Friday, September 30, 2016

How To Choose Happiness No Matter What

Have you ever dwelled on unresolved conflicts for months, if not years, where all you can think about are the negative side of things?Are you the kind of person who always sees a glass half empty instead of a glass half full?Do you have a tendency to be overprotective, over-cautious, overstressed by little minutiae because you somehow find a way to interpret themas bad dangerous things?If you are naturally inclined to be pessimistic about life, the chances are that you aren't happy most of the time. As sarcastic as it sounds, you are very good at finding reasons (or excuses)to be upset about everything that happens to you and this is negatively affecting your entire well-being.Luckily, things don't have to be this way. You have a choice. You have latent personal power to change that.While some people are hardwired to find the negatives in almost everything, others are the exact opposite who are able to find the goods in everything.If you tend to dwell on the negative, here's the big thing you can do now in order to change your perspective for the better.It's called choosing happiness.It sounds pretty simple although it's adifficult transformational process for some fellows.The first thing you need to do is to remember what happens to you isnot always within your control, but howyou react to it is.Once you realize this,you are immediately more powerful because you are nowchoosing how circumstances can affect you. You now understand that no one can make you sad, angry or depressed because your happiness does not depend on anyone or anything.Your happiness depends on you.This attitude can be a challenge for some, especially those who have years of ingrained habits, thinking patterns, and belief systems that shapedtheir worldview into anegativity-biased reality.However, the idea of reframing is topush out the negative thoughts and try to see things with a different perspective.For example, if your significant other recently left you, the negative reaction for most is to dwell on what you did wrong and to feel sorry for yourself. To reframe this thought, you must consider the other people you have in your life who still love you.It is okay to note the mistakes you may have made in the past relationships, but recognize that most of us made mistakes as well. And what's more important right now is to stop living in fear, stop arguing over unimportant issues, stop figuring who's right and who's wrong, but start loving opening and generously whileyou still can.Also, you must define what optimism means to you personally.Even the same words can sometime mean different things to different people.Generally, optimistic people tend to believe that everything happens for a reason, but no matter what happens, everything will work out how it is supposed to and we will be fine.While bad things are inevitably going to happen, it is important to learn from them and moveon rather than dwell on them, letting the past things sucking your energy, time andspirit away.If you're willing to stop and take some time to reframe situations in a new, fresh and positive way, you will be a conscious human being who can design a happier, more successful, more fulfilling life.If you REALLY do notknow the 5 Little Known Ways To Double Your Productivity yet, we need to fix that. Join hundreds of other guys already using it right now FREE in mystep-by-step training. Alternatively, check out my value-packedproductivity blog here.Article Source:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two Alternatives to Getting Cash for Coins

Exchange kiosks at big stores often provide cash for coins poured into themachine. While many people appreciate the opportunity to convert their piggy banks and mason jars of spare pocket change into paper bills, others see different kinds of value in metal currency.Metal ExchangeFrom the dime to the quarter, many denominations have ridges on the outside edge. The reason for this design feature is a common scheme for making money throughout history. Back in the Roman and Medieval eras, when the currency was stamped in a way that left uneven blobs of metal around the edges, enterprising criminals could shave off the outer surplus from the edges. The shavings from those pieces minted in gold and silver quickly amounted to a sizable profit.Modern American versions rarely contain anything as valuable as gold or silver, yet the copper in pennies has risen high enough to rival the value of the individual coins. Over the decades, as the worth of copper increased and supplies were cut short during wartime, many different materials were used to mint the tiny AbeLincolns. Bronze, brass, and steel have been usedto make pennies in various periods in the past. Since the 1980's, pennies have been made of 97.5 percent zinc, though it's still possible to find older pennies in circulation. When the copper market hit a high point in 2011, a 95 percent copper penny (like many of those from before zinc was used) was worth three times its face value.Assembling CollectionsA popular hobby among children and adults alike, coin collecting provides hours of entertainment and rewards attention to detail. Collectors acquirecardboard displays or booklets, which they use toarrange quarters from every state or collections along other themes. As an affordable alternative to collectible cards, children can be encouraged to collect pennies minted in all the different years. Special pennies were minted for the Lincoln bicentennial in 2009, and it can be interesting to note how the wheat cent was replaced by the Lincoln Memorial and later the Union Shield.People who travel internationally or have an interest in foreign cultures may also enjoy collecting money from other parts of the world. Seeing the figureheads, shields, and symbols chosen by other countries provides a window intodifferent cultures. After a period of time overseas,it may not be possible to get American cash for coins from other nations, at least not at a fair rateof exchange. The monetary leftovers from last-minute purchases tend to become souvenirs for that practical reason.Whether you appreciate the metal in a coin or its historical value, it's worthwhile to take a second look at the pocket change that many people take for granted. For those who are living on tight budgets, simply getting cash for coins at the bankmay be the best option. Many banks provide paper rolls so that you can organize stacks of quarters and dimes, etc. Even when that practical route is necessary, it's worth considering whetherany older coins may be of greater value to collectors.When considering cash for coins Medford, MA residents visit CollVest Coins. Learn more at Source:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Unfair valuation hurting exports of kinnow to Russia

Unfair valuation of Pakistani kinnow and potato by the Russian Customs' authorities is hurting exports of these two items. Exporters told Business recorder on Thursday that fair export Cost and Freight (C&F) value of Pakistani Kinnow is 75cents per kilogram whereas the Russian custom fixed much higher valuation than the fair value. Valuation by Russian Customs has been fixed at 90 cents per kg during December 2015 to January 2016 and $1.05 per kg from February onward, they informed.While, the valuation is higher for Pakistani kinnow, exporters have to sell at a cheaper price due to low cost of production in the market, which we consider as an "unfair trade practice" by the Russian customs' authorities. Besides higher valuation,the duty is 8.75% and VAT is 18 percent.The Russian customs authorities valuates Pakistani kinnow comparing it with kinnow of Spain and Morocco which are highly priced since it's seedless and gives impressive cosmetic look contrary to Pakistani kinnow, which is neither seedless nor gives a better cosmetic look and its selling pricein the Russian market is quite low. It worth quoting here that Moroccan and Spanish kinnow are available at $10 to $19 per 10 kg whereas Pakistani kinnow is sold at $6.5 to 7.5 per 10 kg. "The issue of unfair valuation of Pakistani kinnow and potato is of great significance since tremendous export potential of these two products to the Russian market cannotbe fully exploited and thus necessitates immediate action to get the issue resolved," said Waheed Ahmed, chairman All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters, Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA).In a letter sent to Federal Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar, he urged government to take immediate steps to resolve this critical issue as kinnow exports season was coming. This impending issue, if promptly resolved, will play a significant role in enhancement of export of kinnow and potato to Russia, he said.Chairman PFVA requested the finance minister for use of influence of office to get the issue resolved by an interaction with the concerned Ministry in Russia. He informed that during the last season of potato, the import duty imposed by the Russian government on Pakistani potato was 61 cents per kg while it was 48 cents per kg on import of Egyptian potato. The fair export C&F value of Pakistani potato was 36 cents per kg during the last season.Waheed said that the kinnow season is approaching fast and therefore the issue assumes prime importance. He said that the issue of valuation will be discussed in the next meeting ofInter-Governmental commission, scheduled to be held in Moscow this year and it's strongly recommend to have a representative of the PFVA in this meeting so that the issue could be highlighted with logical argument in a professional manner.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Chinese team visits PARC Headquarters

A Chinese delegation has visited Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) Headquarters Islamabad on Thursday and held meeting with Chairman PARC, Dr Nadeem Amjad, for Pak-China Collaboration in Seed Sector. On this occasion Chairman PARC acknowledged the support of China in various projects of PARC. He gave a detailed presentation about PARC, its mission and vision to achieve sustainable food security and poverty alleviation through knowledge and innovation.He briefed about PARC presence in the country, National Agricultural Research System of Pakistan, PARC disciplines of in-house research ie, Plant Sciences, Natural Resources, Animal Sciences, Agricultural Engineering and Social Sciences. He also highlighted the Pakistan Agricultural Scenario and PARC major achievements. In the meeting Pak-China experts have exchanged the information and discussed the areas of mutual interest to accelerate the development of seed sector in Pakistan.The Chinese delegation appreciated PARC's role of collaboration with international partners for the development of agriculture sector in Pakistan. They were of the view that this meeting would definitely prove fruitful to further strengthen existing collaboration between the both countries.The Chinese delegation was headed by Zhang Yanqiu, Director General, Bureau of Seed Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Peoples Republic of China. Other members included Liao Cuimeng, President, Yuan Longpin Hi-Tech Agriculture Co Ltd, China, Geng Yueming, General Manager, Hubei Provincial Seed Group Co Ltd, Ms Zhan Qin, Chairperson, Winall Hi-Tech Seed Co Ltd, China, and Liu Xianhui, General Manager, Beidahuang Kenfeng Seed Co Ltd, China.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

What Are You Missing?

