Thursday, September 8, 2016

Agriculture scientists emphasise biotechnology

Agriculture scientists have emphasized the need to promote modern agricultural trends like biotechnology to meet the food demands for ever-increasing population that may double by 2050 if current growth rate persists.Addressing at the inaugural session of three -day workshop titled biotechnology for crop improvement arranged by Biotechnology Chair, US-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Security, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, SPCAS- AFS Chief of Party Dr Bashir Ahmad said that tangible steps are needed to ensure the food that is a challenge for experts, policy makers and stakeholders. He said that under the USPCAS, all possible steps are being taken for the said cause. He said that per acre production was very low that was a matter of concern. He said that adoption of modern technology was prerequisiteto meet the food demands and to cope with the modern challenges.Dr Bushra Sadia said that the government had made a policy to release the transgenic crop varieties to ensure the food security. She also said that although we have to work together to address concern about Genetically Modified Crop, persisting in the segment of society. She said that the cotton has faced the decline of 35 percent last year whereas UAF had developed climate resistant variety of cotton. Dr Nancy said that universities should play their role in the promotion of biotechnology to meet the demand of increasing population.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

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