Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winners Do What Others Won't Do!

"Take out the trash!" Hey, I said. "Take out the trash!"Can you hear a familiar echo in that command from the proverbial father or mother yelling at their less-than-eager son to take out the trash? Good. Now let's think about this. Nobody really likes to take out the trash, right? So why am I spending my time and energy talking about trash? Well, it's really quite simple. You see, winners do what others won't do...Let's start this journey by me asking you this question: what would your answer be if I told you that I would give you a million dollars if you took out the trash every day?Hmm... well, I have some bad news for you. Nobody is going to pay you a million dollars to take out the trash and unfortunately the never-ending trash will still be there, and it will still need to be taken out by someone.I bet we're all hoping that "someone" isn't us.So again, why am I spending so much time on talking trash? Well, it's because I want you to understand that the person who notices that the trash needs to be taken out and then does so without anyone asking is the type of person that will also do what is necessary to become a winner.The person who sees a need and then fulfills that need without anyone asking can't help but becomeanything else but a winner!Now for all the others who turned a blind eye to theoverflowing trash can or a deaf ear to mom or dad's requests... Stop! Turn around and don't go any further down that road of mediocrity. It's not too late. There will still be many opportunities in life to fulfill a genuine need if you will just notice them, and do what others won't do.Now families, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, winners consistently do what others won't do. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Educator Dan Blanchard wants you to do what others are unwilling to do because it will make you a success. For other great tips please check out Dan's website at: Thanks.Article Source:

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