When my husband and I were in Canadawe spent a great dealof time in the Blue Mountain Resort near Collingwood, Ontario. We went up to the cute little ski village but it wasn't a ski village in early September- it was an early fall shopping and dining and fun destination. I shopped for some adorable and inexpensive sweaters. We ate luscious meals. And we observe what they were doing with the ski hills and ski lift. They had turned the ski lifts into a 'ride experience' where you could get a look from on high at the area. There was also a number of BMX bikes that went up, followed by their riders in full gear, soon to be soaring down what is normally the ski runs. Therewas a zip lining area set up to make use of another part of the ski run, as well as sleds going down what were bobsled runs. It was so smart. Using the assets of the ski resort and making a living in the 'off' season. This made me think about what opportunities I and others may be missing when it comes to our businesses.Most of us get super focused on what we are doing when we are in our jobs or businesses. That is mostly a good thing that allows you and I to accomplish the tasks we set out to accomplish, make money, grow our businesses and succeed.However, sometimes having a telescopic view has you miss the hidden treasures lurking right there in your business or miss opportunities with partners and strategic alliances that could, if you saw them, and acted on them, be the opportunity of a lifetime. When you think about a ski resort, you think snow and sledding and in the off season, you don't think about it. However, someone saw this opportunity and did some out of the box thinking to create what they currently have.I started looking at my business and wondering where is the hidden treasure trove. As in all businesses, I have a few different 'tracks' as in workshops, speaking, business success individual coaching and group coaching. However, my commitment is to empower people, and more specifically, I have a profound commitment to empower women. Someone approached me with an idea in that realm, but notin the coaching realm. At first, I resisted the idea- saying to myself it will take me off track. After working with my coach and some trusted advisers, it was like I could see the ski resort become a summer destination too. It all came together and I could clearly see how this new venture totally fulfills what my business exists for. (More about that later)I would suggest taking a look at your business and getting interested if you are missing a treasure trove right in front of you. If that interests you, here is what I would suggest:· Take an inventory of your assets- ideas, clients, products.· Take yourself out of the equation and examine what you have from a new perspective- what can I do with this?· What new opportunities are here?· What new actions, products, affiliations or directions could you take that would align with what you are doing AND increase your bottom line?Often this is difficult to do because it is challenging to take your emotions out of it.I strongly suggest you employ a coach, mentor, other entrepreneurs or marketing professionals to help you discover the hidden gems right there in your business. Then, listen to them and expandwhat is really profitable in your business.Article Source:

Monday, September 26, 2016

Key Points Of Pakistan Army That May Some People Don’t Know

Pakistan Army Our Strength and Pride

No one can deny the fact of the electricity of Pakistan navy. Capacity of Pakistan navy is awesome. Our Pakistan military is ranked because the 11th strongest army within the world. The Pakistan got here into being up till now this Pakistan navy is playing a important function within the protection and safety of Pakistan.

Pakistan is the 4th effective powerful within the international. Most of the people suppose Pakistan is weaker but Pakistan has the one of the satisfactory military inside the global. Pakistan military is one of the main key points in the success of Pakistan today worldwide. Pakistan is the nuclear electricity that’s one among the most important benefits for our navy.
Pakistan army has a strong battle records. The foremost struggle that took place turned into in 1947 while a big quantity of Muslims fought for their separate homeland Pakistan.

If we have a look at the existing situations of Pakistan and the function played by using our sturdy army on this term we will locate that they may be locating day and night time for the safety of Pakistan. Pakistan is being attacked by way of numerous internal and external forces and is facing a painful situation. There are held blasts in public places, schools and universities. however the role performed via Pakistan military is some thing that have to be exceedingly liked. they’re preventing forcefully against the terrorist and terror unfold in Pakistan.

Pakistan military is gambling a critical function in rescue missions within the result of disasters taking region in Pakistan. whether they are herbal disasters or this is destruction performed by means of people. Our Pakistan navy is usually available in time immediately to rescue their adorable Pakistanis. whilst the earthquake hits Pakistan, our army changed into standing first to save the human beings, our army forces go away their relaxation to help and shop the people.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Empowerment of Women in the World

Empowerment means the act of giving somebody more power. Women's empowerment is very essential for our society. About fifty percent of the total population of the world is women. Women all over the world enjoy less power comparison to men. As they are 50% of theworld's population, they should be given power equal to men. Without their empowerment, no nation can prosper in the long run. Their participation is to be ensured in development work. It is a matter of great importance for them. Women development and the empowerment of women are the two inseparable factors that are to be guaranteed at all levels of state administration.One upon a time women had no power. They had no freedom of speech against exploitation. In the past they were chained within four walls. They were regarded as the instruments of sexual enjoyments. Theliberal thinkers in the 19th and 20th centuries raised their protesting voices against the harassment of women and advocated their rights equal to men.The UN is actively working for women development as well as for empowerment.World women's day was declared in 1975 and a women decade was observed between 1975 to 1985. The objective of women decade is women development, establishment of rights in the family, society and work fields.First world women conference was held in Mexico in 1975. The first and foremost factor for women development is education. Without education no nation can prosper. Education makes a man useful to the society, to the country and to the world. Education is necessary for awakening consciousness among women.Women are under the jaws of household maintenance, child birth and child rearing. They are working in the indoors and in the outdoors. But they hardly get the recognition of their rights. Women participate in the manual labour in the garment industries like their male counterpart. They work for 21 hours a day which is more than that of the males. Women can do any work like men. But theyhave less power comparison to men.There is a progressive action programme for the empowerment of women in the NGO sector. ADAB, a top level NGO has five women in the executive committee. Many voluntary organizations are working for creating consciousness, income generating sources and investment oriented schemes so that women can strive for self employment.There are a lot of hindrance to women empowerment and women development. Women are compelled to work at low wages in agriculture or other non-recognized sectors. Most of the women of Bangladesh are working in the garments factories at low wages. They are poor. Poverty has compelled them to work at low wages. Poverty is the hindrance of women development. Lack of education is also the hindrance of women empowerment.The role of women representation in local bodies and state politics is ensured to accelerate the process of the empowerment of women in Bangladesh. Women's empowerment has been accelerated all over the world. At present, women are playing a very important role in respect of national and international affair.There is no alternative to make women economically, socially and politically self-reliant. Discrimination between males and females will be resolved and the coming generation will come across a newgreener world.Article Source:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

