ISLAMABAD: In a hard hitting statement, the strongest in support of the Kashmiris in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK), the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), the world’s largest bloc of Muslims countries, Iyad bin AminMadani, clearly told New Delhi that Kashmir was not India’s internal problem but an international issue, which is besieged with momentous human rights violations.“The international community should raiseits voice against the atrocities in Indian-held Kashmir. Unfortunately, very few voices have come out against the Indian tyranny. Just statements alone are not enough when it comes to occupied Kashmir but the issue cannot be raised at the political level with silence,” Madani told the media at a joint press conference with Adviser on Foreign Policy Sartaj Aziz at the Foreign Office.Spokesman at the Foreign Office tweeted that delegation talks lasted one hour and 20 minutes where the grave human rights situation in the IHK was discussed extensively.“The secretary general reaffirmed strong support to the Kashmiris in securing their right to self determination and called for a referendum as per the UNSC resolutions to enable Kashmiris’ right to self determination”, added the spokesman.Lately questions have been asked as to why the European Union, which is a large trading partner with India, has chosen to remain silent on some of the world’s worst human right atrocities. The EU masquerades as the champion of world’s human rights but is blind to the situation in the Valley.“The situation in Kashmir is heading towards referendum. No one should be afraidof referendum and the solution should be through the United Nations resolutions in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. The human rights violations in the Indian-held Kashmir are not an internal matter of the Indian state,” Madani told the media.He pointed out that September will see the OIC contact group meeting in New York.“The OIC has a dedicated special adviser on Kashmir and a liaison group that will meet at the UN General Assembly session in the United States,” he said.Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is also expected to present a passionate speech about the never-ending nightmare in the IHK, and several groupswill be demonstrating against Prime Minister Modi if he chooses to also be present at the annual UNGA meeting.Sartaj Aziz, meanwhile, commented that in Saturday’s meeting, views were exchanged on further enhancing cooperation between Pakistan and the OIC onmatters of interest to the Muslim Ummah.He said that Pakistan and India should resolve the Kashmir issue through dialogue. “We want dialogue with India, but we are waiting on India’s response, after which the situation will become clearer,” he said, sending a gentle reminder to New Delhi.Meanwhile, in Kashmir itself, driven by the worst chapter in the history of IHK, former chief minister Omar Abdullah traveled to New Delhi and met with President Pranab Mukerjee and pleaded with him that the Modi government should stop the use of lethal force against civilians inthe Valley.“The failure of the central government to acknowledge that the issue in Kashmir is largely of a political nature has worsened the already volatile situation. We requestedthe president to impress upon the central government to initiate a credible and meaningful process of political dialogue without any further delay involving all stakeholders to address the political issue in the State,” the National Conference leader said.If any further proof of the hatred that Kashmirs have for those visiting from Delhi was evident when Congress leader and former union minister Mani Shankar Aiyar andjournalist Prem ShankarJha faced a hostile crowd at Srinagar’s ShriMaharaja Hari Singh Hospital.The purpose of the delegation along with Aiyar was to assess thedamage caused by pellet guns.Amidst anti-India sloganeering inside the wards, attendants told Aiyar, “We don’t shake hands with murderers.”
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