Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Do I Need Life Coaching?

Everyone feels like they don't have things together every now and again, but do you feel that's the story of your life?If you find yourself always falling short of your goals or even lacking directed goals in the first place then coaching may be right for you.Life is pretty unpredictable and there are a great many things we have no control over. Be that as it may, having a consistent and effective strategy to dealing with the ups and downs of life is essential. There's nothing worse than having a dream in life and having no idea how you'll get from where you are to where you want to be.A coach has the goal of empowering you with the confidence and decision making ability to set, meet and exceed goals for your personal and professional life.It's not about someone telling you what you should do with your life, but about giving you the tools you need to figure out what you want from life and how to get it.What sort of problems does life coaching help you deal with? Here are a few examples:• Unmotivated to motivated• Learning a new skill or new hobby• Meeting people and making friends• Getting past a block in skills improvement• Getting a promotionSessions with a life coach are generally in person and happens over multiple sessions. At first the coach will help you gain a wider perspective on your life and then focus on the areas you want or need to improve most.You and your coach will negotiate a series of achievable goals that lead up to your overall goal.Armed with this plan it is then up to you to make it happen.This is only effective for people who truly desire change, but have a hard time turning that desire into action. The coach can't make you truly want something that has to come from your side of the table.Even if you can't make use of a live life coach, you can still take advantage of the lessons that life coaching teaches us. Online courses and various books detailing the methodology are available and will allow you to familiarize yourself with the mindset and problem solving methods life coaches teach to their clients. Online courses are fast becoming the choice of thousands to explore self-development and personal progression. Not only are they cheaper than having one to one sessions with a professional, but they also offer a number of other advantages, such as studying when you want and not on someone else's schedule. Being entirely self-paced in this way, affords someone complete flexibility and convenience.I'm a life coach, working with people from all walks of life, helping them to reach their full potential. Regardless of your goals, I will work with you in order to achieve them, and ensure you get the most from your life. Click here to book an appointment:'ve also set up an online training academy where you can enrol on my life coaching course: Source:

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