World Bank team discuss agri sector development

A delegation of the World Bank's Agriculture and Rural Transformation Mission led by Country Director PatchamuthuIllangovan met Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, here Wednesday. Matters regarding development of agriculture sector and strengthening of markets for agriculture and rural transformation in Punjab were discussedin the meeting.Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that Pakistan is an agrarian country and agriculture sector is the backbone of its economy. He said that development of agriculture sector could help strengthen national economy and achieve the target of self-sufficiency. He said that Punjabgovernment would welcome cooperation of the World Bank in the development of agriculture sector.He said that provincial government wants to benefit from the experience of the World Bank experts for the uplift of agriculture sector and increase in per acre yield. He said that an agreement of cooperation would be signed between Punjab government and the World Bank for development of agriculture sector.Shahbaz Sharif further said that the World Bank in an important partner of Punjab government in the programme ofuplift of social sectors and several programme are running in the province with the cooperation of the World Bank for the provision of basic amenities to the masses. He said that the World Bank is extending commendable cooperation for the development of social sectors adding measures would be taken for increasing its cooperation in agriculture sector.Chief Minister Punjab said Punjab government has given a historic package of Rs 100 billion for increasing per acre yieldand prosperity of small cultivators. He said programme of provision of interest-free loans to small cultivators has been started and these loans are being given in a highly transparent manner. Shahbaz Sharif furthers said that Punjab Agriculture Commission has also been established for the uplift of agriculture sector and solution of problems of cultivators while a high level committee has been constitutedfor evolving agriculture policy. He stated that measures are also been taken for establishment of Small Farmers Development Corporation. Shahbaz said future of Punjab is linked with agriculture and development of agriculture sector.He said agriculture research could go a long way in increasing agri production. He said benefit of research to farmers is of vital importance therefore extension services are being fully activated. He said comprehensive reforms are being introduced in seed industry. He pointed agriculture experts of the World Bank have given excellent recommendation for the development of agriculture sector inthe province.Country Director of the World Bank Patchamuthu Illangovan assured all out cooperation would be extended to Punjab government for the uplift of agriculture sector. He said that there is a vast potential for the development of agriculture sector in Punjab and the World Bank with work with the provincial government for fully utilizing this potential. He said finest agriculture scientists of the world have been appointedin Islamabad and working with them would leave a positive impact on agriculture sector in the province.Provincial Ministers Dr Farrukh Javed, Yawar Zaman, Ayesha Ghaus Pasha, Special Assistant on Livestock Arshad Jutt, Advisor Dr Ejaz Nabi, Chief Secretary, Senior Member Board of Revenue, Chairman Planning and Development, Secretariesof concerned departments, agri experts and senior officers were also present on the occasion. Senior Director Agriculture Juregen Voegele, Senior Agriculture Economist Johannes Georges Pius Jansen and other experts comprised the World Bank team.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Twitter And Video Marketing Techniques

Twitter has become one of the most popular social mediaplatforms out there. Businesses can benefit heavily from Twitter if they know how to utilize it. Video marketing is an excellent tool to use for a business Twitter account as it could help the business gain followers over time. Instead of being an article which discusses how to use video marketing to help bolster one's Twitter account, this article will serve as an inspirational tool to help Twitter users discover some ways they can put video marketing to good use.#1: Do A Video SeriesIf you watch television and follow certain shows, you might know that the episodes tend to get more interesting as the series goes on and that more people are tuning in each week to follow that series. It is kind of the same concept with video marketing. Your videos may not be compelling at first and you may not be able to geta lot of followers in the early going. However, as you continue to record and get better with your marketing, you might be able to get more followers for your Twitter account.You could choose to do a video series on just about any topic. The best recommendation is to select topics that you are really passionate about and that touch upon your business.#2: If You Are Really Daring, Use Twitter To Build Your Own Personal CharacterThis is a topic that will be discussed fully in another article. The idea behind this point is you, the owner, are the lifeblood and driving force behind your small business running. Hence, it is important that people be able to see you as someone other than a person who simply tweets messages. You might decide to portray yourself in your videos as someone who loves to dress upin different styles of clothing or someone who can be humorous.As stated before, this is a daring move just because people may see you in a positive or negative light and your business could fail if you portray yourself in the wrong manner. The rationale behind this decision is to portray yourself as someone who is human and not just abusiness owner. That way, the potential customers can see your true character.http://www.projusticeweb.comArticle Source:,_Esq/2182390

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Interest-free loans to be extended to 0.5 million farmers

The Punjab agriculture department has started registration ofgrowers under 'Khushal Kissan Khushal Pakistan' scheme which is aimed at extending Rs 80 billion interest-free loans to 5,00,000 farmers having up to 12 acres of land. The registration will be carried out at tehsil land record centers, which will remain open from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm daily for a period of one month.The growers have been advised by the department to visit these centers along with original CNIC, mobile number and detail of their land. Tenants and lessees can also get themselves registered with permission from the original owner of the land. There is no fee for registration and a token will be issued after it, said a spokesman of the department onMonday.Under this special package, 500,000 growers, each having 12acres of land, will be provided Rs 80 billion loans through small phones. The farmers will be extended interest-free loanof Rs 25,000 per acre during Rabi season and up to Rs 40,000per acre in Khareef season besides giving them a smart phone for just Rs 110. Growers can use these smart phones for having access to information such as technical guidance, market rates, weather forecast, seed providers etc.The growers will be given loan in three instalments besides provision of crop insurance facility, said the spokesman. Representatives of Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited, National Bank, National Rural Support Programme, Akhuwat and Tameer Bank will contact the farmers who will fulfil the conditions of this loan. Farmers can contact the directorate of agriculture information Punjab from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm oragriculture extension wings office of their respective district.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Processed and Types of Foods And Their Availability Affect Population Growth Statistics

Food and population growthseem to go together regardless of what species we are talking about. Mammals, Fish, Reptiles, Birds, Insects, it hardly matters which category we are in, food supply affects the population growth, and it's all about the food chain and adaptation whether the species survives, collapses or adapts - Darwin articulatelymade mention of this, and today no one refutes such observations.Food yes, it has an effect on population growth, for instance scarcity. With humans, when they eatthe wrong foods they have health issues like Diabetes causing lower sperm counts, meaning fewer offspring but just as much fun practicing without actually conceiving. Our GMO foods will either be a net positive or net negative on population growth and we as of yet do not know which. Not long ago, I ask a technologist; "What are your thoughts on the new 3D Printing of food -kind of reminds me of the Star Trek version of the'food synthesizer' and not that I want to put chefs out of business with more robotics in the workplace, but it is interesting?"Mr. Nevejans, a think tanker type and culinary guru writes; "I didn't know diabetes had an effect on sperm count, not too much diabetes in my family. GMO corn can have similar properties, it might sound cruel to some people, it actually sounds more like smart thinking. We cannot growindefinitely on a finite planet. I don't think there is something different about 3D printing than any other industrial prepackaged food. On the contrary, it might even make people more aware of what they eat, it might also be easier to promote vegetarian dishes, since they could make it look and taste like anything you want."Yes, some good points right? I totally agree on the 3D printing thing, it might really wake people up as to what is in the food they eat, especially if they are one's creating it. Wow, that might be the way to get humans to eat right? This brings a whole new spin on "preparing a meal" and maybe we are about to enter a future where types of food and abundance of supply change the entire dynamic of human population growth. Since everything effects everything else, we will have tokeep an eye on GMOs and 3-D printing of food stuff and then study the statistics and research this issue to know for sure. Think on it.Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks onFuture Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;http://www.worldthinktank.netArticle Source:

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Power: Is It Nature or Nurture?

On our vacation in northern Ontario, Canada we observedhow nice the people were. We did know they had a reputationfor being nice, but observing it was interesting.Some examples-they let you in while in stopped traffic or to cross the road. They stop. They wave.They say hello and meet your eyes when walking. When we went to a winery, we tried 6 or 7 different wines, and bought a couple of bottles. When we paid, I noted they did not charge for our tasting. I brought this to the proprietor's attention.She said, "We don't charge if you buy." I was surprised, as a business coach, I would say that is not a profit making policy. When I expressed surprise, she just shrugged it off. When we stopped at the winery, we were driving on what is known as the apple trail. We asked about apple varieties- she shared some and recommended anorchard down the street.At the orchard, in their store, the very nice womanhad us trying several varieties for free. And we joked we almost had a meal with our wine and apples, so she suggested a lovely cheese shop.The cheese shop was lovely and they were so nice, too! I talked to the sales woman at the cheese shop about the Canadian niceness. She said, "We were just raised that way, but..", she went on, "We also apologize for everything, it is like we are sorry for our existence."That got me thinking about power. Is it an inborn trait or environmental? I did a bit of research and got mixed information. There is no clear answer, except to say it is a mix of both. So, some of us are born with tendencies to lead, to own our power, to be self-confident, and yet, all of us have choices in how we act and interact with the world,societal influences and each other. It seems that we are so often caught up in our own universes, that we don't take the moment to be polite, to let someone in when driving, to wave and meet someone's eyes, to give someone a tip for free or a free taste of something.Not to say that I am immune from being this way, from time to time, I do try to stay conscious to sharing this life with others and connecting. When I see someone unconscious, I have a saying, "Hello! You are not alone on the planet." This is my way of saying, wake up, connect, give space for one another.Being nice, or what I would say is polite and connected is awesome, but not at the cost of giving away your power. The thing is, you can be nice, polite, caring and not apologize for who you are, what you think, what you accomplish. Apologize when it is appropriate, but not for beingfully powerfully you.Own your power, magnify your brilliance and make a ton of money!That's pretty nice too!Article Source:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How Safe Are Our Children? Life in Schools

