Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How to Use Video Webinars to Build Your Business 1

Did you know webinars can be amazing for your business? The purpose of this article is to teach you specific ways to make your webinar incredible!First, you can never let any technical problems get in your way. The webinar platform will lead you straight to your goals. But you must relax, work throughproblems that WILL come up, and keep moving forward. If you start today, webinars can be a huge part of your income.The focus for this article is to teach you how to use webinars to promote your products. What I am going to teach you is webinar fundamentals that have led me to bring in thousands of dollars in my business.This article will focus on strategies that work for new marketers. Using these strategies could double or triple your webinar income.For the first part of this article, I will be talking about tactics. These fundamentals are not taught by the majority of companies. So you will want to pay close attention.Webinars have the highest conversion rates of anymedium. You can easily sell 100 to 200 products per webinar when done right. If you are selling high ticket items, $1,000 and above, it is easy to see the income potential.Why do webinars work?Webinars are scheduled events. Scheduled events, or things that are on our calendar, we consider to be more important. Think of the last wedding you went to and how much effort you put into getting there on time. We take great care to attend scheduled events.Webinars get more attention. In a world where we are getting hit by a million things at one time, webinars allow you to have a captured audience. Webinars put your audience into a ready state where they are open to buying. With the right techniques, your webinar drives the audience into a buying experience. Remember, selling is a process of crafting an experience for your audience. Not spewing facts or pushing, but crafting an experience.Let's take a look at a dinner party for example. What should you serve? Is it formal? Is it casual? This is how I want you to think about your webinars. You craft the variable situation that allows your customers to open up and be ready to buy.Webinars are effective because you get to teach theaudience everything possible. You can do an hour or hour and a half, but 70 minutes is ideal for selling.People will perceive you as an authority if you do webinars and this is important. Our society likes authority figures. We believe people on TV and we believe what the authority figure says. Use your webinar platform to tell people the facts. This will increase your authority and people start to trust you.When you do webinars people will start to assumethat you are an authority. This is powerful. People are psychologically influenced to do what authority figures tell us to do. The more webinars you do, the more your emails get opened, the more your social media posts get noticed, and so on.Ready for the "Ah Ha!" moment?People love screen time. Everyone picks up their screens to look at social media while waiting. We look at a computer screen all day at work. We come home and watch the TV screen. We spend our life going from one screen to another.Webinars satiate our hunger to stare at a screen. And by being the person who shows up on the screen, you will create profit in your business. There is a prevalent thought that staring at a screen makes life more interesting. In fact, most people refuse to put away their screens and this is how you are going to maximize profit.But,if you do not have a sound business model, you are not going to make money from webinars. So let's tackle this topic next.Top Income Earner ModelThe Top Income Earner Model does not including spamming your business opportunity. What is spam? Spam is posting valueless product images on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. This is an amateur technique and it is rampant.The Top Earner Business Model does work and it includes webinars.Step 1: Position with a marketing system. Your marketing system must provide your audience a professional website. Free content to capture leads. And live trainings filled with helpful information to increase value.Step 2: Generate leads, leads that convert into sales. Webinars allow you to generate leads. You can set up your webinar so that everyone who signs up gets added to your email list.Simple tip:Be aggressive promoting your webinar. You can jump up and down in promotion and it will be just fine with people. But, do this with your products only and people label you a spammer. What is the difference? Webinars are educational and increase value in people's life.Step 3: Develop relationships. People are only going to buy from people they know, like and trust.Presenting a webinar that solves problems positions you as the authority. Not just another spammer jumping up and down about a business. Until people feel like they know, like, and trust you they will not buy from you.Step 4: Monetize.1. Sell on HOT TOPICS. "How to XYZ" and "How to do ABC"... focus on your products that sell at the highest commission for you. Focus on selling items that have a wide appeal.2. Consider selling 100% profit offers. Some of youare missing this in your business model. If you sellaffiliate products and they are not 100% payout offers, you will are missing out on money. Focus on the 100% profit items you could include to offset this loss.3. Sponsor people into your opportunity. When you do the first 2 steps right, you will get people asking you "so how do I join your team?"The second way to sponsor is to do a consultation,you can offer this as a bonus: "When you buy this product I will give you a 15 minute consultation". Use this time to diagnose what they need and offer the solution.The webinar model is not about chasing people. It is all about attraction.

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