Most caregivers have little time to deal with a long list of caregiving tips for someone with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Instead of a long list, thinking of them as grouped into six categories making up the acronym SHAPES can make remembering them easier, and also make adding your own easier.SHAPESstands for...*.Safety*.Honoring*.Adapting*.Patience*.Encouraging*.SchedulingSafetyis the first category for someone with AD. Did you know that falls could be an early sign of AD? Installing safety equipment like handrails in the bathroom and stairways can avert falls. Prevention can also include removing hazards, like throw rugs. Many folks with AD have a shuffling gait, so throw rugs may increase the risk for tripping and falling. Transitions between flooring can also be a risk for falling; such as going from high uneven pile carpet to vinyl flooring can likewise be a problem. Low pile even carpeting like a Berber carpet is less likely than a long shag carpet to be an issue, and can be easier to use with a walker or wheelchair. Lighting on stairs and dark hallways should also be evaluated to be sure it's safe.Other considerations include appliances. While a microwave is a fixture in many kitchens, it can be dangerous when used incorrectly. And someone with dementia may lose the ability to use it safely.Some ovens can be locked so they can't be turned on easily. You may also consider turning off the circuit breakers to the oven, stove and other appliances if there's a danger the person with AD cannot safely use them alone and may try to use them unsupervised.Fire hazards should also be removed, and fire extinguishers handy. Install locks on cabinets containing potentially dangerous items like toxic cleaning chemicals, guns, alcohol, medicines, etc.Routinely check smoke alarms and replace their batteries regularly.Hot water can cause burns. Checking the temperature of the water from your water heater and lowering it to a safe level can reduce its risk. An elder's skin is more fragile than that of someone younger adding to the risk of injury. Sharp counter corners should be evaluated. Installing table edge guards or counters with rounded or bull nose edges can reduce the risk ofbruising or tearing fragile skin.Honoringand respecting your care receiver can be reflected in what you do and say. Your attitude can make a difference. For example, giving her simple choices like two different choices instead of only one or too many can make a task easier while allowing her to maintain some independence. One choice can emphasize dependency, while too many choices can be confusing leading to frustration, which can in turnincrease agitation. Giving a choice that cannot fail-like choosing between two equally suitable options-also helps to avoid feelings of failure andembarrassment. Another tip is to allow her to do as much as she can without help, which encourages her independence and sense of accomplishment.A third tip category is toadaptto the current situation. You may need to change the way you do things. When showering becomes a problem, you may need to have her shower less often, helpher shower or even switch to sponge baths at least part of the time. While distractions like a television or radio in the background may not have been a problem in the past, they can be confusing and interfere with concentration for someone with AD. Instructions should be clear, and one step at a time. Complex instructions can be confusing, increasing frustration and agitation.Patienceis a necessity in caring for someone with AD. As AD progresses persons with it become more dependent. What they can do and how they react to situations can change. What works today may not work as well tomorrow. The underlying problem in AD is a disease of the brain, leading to inability to process information. Remaining patient and calm helps everyone adjust to the new situation. It's normal for caregivers to be tired, exhausted and overwhelmed sometimes. They need to take regular breaks to recharge and relax, and to have patience. When worried that you could have handled something better, learn from the experience and use it to respond differently in thefuture. It may take more than one attempt to solve a challenge and feel successful.Encouragingthe person with helps them to avoid feeling frustrated or that they've failed. Everyone wants to feel like a success. One of the hardest things can be for people who become more dependent with time to become frustrated with what they can't do. Even if it seems like the person with AD is not consciously aware of the situation, she can still become disappointed and frustrated from it. She may not be able to explain or understand why, which can add to the annoyance.Schedulingis also important in caring for someone with AD. Establishing and keeping to routines reduces confusion, and there is comfort in the familiar. A regular routine can also decrease agitation. When scheduling, take into account the best time of day for your care receiver. Mornings may be best for her to have appointments when she's more alert and not tired. Adding extra time to do something is also important. It is likely things will take longer than previously, and scheduling time for unexpected delays can reduce tension and prevent frustrationand additional distress.One of the most important tips for caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease is that each person with the disease has a different experience with it. Not all these tips will work in all situations, and that's normal. The caregiving tips groups in SHAPES and in this article are also meant to stimulate ideas for tips that will work in your unique situation. Tweak these tips and suggestions to meet your care receiver's needs, which may change with time.Dr. Ina combines her passions for caregivers and writing in her award-winning blog, Caregiving With Purpose. She educates, empowers and supports care partners in their journey and beyond. Additionally she is a Purple Angel Ambassador for Dementia, speaker, and has created and co-hosted the first two global Alzheimer's Telesummit Webinars. Find her atCaregiving With Purpose.Article Source:
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