Schools are educational institutes dedicated to imparting knowledge accompanied with various teaching methods and mode of learning to ensure the development of qualitiesof wisdom, chivalry, honesty, leadership and genial warmth with others.Promoting in the interest of academic activities as well as new curriculum, apart from the textbooks an individual learns to have an active participation in athletics cultural and ceremonies programs.The biggest impact on children is of their teachers who they see to be their ideals. However, children canned in schools, mentally harassed, punished for petty causes provides a different insight into the scenario.The propaganda of schools to be learning place for wisdom in thought is no longer pacifying for the children.When it comes to giving, punishment school teachers are ingenious, whether it's making someone stand at the corner of the wall holding up his hands or making him run half a mile and see him drooling and his lung collapse. The grim reapers tend to entertain themselves seeing the"failed show" concealing their hideous act in the name of a fitness programme.At times these events can cross the limits of impudence. A bunch of 8th grade boys were flagged and ran out naked for not doing their homework; the parents took the matter to court and press Brought the affairs to the nation's level.The school committee was pressurised and had to expel the teacher.Some of the teachers in the public schools were proved out to be paedophiles; they would rape their students and threatened them not to tell anyone else they could be failed in exams. This incident almost broke the self-respect and confidence of many children, overburdened with emotions and their inability to express them. They found it too painful to live the " smothering life" and in the end committed suicide.Almost all of us have gone through the phase where schools were no better than" concentrationcamps". When a child often skips his classes for fear of being beaten by his teacher only because he forgot to bring his textbooks or doing his homework.Is it prudent enough to anticipate school going children not to play pranks, giggle or talk during the long classroom hours and be punished for possessing vivaciousness rather than being earnest and acting in courtesy like grownups? Has life at a school turned into a social enterprisefor children, is whacking only the way to guide them to the path of righteousness above all the question which comes to our mind " how safe areour children?", when the places of education prove to be unsafe and jeopardised in the hands of the teacher, how reliable can be the schools in providing our children with a bright future?Want to read more here is my bloghttp://www.civilnotes4u.blogspot.comArticle Source:

Pakistan fully prepared to respond to any threat: Gen Raheel

RAWALPINDI: Taking notice of a"hostile narrative being propagated by India", Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Raheel Sharif during a corps commander’s conference on Monday said the Pakistan Army is"fully prepared to respond to the entire spectrum of direct and indirect threats", according to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement.Presiding over the conference at General Headquarters, Gen Raheel said the Army was fully cognisant ofand closely watching the latest developments in the region and theirimpact on national security.The Army chief also expressed satisfaction over the operational preparedness of the Army.The conference provided an in-depth review of the external and internal security situation and operational preparedness of the armed forces,"Pakistan’s armed forces together with their resilient nation have surmounted every challenge and willthwart any sinister design against integrity and sovereignty of the country in future as well," the COAS said.On Sunday, India's Home Minister Rajnath Singh termed Pakistan a 'terrorist state' in an anti-Pakistan rant, hours after suspected militantsattacked an Indian army base in India-held Kashmir (IHK).Rajnath's vitriol comes as Pakistan and India gear up for a showdown atthe United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session starting Monday.Pakistan is preparing to "forcefully" highlight the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir at the UN session,whereas India intends to counter Pakistan's stance by raising the Balochistan issue, arguing that the Baloch are also seeking independence from Pakistan and deserve international support.India is also backing Baloch activists to hold a demonstration outside the UN headquarters during the prime minister’s speech.Both Pakistan and India are trying topersuade the US to support their respective positions. The US, however, appears to have decided not to take sides.Pakistan has had to contend with incendiary remarks by Indian lawmakers with increasing frequency as both countries lock horns over the Kashmir issue.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Package for livestock farmers

The Punjab livestock and dairy development department (L&DDD) will spend a sum of Rs 350 million on 'enhancing beef production' programme for encouraging livestock farmers to rear buffalo calves to at least up to one year of age instead of getting rid of them during the first month. The department will extend financial incentives in two categories to livestock farmers to rear 45,000 calves during the financialyear 2016-17 in order to enhance meat production in the province.Sources in the department told that under the 'enhancing beef production' project, the livestock farmers will retain theirmale calves for first four months after getting registered withthe government. This is called 'save the calf' portion of the main project which is aimed at bringing down the mortality rate of male calves presently hovering around 30 percent."Livestock farmers will be provided a package of technical assistance which includes awareness to save the calf, de-worming, vaccination and treatment of the animal free of cost," the sources said, adding that during this period a male calf can attain 300-400 grams weight per day. After successful retaining of the calf, the livestock farmer would bepaid Rs 6,500 per animal on the completion of four months period. This programme has been launched by the department in all the districts where buffalo population is high, the sources said.After this phase, the department will ask the farmers to retainthe calf till the age of one year or so. They will be provided a sum of Rs 4,000 for this purpose. During this period, a calf can attain from 0.75 to 1 kilogram of weight per day and on average a year-old calf will have weight of 120 to 130 kilogram. This would add to the total production of beef in the province.The sources said that financial assistance would be extendedto 20,000 calves under 'save the calf' component and 25,000 calves under 'feedlot fattening' component of this project. Punjab's livestock resources hold considerable potential for increasing the production of meat. It has been estimated thatabout 6-7 million buffalo/cattle male calves are available for fattening in the province. But majority of these calves are sent to slaughter houses at 1-3 weeks of age. Some calves are raised to 60-80 kg on extremely poor and unbalanced diets.Secretary Livestock and Dairy Development Department Punjab Nasim Sadiq told Business Recorder that the department is focusing on enhancing meat and milk production in the province and steps are being taken to enhance beef production and a ban on slaughtering of femalecalves is part of these efforts. He claimed that 72 percent female calves were being slaughtered before the ban which has come down to 21 percent.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Seek help to enhance agriculture exports to Russia

The business community of Southern Punjab has urged upon the government to extend all possible assistance and facilitation to exporters for focusing on Russia, Central Asian states, Iran, Iraq and other countries as they offered immenseuntapped opportunities for boosting exports of agricultural products.Fareed Mughis Sheikh President of Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) said that Pakistan could get handsome share from Russia in imports of food and agri products which stood at $43 billion during 2013-14 while its ban on import of food products from West and Europe had created a huge opportunity for Pakistan to enhance its agricultural exports to Russia, but Pakistan didn't tap that as yet.He said that Pakistan's current trade with Russia was hovering around USD 500 million while there was a great scope as well as potential to improve it. He said Pakistan has the potential to promote exports of many agro products to Russia including rice, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, sea food which are in huge demand in that big market. Fareed Sheikh was optimistic that Pakistan can get share of 5 to 7 billion in Russian imports by exporting citrus, vegetables, rice, mangoes, potatoes, dates, milk, meat etc. He said Russian import of dairy products was about USD 4.3 billion and Pakistan was one of the leading milk producers in the world. He said Pakistan should focus on value addition of dairy products to grab better market share in Russia.Fareed Sheikh emphasised that Pakistani companies should bring quarantine and quality standards at par with international requirements in order to improve export of food products to Russia and Central Asian States.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Healthy Employees Means Healthy Business

