Thursday, April 25, 2019

Smile a Camouflage of Joy And Misery

What is seen is a reality, but not the truth. This statement has volumes of facts camouflage in a smile. Realities establish the facts and phenomenon, but the truth becomes the prefix of reality. People in every walk of life experience upheaval passing through roller coaster of happening within their lifespan. The events are either happy and joyous or misery and hurting. The depth of joy and pain are important and relevant to the relationship of affected persons. The consequential events are directly proportional to the individual's relationship and circumstances of happenings. It is essential to dive deep into the reasons that lead to the core concept and the ground reality of happenings.
Those who learnt the art of reading smiles understand the facts that various forms of smile reflect different meanings. The reality and truth of smiles both subjectively and objectively indicate the personality of a person. Why it is important that people smile to show their status of happiness or sorrow. It is not totally in people's control to show or hide their feelings and emotions. The reason which is debatable is that it hurts an individual more when he covers up his grieve and pain by smiling in-front of those hurt them most. Sometimes it is just by compulsion and sometimes deliberations to expose their hidden emotions and feelings distinctly.
Anthony Euwer an American poet, admired by former US President Woodrow Wilson, has beautifully penned down the following Stanza:
"No matter how grouchy you're feeling,
You'll find the smile healing.
It grows in a wreath,
All around the front teeth
Thus, preserving the face from congealing."
If you analyze the logic and reasoning behind smile when you meet another person face to face, it would show the truth behind the reality of smile. It is said that, "The part of the brain responsible for mirroring is called the inferior frontal gyrus, which sits above your temple towards the forehead. There are many reasons and causes of smile, however, the observer should take into considerations of the persons involved and prevailing circumstances. This "emotional mirroring" is one theory of emotional perception and the subject of much psychological research. And, like all body systems, things can go awry.
It is safely deducing that you may not arrive at the conclusion substantially, yet the line of reasoning and evidence distinctly point in the direction of facts and phenomenon. It is, therefore, established that facts and the phenomenon will be revealed no matter how much you suppress them or conceal them behind façade of deception and ignorance. There are many adjectives added to the word, a smile which is appropriately coined as idioms to deceptive smiles. The study of smiles is a part of gelotology, psychology, and linguistics. And it may be good to know that scientific word for a "real smile" is "Duchenne Smile" which is named after physician Guillaume Duchenne who first recognized the muscles involved with this smile.
It is proven beyond reasonable doubt that forced smiles have convincing reasons to establish its sanctity within the context and meaning. It is written that forced smile works, because the smile is as disingenuous as the "crocodile tears." The tears aren't coming from real sadness; this smile isn't coming from true happiness. Regardless of motive, the smile is not a reflection of how the smiling person feels.

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