Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Unforgiven Mistake

I met John in a bar. He looked so sad and he told me a story that happened four years ago.John was happily married to his lovely wife with four children. The husband and wife worked very hard and togetherthey built-up a successful business.It was a beautiful Sunday morning, off day for all.John's brother-in-law had recently built a new house with a big swimming pool and the kids were eager to visit the new house, John decided to organize a gathering for the families at his brother-in-law's new house.There were eight children from different families, John had three girls and one boy who was eleven then. All the children went into the pool and John's wife stayed by the pool while children were playing and swimming in the pool.As time passed John's wife called up to John to get lunch. John was watching afootball match in the room so he asked the wife to go instead and promised to keep an eye on the children but John was so addicted in the match he had forgotten all about the children.The wife came back an hour later with their lunch. She ordered the kids to get out from the pool to have lunch but suddenly she realized her youngest son was not insight.She searched the house but he was not around so she went back to the pool and found him at far end of the pool, lifeless. She screamed and everyone rushed out from the house. They quicklysent him to the nearest hospital but it was too late, John's wife fainted on the spot.John was in a big shock, he could not believe due to his mistake he had killed his only son. He collapsed and was hospitalized for a week.John's wife was very sad and did not utter a word after her son's death. Every body were worried about her, it seemed that she had lost all hopes in life. Few weeks later, the first word that she said was "I want a divorce".The happy families fell into pieces.I felt sorry for John's wife. It must be tough to go through such a horrible experience.But I felt sorry for John too. Without doubt he was irresponsible leaving the kids unattended but he had paid for his mistakes. I saw tears in John's eyes when he told me the story, he is still grieving four years after the incidence and I believe the guilt will follow him forthe rest of his life.John made a terrible mistake and tragedy strikes when you are least expected.Article Source:

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