Is your employee's health a liability for your company? Havethat one person in the office who is always calling in sick? You can't force employees to exercise or eat healthy, but you can certainly encourage healthier behaviors. By offering healthier snacking options and incentives for healthy decisions, you can not only boost the morale of your team, but also help to keep your business running smoothly.Wellness programs are a growing trend in the work place. These programs offer many different benefits to the employees as well as workers themselves. High cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure and lack of exercise are just a few of the typical employee health risks. In fact, according to MediFit, 70-90% of health care spending is caused by preventable,modifiable health risks. By enforcing a wellness program in your office, you can help eliminate many of these risks, leading to a happier, more efficient and most importantly healthier work place!Many jobs involve sitting at a desk for long periods of time, short, unhealthy lunches, and everyone catching that same bug that's been going around. Just making a few simple changes such as starting a walking lunch group where before your break you all walk around the buildingfor 5 minutes, or cutting back on the number of donuts in the break room can make significant changes. While there are many different ways to go about making your officer healthier, it's best totest different options and slowly introduce healthier programs to see what works best in your company.One great way to help promote healthier habits in your work space is to offer employees healthier options. Many offices have vending machines fullof pop, chips, candy bars, and the like. When employees are crunched for time or forget to pack their lunch, they are likely to go straight for these unhealthy options. Many companies now-a-days are offering "healthy vending". These machines are stocked with many natural, organic,even gluten free options that are better for employees but taste great. This simple change in machines can help ignite a spark in your employees to make healthier decisions and realize that healthy doesn't have to be boring.Not only are these healthier options going to be good for your employees, they also benefit the business as a whole. Sugary snacks and drinks may give employees that burst of energy they need, but often lead to a crash which makes themless productive than they were before. Consistently bad eating habits and lack of exercise can lead to many healthy issues and poor immune systems meaning employees take far more sick days and let's face it, once one person gets sick, they all get sick. Natural foods full of protein and natural sugars are proven to boost energy and keep it going longer than sugary snacks making employees that much more productive. By promoting a healthier workspace, you are helping to eliminate some of these problems which means you're not only improving the lives of your employees, but also the life of your business.No matter what actions you take, even the simplest changes can be a great stepping stone to a healthier and happier work environment. From short walks to a vending overhaul, every little bit helps. So do some research and get on your way to a healthier workplace!Please visithttp://www.healthyvending219.comfor your healthy vending machine needs!Article Source:

Pakistani boy, seven, becomes world’s youngest computer...

LONDON: British Pakistani child genius, Muhammad Humza Shahzad, has set a new record by becoming theworld’s youngest qualified computer programmer at the age of seven.This is not the first timeHumza Shahzad has seta world record. The News had earlier reported that in 2015 Humza, then aged 6, became the youngest MS Office Specialist by passing three latest Microsoft Office exams which includes MS Word 2013, MS PowerPoint 2013 and MS Excel 2013. His recent outstanding professional qualification authorises him to become qualified programmer to pass MS exam"98-361 Software Development Fundamentals". Through this exam, Microsoft validates the proficiency of candidate in the areas like C# language, objectoriented Design, web app, windows app, console app, web service, windows service and Databases.Humza’s parents Asim Shahzad and Seemab Asim told The News that computing skills come naturally to their son and they never put him under any pressure to learn. They said they are the “proudest parents” because their son has made a world record. They said they have worked with him to develop his own interest but he takes hisown initiatives and comes up with new ideas in routine.They, however, said thatthey were not bothered whether he received theglobal media recognition or not. To them it matters the most that their son has got the outstanding practical skills as they will always want to see him doing bigger things.Since from a young age,Humza has seen his father working on laptops non-stop because of his IT professional job here with several multinational companies. Humza wasborn in Lahore in 2009 but his parents moved to London in 2011 after Asim Shahzad was offered an IT job.A Microsoft spokesmansaid about Humza: “He is so skilled at the age of 7 and can easily create all kind of computer applications and manages to develop his own basic shopping cart app. He has got his hands dirty in Windows desktop App, console App, windows services, Web services and finds it really fun to develop simple console based game applications. He can explain about object oriented programming, heap, stack, memory management, data structures perhaps better than many experienced programmers.”Speaking to The News, Humza said about his latest achievement: "I am feeling ecstatic and making fun with my new skills. I want to be the new Bill Gates one day. I like to watch fiction movies at home, I play games on IPad and laptop and play football with Dad.”

Sunday, September 18, 2016

UAF kicks off SMS service for one million farmers

Secretary Agriculture Punjab Captain Muhammad Mahmud has said that steps are being taken for the complete implementation of historical Kisan Package of CM Punjab for achieving targets of agriculture sector development by providing its benefits to every farmer.He stated this while holding meeting of local agriculture department officers at DCO Office committee room during his visit. DCO Salman Ghani was present in the meeting and EDO Agriculture Chaudhry Abdul Hameed gave briefing aboutthe performance and activities of the district agriculture department. Secretary Agriculture said that solid and comprehensive strategy was being followed to meet the challenges confronted to the agriculture sector and redressing the problems being faced by farmers. He said thathuge subsidy was being provided under CM Punjab Kisan package for reducing the cost of production of crops under which interest free loans of Rs 80 billions were being advanced to the small farmers while general sales tax on fertilisers and pesticides had also been waved off besides decreasing the per unit electricity rate from Rs 8.85 to 5.35 on tube-well connections and GST on electricity would also be paid by the Punjab govt. The Secretary maintained that 2.50 lac soil tests would be carried out by the end of this yearfor providing technical guidance to the farmers about the cultivation of crops according to the soil test.He said that the government priorities regarding boosting of agriculture sector were very clear and the support of district administration was imperative to achieve the targets of Punjab government agriculture policies. He said that District Agriculture Advisory Committee and District Task Force for agriculture be kept active and mobilised for overseeing the performance of agriculture department. He stressed upon effective actions against the spurious and substandard pesticides and fertilisers producers and said that intelligence based raids be conducted for the total elimination of this menace. He appreciated the services and performance of local agriculture department under the supervision of EDO Chaudhry Abdul Hameed and informed that CM Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif had approved the reward of additional salaries for the officers of agriculture department who would show excellent and marvellous performance to achieve the targets.DCO Sakman Ghani assured full cooperation of the district administration for the effective implementation of new initiative under Kisan Package and said that no stone keep unturned for achieving the desired results in agriculture sector. He said that vigorous campaign was continued to curb the menace of producing and sale of spurious pesticides.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

UAF kicks off SMS service for one million farmers

The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) on Thursday kicked off short message service (SMS)for one million farmers aimed at raising awareness about balanced usage offertilizer that will not only reduce cost of production, but also increase productivity.Inaugurating the service, UAF Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan said that the balanced fertiliser use could result in increasing productivity of major crops up to 50 percent. He said that the country was having 80 million mobile phone subscribers. He said that out of them 55 thousands are farmers. We are sending the message to at least 25,000 farmers in the each district of the province comprising 36 districts.He said the UAF had devised soil test based fertiliser prediction models to predict the required amount of N and P for desired yield of major crops, giving the suggestion to the farmers about the recommended fertiliser usage in their field.For this purpose, farmers can visit the website: at computer or mobile phone.He praised the steps being taken on the part of the government for the uplift of agriculture sector by providing subsidy on fertiliser. These government initiatives enabled the farming community to reduce cost of production. Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan said, "We cannot apply fertiliser of Faisalabad Model at Multan region as the soil texture, fertility, and analyses were different, so it was the need of the hour to get the analysis and then apply a balanced fertiliser on the crop in a bid to fulfil dream of food security".He said that we are wasting the fertiliser due to lack of awareness. He said that excessive use of fertiliser was not only increasing the cost of production, but also responsible for the health hazards. Dr Muhammad Rashid, Principal Investigator of the model said farmers can use these Prediction Models to determine the actual amount of nitrogen and phosphorus for desired yield of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, rice and maize crops. For this purpose, farmers can visit the website: at computer or mobile phone. He said that the USAID and ICARDA are providing financial and technical support for creating awareness among the farming community for fertiliser prediction models. He said an additional income of Rs 305 billion can be obtained by balanced use of nitrogen and phosphorous on 50% area of five major crops, ie wheat, sugarcane, cotton, rice and maize. He said that in Punjab, 95 percent soils are nitrogen deficient.Dr Ahsan Raza said that 60 thousand farmers have visited this website till now. Under this project, the training was imparted to 15 thousand farmers and the relevant literature was distributed amongst the participants. He said the agriculture sector was facing challenges of optimising fertiliser use-efficiency, diversifying cropping patterns, improving quality and reducing cost of production.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Neck Traction: For A Very Holistic Approach Towards Healing

