Muslim lady. Eminent Muslim divines and jurists are proudof being her disciples and she is famed all over Spain for her learning and piety. She could solve at a moment’s notice the most complicated problems of Muslim law.She had been a Muslim for ten years and in this period the attacks of Christians had subsided. Hundreds of Christian men and women got right guidance of Islam through her and by Allah’s grace she won laurels in many learned discussions.Just at that time the news spread thata Christian woman of Toledo was highly learned in the Quran and the Traditions and earlier revealed books and she had such convincing arguments on the truth of Christianity that even the greatest divine could not refute. Besides, the fame of her miracles gave her a position among Christians which even the Pope did not enjoy. Christian men and women from far-off places came to touch her apparel to acquire blessings and it was said that she cured the most dangerous diseases just by her look. This woman knew that Isabella had accepted Islam ten years ago; she publicly proclaimed that if Isabella came to her she would reconvert her to Christianity by her miracles and force of her arguments, but said that Isabella would never come to her as during the last ten years she must have known the “fraud” which made her to give up Christian religion. Thisproclamation again created a stir all over Spain and Christians started mischief-making. At last one day in her study circle a learned man addressed her.The learned man : Have you heard of a new proclamation ?Isabella: What is it ?The learned man: A Christian womanhas challenged you to debate and has proclaimed that in the first place you will not come to her, and if you came she will not leave you without reconverting you to Christianity both by her miracles and arguments.Isabella: La haula wala quvvata ilia billah [All power and authority is with Allah]! A Christian woman and her assumption that she can convert a true Muslim to Christianity by her arguments! In fact, I have lost interestin such things. It seems that this Christian woman is greedy of fame.The learned man : She has her fame since long, but now she aspires to confront you. There is a talk of it all over the city and Christians.. .. Isabella, this is what I have heard that she is very learned and scholarlyand Christians even claim that no Muslim divine can beat her in the knowledge of the Quran and the Traditions.Isabella: Very good. If she is fond of confrontation, let her come here with her associates and ask any question she wants.On the sixth day after this Isabella received a letter from this woman which said: “Will you have a talk withme on Islam and Christianity? If you allow me to come to you I will gladly try to resolve your doubts.” Isabella wrote in reply: “Not for idle talk or wasting of time but for search of truth, you are welcome to my house at any time.” Immediately on getting Isabella’s reply the Christian woman made it known publicly and next day with about a hundred Christian women she came to Isabella’s house which was in fact a centre of Quranic studies. Isabella cordially welcomed all guests and the talk was initiated by the Christian woman.Christian woman: It is said that you gave up Lord Jesus and all the saints and accepted a spurious religion likeIslam. It is better that after having this experience you come back to Christianity.Isabella: Even if anyone burns me alive I cannot give up Islam, nor can Iaccept multi-divinity and shameful creed of Christianity, yet I have a rightto ask why you have come here to invite me to Christianity. It is nowhere written in your Bible to invite other communities to Christianity; on the other hand, it is written there that Jesus Christ was the Prophet of Israelites (Jews) only and he was sent to preach to them alone.Christian woman: But is it written in the Bible that the doors of Christian religion be closed to humanity? Is this your research that made you renounce Christianity?Isabella: Yes, it is written in the Bible and is also proved by the Quran which says: Wa Rasulan ila Bani Isra’il, that (Jesus Christ) was sent as an apostle to the Israelites (Jews), and at another place: Waj’alnahu mithlan Bani Isra’il [And We have made Jesus Christ a model for the Israelites (not for the whole world)].Christian woman: We do not believe in the Quran; why do you put it to me?
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