The neck comforter is a new innovation; it's a device that provides clinical grade traction. By using it, you can easily soothe the muscles by stretching, and heal even severe neck pain.This works towards improving your posture, decompresses the spine and greatly improves the circulation, especially between your neck and head, and between your neck and arms.With the neck comforter, you not just improve movement in your neck, but also loosen up any stiff joint that you may have.What is neck traction?By stretching, one can overcome sprains and spasms in the neck. Neck traction also helps decompress the spine, or free the nerves trapped by compression in the spinal vertebrae.The methodology has been used for years and one of the implements is massage therapy.How does the neck comforter traction the neck?As you go on inflating the device, the chin is liftedup and the back is straightened. While the shoulder muscles are pushed down, the neck is gently stretched. This enables one to find instant relief from conditions like a stiff neck.It's just like having a professional massage, and anytime you need it!How do I use the neck comforter?This is simple to use. Put the device around your neck and fasten the adjustable straps. It works bya hand pump. Close the valve, and pump up the device till you feel a nice and gentle stretch across your neck.For what medical conditions is the neck comforter most useful?This can be greatly useful for anyone suffering from headaches, neck pain or joint pain, stiff neck, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, poor circulation in arms or herniated discs. The devicecan even be very effective for everyday problems like trouble sleeping.The Neck Comforter has been designed on a holistic approach. Many of these problems are caused by tight muscles or conditions like a pinched nerve in the neck, and can be healed by facilitating a proper stiff neck treatment. The device takes pressure off nerves, improves circulation and relieves the pain.How does a stiff neck affect us?From top of the head, the nerves go to the head. And when these nerves are pinched, it can cause dizziness, fatigue, trouble sleeping or headaches.Similarly from the lower part of the neck, nerves go to the spine, from spine to the shoulders and elbows, and then to your hands through your wrists. A tight neck muscle which causes a pinched nerve can lead to numbness or pain, at any place along your arms.For basic neck problems like a bulging disc or inflammation in neck joints, how effective is the Neck Comforter?When one suffers from a bulging disc in the neck,it can put pressure on the blood vessels and nerves, and further lead to pain or even affect the circulation. The neck comforter takes the pressure off the nerves, facilitates better circulation and helps overcome pain in the joints.Similarly, in a condition like inflammation in the joint that causes stiffness in the neck or neck pain, the device tractions the neck, allows better movement and helps overcome joint pain.How will the neck comforter improve my posture?This device stretches the neck muscles, and this automatically improves the posture. One gets over underlying problems like a pinched nerve in the neck, and with an improved posture, you look better and feel better.Why do so many people have either a bad back ora stiff neck?Life is stressful. We spend time over the computer, watching television, even driving, and our sleeping position is sometimes awkward. Badposture, along with stress, both mental and physical can sometimes tense up the muscles in our neck and shoulders. This could further lead toconditions like a pinched nerve in neck, and cause pain.Does the Neck Comforter instantly relieve pain?There is a spinal disc in between every two vertebrae in the spine. Owing to our bodyweight and tight neck muscles, the spine and spinal discs can compress, and this could cause a pinched nerve and lead to pain.But when we take the pressure off the nerves, thepain and discomfort are overcome, almost with an immediate effect. The neck comforter simply takes the pressure off, and brings about a feeling of being weightless.Get your Neck Comforter today, only at TeleSky Shopping Source:

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Simple Ways To Make Your Blog Stand Out From The Crowd

Needless to say, blogging is one of the best tools that letyou share your views, experience or anything else in the world. Nowadays, there are so many bloggers present over the internet or intranet out of which some write for their passion, some for a profession and some for making money. With thenumber of blogs over the World Wide Web creating your unique identity is quite tough but not impossible. It is essential to increase the number of readers on your post. If you are also in the same boat and want to stand your blog from others, here are some simple things you can do. Take a look below and use them to get better outcomes.Use Catchy Headline:Face it. A poor headline willdefinitely render your blog post invisible in the crowd. Your efforts will never get the accurate results if you are not using them properly. If you want to stand out from the crowd, so, you have to think differently that lure reader in your post.Choose A Hot Topic To Write:One of the simplestways to drive more traffic to your blog post and tostand your blog post from the crowd is by choosing a juicy topic to write about. It's becausea trending topic can easily grab the attention of its readers and tell great stories to them. But make sure just to make your blog post on the top of the readers don't create humor or avoid offensive stuff because it may distract your readers.Give Your Blog Post A Visual Touch:Undoubtedly,visual content is truly engaging visitors and lead to more traffic and higher conversion rates and therefore you should use quality images and videos related to your content on your post. It will attract readers faster than the simple content.Invite Guest Blogging:Guest blogging is the best ways to get interact with new readers and target awider audience. It is one of the helpful ways to increase the number of customers to your blog post, which helps you to stand apart from the crowd.Share It On Social Media:No you cannot ignore the power of social media; it will help you to reach your blog posts to a wider audience and give them a way to easily reach you. If you really want to boost the ranking of your blog post, so, do share it on different social media platforms.Web Click Indiais an ISO certifiedwebsite designing company in Delhioffer complete web related service from designing to promotion. Call 8750587506 to avail ourSEO services in Indianow at best price.Article Source:

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Steps Involved in Cashew Processing

Cashew nut trees, though originally native to Brazil, have spread all over the tropical world and today, the major producers of cashewinclude Nigeria, India,Vietnam and the Ivory Coast. The key differentiator about the cashew nut is the fact that the nut appears outside the fruit. The cashewfruit is also called as cashew apple and the nut appears outside the fruit. The cashew nut is the seed and this is surrounded by a double shell. In order to finally reach the seed, which is the cashew nut, these shells have to be removed and this involves systematic processing.The steps involved are*.CleaningInitially, the raw nuts are cleaned and dirt, sand, stones and any other particles and foreign matterare removed.*.DryingAfter cleaning, the nuts are dried in the open sun, in order to eliminate the moisture. In order to ensure that the nuts are dried on both the sides, they have to be rolled over on a regular basis. Thedrying process happens under the sun, usually in an open yard.*.RoastingThe outer shell of the cashew is extremely hard and needs to be softened. This is done by means of the roasting process. Here, the cashews are roasted in a cooker, which is supplied with steam from a boiler. The roasting time depends on the nature of the cashew and is judged based on experience.*.CuttingOnce the outer shell is softened, it is cut. The cutting process can be manual as well as automatic. In the case of automatic operation, there are special machines which do the task. Butthe blade setting is highly critical, to ensure that inner kernel is not affected. The manual method involves the use of either hand or leg operated machines. There is a greater control in this process and a higher percentage of kernels comeout undamaged. However, great care needs to be taken, since the shell contains an allergic resin. This can be dangerous, if not properly handled.*.Drying in a hot chamberEven though the outer shell of the cashew has been cut, there is an adhering seed coat or testa. This has to be removed. Since this seed coat is closely held on to the seed, the only way to remove this will be by drying in a hot chamber. Usually, the cashews are held in trays and hot air from a blower is passed over them. The temperature maintained is usually about 75 to 80 degrees Celsius. Once the testa is softened, further processing is easy.*.PeelingIn this stage, the testa is peeled. Although in the past, the manual method of peeling was used, this has now been mechanized. The most commonly used method is to blow the testa awayby means of high pressure air. This will ensure testa removal without any damage to the kernels. Other methods employed include freezing, suction, passing the kernels via rubber rollers, etc.*.Grading and PackingFinally, the kernels are graded. The broken piecesare separately sorted and the whole kernels also sorted based on their shape, colour and other parameters. Packing of different grades is done in a hygienic environment and the cashews are ready to hit the market for consumption.Royal Industries Chennai ( is a manufacturer of cashew processing equipment. The company has over 3 decades of manufacturing expertise and has an unmatched reputation for quality and customer service. This article is based on a tour of their facility and various cashew processing plants where their machinery has been installed.Article Source:

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Who Is Responsible for Teaching the Next Generation Values?

When a child misbehaves at home,parents usually ask that child "IS THAT WHAT THEY TAUGHT YOU IN SCHOOL". In school, teachers will ask the same child if he/she misbehave in school, "DO YOU HAVE HOME TRAINING AT ALL". Everybody is playing the blame game, running from the responsibility of teaching the next generation moral values and decadence.In our society today, everybody is too busy to teach the next generation moral values. Parents are too busy chasing money, religious bodies are busy fighting each other, schools are too busy dancing to the tune of their customers ( Choosingto please their customers than doing the right thing ). which is, teaching the next generation the right values and enforcing them. This is the state of our world today. Unless someone, somewhere will do something about it, and who is that someone?If we must answer the above question, we must first look at the different institutions in our society and their function. Which institution in oursociety today is responsible for this daunting task, is it the family, school, religious organization, our neighbors, the government or who? In my own opinion the answer should be all mentioned above. If it is their responsibility, why are they not doing it?The family is the smallest unit in the societal structure, it use to be the custodian of moral values and decadence, but the story is different now. As an incurable optimist, I don't want to believe that the moral values the previous generation had, is better than what we have today, but that is the sad truth. The funniest part is that most young people don't even know what moral values are. During one of my leadership class with my students. I asked them to define family values, the best I got from them was that, family values; are those values that families have.I went further, and ask them, what those values are, it was like getting water out of a stone. Though they were taught about these values at home or in school, but they were not well educated about them; like telling them its benefits, that good moral values are one of the things that can get them ahead in life. Because as human beings we attach great importance to things that we believe, can get us great benefit now or in the future. So we need to let the children know that good moral values like, honesty, love for hard work, love for others, diligence, courtesy, self control and integrity, if formed at a young age will influence their behavior, priorities and relationships. And help them form solid characters as adults.Take a look at the number of broken families we have today, you are bound to wonder where the world is heading to.The parents that raised our generation were God-fearing and upholders of good moral standards. And they raised this kind of thugs we have in the society today as"PARENTS". Imagine the kind of generation (children) these lawless and Godless parents we have today is going to raise.Parents today do what would have been an abomination if done some years back, Imagine a father telling his nine years old daughter to lie to people about his whereabouts, even telling obvious lies on phone in the presence of his children. Someone, ones told me, how he confronted a woman, who went to a video club to buy a pornographic movie in the company of her child. No wonder parents now sexually abuse their children, what a shame! Ask children about their relationship with their parents, 80% will tell you that their parents don't have time for them. Parents hardly sit down at home these days with their children, they are busy chasing money, fashion and entertainment/sports. At the expenseof teaching their children moral value.Family values have declined, something need to be done. If the family abandoned its role of teaching moral values, it will affect our society. The family is the foundation; we must get it right from the foundation. I remember a story about a man "sexting" on Facebook with his young daughters classmate and friend, unknowingly. Hegot the shock of his life the day the young girl came to visit her school friend, (the man's daughter) and the man couldn't find a place to hide his face.Let us forget our excuses why things are not the way the are suppose to be, and find the solution. We should stop blaming the media, the western culture and our neighbors, yes they may contribute in one way or another, let us forget about who is responsible and face the challenge for the sake of the next generation.If the family gets it right,it will spread to the other institutions like, schools, churches, and our work places.Schools today don't want to inculcate morals into their pupils/students, to avoid been tagged archaic or cruel, and through this tags lose their customers. Everything has been brought down to"monetary value". There is no more discipline in schools, because the school authorities don't want to offend their customers. Schools are now run based on marketing principles, "the customer is always right" many schools are no longer an institution meant to teach moral values and shape the future of the next generation.What of the religious bodies? They are busy fighting, criticizing each other and pursuing material things. That they don't even see the needto raise a generation of people with good morals. Only few of them have the courage to speak up concerning issues that bothers on moral values that can affect the next generation. Religious bodies are now conforming to the trend of the day, anything goes as long as it will help them keep their,customers,(members). They prefer to be branded as, being on point, than having a moral standard. Issues of outright condemnation like homosexual ism and gay marriage, are given a second thought. I always ask myself, how did we get here? I may not have the right answer, but I know how we can get out of it. It's by becoming the change we want to see in the world.The reason why so many people do what they do, is because they don't see themselves as role models, everybody is living for themselves. No matter the size of your office, you are a role model to someone out there watching you closely. Though our political class had refused to see themselves as role models, we must not join them and fail the next generation. In one of my leadership class,a student behaved in an unruly manner. I cautioned him and asked,"is that how leaders behave?" One of them replied, "yes some leaders behave that way" and I asked the student"what type of leaders behave that way?". His reply did not surprise me, he said, "some political leaders". Immediately I told the class that you don't do the wrong thing just because every otherperson is doing it.Children are like wet cement any imprint on their young mind stays, and will take a long time to erase. Mind your conduct in the presence of children. Even if you have to change for their sake, do so. They are the next generation, it is ourresponsibility to lay the foundation they have to build their structures on. Remember, you can tell them what to do, but they will always do the things they see you do. They are always watching,just be your best and God will take care of the rest.Article Source:

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Agriculture scientists emphasise biotechnology

Agriculture scientists have emphasized the need to promote modern agricultural trends like biotechnology to meet the food demands for ever-increasing population that may double by 2050 if current growth rate persists.Addressing at the inaugural session of three -day workshop titled biotechnology for crop improvement arranged by Biotechnology Chair, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Security, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, SPCAS- AFS Chief of Party Dr Bashir Ahmad said that tangible steps are needed to ensure the food that is a challenge for experts, policy makers and stakeholders. He said that under the USPCAS, all possible steps are being taken for the said cause. He said that per acre production was very low that was a matter of concern. He said that adoption of modern technology was prerequisiteto meet the food demands and to cope with the modern challenges.Dr Bushra Sadia said that the government had made a policy to release the transgenic crop varieties to ensure the food security. She also said that although we have to work together to address concern about Genetically Modified Crop, persisting in the segment of society. She said that the cotton has faced the decline of 35 percent last year whereas UAF had developed climate resistant variety of cotton. Dr Nancy said that universities should play their role in the promotion of biotechnology to meet the demand of increasing population.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

The Personal Characteristic Nobody Wants in a Partner

Many a deal with the potential to make a difference for dealmakers and for the world has been soured by a single personal characteristic. Working with several entities who want to help entrepreneurs succeed has brought this deal killer to light again and again.Arrogance is the personal characteristic no one islooking for in a partner. Investors do not value arrogance. Corporate partners do not value arrogance. Connectors do not value arrogance. Customers do not value arrogance. Friends and lovers do not value arrogance. It's a mystery why an entrepreneur would want to cultivate a characteristic that is almost universally offensive.Among many other options, offers these synonyms for arrogance:disdainaudacitygallself-importanceegotismblusterhaughtinesspretentiousnessprideconceitnerveswaggersmugnesscontemptuousnesspomposityscornfulnessDo you see terms there that are "off-putting?" Your potential partners definitely do. It's not necessary to be "warm and fuzzy" but it is necessary to be perceived as a collaborator, not an adversary.While entrepreneurs have every reason to be proud of their offering and must have nerve to pursue the path of a startup, those are only some of the better synonyms for arrogance. Even a bit of swagger may be entertaining to some people.Most of the antonyms for arrogance (caution, timidity, servility) are not the direction you want totake as an entrepreneur but humility is one that deserves consideration. There is a tendency with some experts to not recognize that people without the technical expertise they have do haveexpertise in fields they're not familiar with - expertise they need. Success is a product of a well-rounded team, not a matched set of experts.In case after case, connections have been made for entrepreneurs and broken by arrogant behavior. Snubbing the connector in the presenceof a sought after business partner sends a loud and clear signal to all but the arrogant one that collaboration is not likely. Obvious disdain for the non-technical potential partner is a flag an entrepreneur does not want on their file. Scorn forprotocol and for boundaries are definite deal breakers.Recognizing opportunity and treating it with respect and enthusiasm are far more appealing approaches to building relationships. A firm handshake, eye contact, a sincere smile, and a listening attitude go a long way toward opening doors, minds, and checkbooks.Not making the connections you want to make? I can help.Article Source:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Zooming on the star cluster Terzan 5 | ESO

This sequence takes the viewer from a wide view of the Milky Way to the central regions, where many bright star forming regions and star clusters can be seen. The final view is a close-up of the sky around the star cluster Terzan 5 taken with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2/N. Risinger (
Music: Johan B. Monell (
Release Date: September 7, 2016

مرزا قادیانی قتل کیوں نہ ہوسکا؟

اکثر دوستوں کے ذہن میں سوال آتا ہے کہ مرزا قادیانی جس نے نے اتنی اتنی گستاخیاں اور بکواسات کی ہیں
نہ اس نے اللہ رب العزت کی ذات کو چھوڑا نہ انبیاء کرام کو نہ صحابہ و امہات المومنین کو نہ اکابرین امت کو ہر کسی کی اس نے گستاخیاں کیں وہ بھی ساری زندگی اور پھر دعوی خدائی اور دعوی نبوت کے ساتھ ساتھ بے بہا دعوے کیے تو آخر کیا وجہ ہے کہ دنیا کا ایسا بدترین گستاخ قتل ہونے سے بچ گیا؟؟؟؟؟؟
سب سے پہلے اور اہم بات تو یہ ہے کہ دنیا میں کتنے ہی کذاب ایسے آئے جو کہ قتل سے محفوظ رہے اس میں ضرور اللہ پاک کی کوئی حکمت پوشیدہ ہے اسی طرح اللہ پاک کی اس میں بھی کوئی بہت بڑی حکمت تھی جو مرزا قتل ہونے سے بچ گیا۔
جہاں تک انسانی عمل دخل اور کوشش کی بات ہے تو یاد رہے مرزا قادیانی پر متعدد بار حملے ہوئے لیکن انگریزی سپاہیوں کے پہرے میں ہونے کی وجہ سے یہ بچ جاتا تھا
وہ دور ایسا تھا جب برصغیر پاک و ہند میں مسلمان بہت کمزور حالت میں تھے ،
1857 کی جنگ آزادی میں مسلمانوں کا ناقابل تلافی نقصان ہوا بے شمار مسلمان شہید کردئیے گئے اور اس وقت کے جتنے بھی بڑے بڑے جید علمائے کرام تھے خانقاہوں کے جتنے گدی نشین تھے
جن کے پیچھے لاکھوں مسلمان ہر وقت اپنی جان تک کا نذرانہ پیش کرنے کو تیار رہتے تھے ایسے تمام علمائے کرام و اکابرین کو انگریز نے چن چن کا شہید کیا۔
ہزاروں بڑے بڑے علمائے کرام کو پھانسیاں دی گئیں ،
توپوں کے آگے باندھ کر اڑا دیا گیا غرضیکہ انگریزوں کو جہاں جہاں بھی عالم دین نظر آئے بغیر کسی وجہ کے ان کا قتل عام کیا گیا جس کی وجہ سے اس خظے میں علمائے کرام نہ ہونے کے برابر رہ گئے جنگ آزادی سے پہلے مسلمانوں کی جو بھی طاقت تھی سب ختم کردی گئی
جس وجہ سے مسلمان اس خطے میں بہت کمزور رہ گئے دوسری طرف ہندووں نے بھی انگریزوں سے گٹھ جوڑ بنا رکھا تھا
اور وہ بھی مسلمانوں کو دبانے کا کوئی موقع ہاتھ سے نہ جانے دیتے تھے کیونکہ ان دونوں کافروں کو یہ معلوم تھا کہ اگر مسلمان تھوڑی سی بھی طاقت پکڑ گئے تو پھر نہ ہندووں کی خیر ہوگی نہ انگریزوں کی کیونہ وہ مسلمانوں کی تاریخ سے بخوبی واقف تھے کہ یہ 313 بھی منظم ہوجائیں تو ہزاروں پر بھاری ہوتے ہیں ۔
بس یہی وجہ تھی کہ ان حالات کے بعد انگریزوں نے مسلمانوں کا بچا کھچا جذبہ جہاد کچلنے کے لیے مرزا قادیانی لعین کو کھڑا کیا اس سے دعوی نبوت کروایا اور اس کے ذریعے جہاد کو حرام قرا دیا تاکہ مسلمان ہمیشہ کے لیے جہاد کو ترک کردیں اور ہمارے غلام بن جائیں

خود مرزا قادیانی لکھتا ہے کہ وہ انگریز کا خود کاشتہ پودا ہے، اور خود مرزا قادیانی نے کہا کہ میں نے انگریز کی تعریف اور اسکی حمایت میں اتنی کتابیں لکھی ہیں کہ پچاس الماریاں کتابوں کی بھر سکتی ہیں۔
اس نے ساری زندگی فقط انگریز کی دلالی میں گزاری اور مسلمانوں کو اسلام سے دور کرکے فقط انگریز کی اطاعت کی ترغیب دی۔
ایک طرف تو برصغیر کے مسلمان اپنی آزادی کے لیے کفار سے جہاد کر رہے تھے دوسری طرف مرزا قادیانی کا غدار خاندان انگریز کے ساتھ مل کر مسلمانوں کے خلاف جنگ کر رہا تھا
اور کئی طرح سے انگریزوں کی مدد بھی کر رہا تھا جیسا کہ خود مرزا لکھتا ہے کہ میرے والد اور دادا نے 1857 کی جنگ آزادی کے دوران 50 گھوڑے اور بہت سے سپاہی انگریزوں کو مسلمانوں کے خلاف جنگ کرنے کے لیے دئیے۔
یہی وجہ تھی کہ مرزا قادیانی کو اس وقت کی انگریزی حکومت کی بھرپور حمایت تھی اور یہ ہر وقت انگریزی پولیس کی حفاظت میں رہتا تھا۔
یہ خود اقرار کرتا ہے کہ وہ انگریز پولیس کے حسن انتظام کی وجہ سے قتل سے محفوظ رہا۔

ملفوظات احمدیہ جلد 3 صفحہ 41۔42 mlfoozat.png

آج ہم دیکھتے ہیں دنیا کے دو بدترین گستاخ ڈاکٹر سیمی سیمسن اور سلمان رشدی کفار کی حفاظت میں ان کے پہرے میں بیٹھ کر اسلام پر دن رات بھونکتے ہیں
لیکن باجود اس کے کہ مسلمان آج بہت زیادہ طاقت میں ہیں ان دو ملعونوں کو ابھی تک کیفر کردار تک نہ پہنچا سکے ،
لیکن دوسری طرف اس وقت تو مسلمانوں کی اپنی حالت بہت خراب تھی اس خطے میں مسلمان بہت کمزور ہوچکے تھے عوام الناس کو راہ دکھانے والے تمام علمائے کرام شہید کردئیے گئے تھے
اور اوپر سے مرزا قادیانی کے ساتھ انگریزی حمایت اور اسکی پولیس کا پہرہ ہر وقت رہتا، یہی وجہ تھی کہ مرزا قادیانی قتل ہونے سے بچ گیا۔ لیکن شاید اس میں اللہ پاک کی بہت بڑی حکمت تھی کہ اس نے اس کو قتل کرکے اسکی دنیاوی سزا کو کم نہیں کرنا تھا بلکہ 70 سال تک اسے دنیا میں ہی عبرت کا نشانہ بنانا تھا،
ہندووں اور عیسائیوں تک کے ہاتھوں ذلیل کروانا تھا،
بے شمار بیماریوں میں اسے مبتلا کرنا تھا اور پاخانے میں اسکو موت دینی تھی اور ہمیشہ کے لیے لعنت کا مستحق بنانا تھا شاید اسی وجہ سے اللہ پاک نے اسکی رسی کو دراز کیے رکھا۔