Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How Wise Is the Concept of a Universe Created From a Big Bang?

It grates on my nerves every time I hear this mentioned. What kind of inferior mind could conceive of such a thing and how stupid are thosewho believe it? What is a big bang in space and who would have organised it? There are a million such question ready to be asked of the 'genius' who first put thistheory into the realm of human thought. What caused the 'bang' and where did the substance come from that created all of the planets, put them into perfect orbits, and then produced life?Humans are great are putting up theories that play on the mind until they are accepted as fact. We are also capable of dismissing logic for make-believe and trading peace for trauma. In other words most are ignorant and relatively stupid when it comes to even putting two and twotogether.Every now and then over the course of human evolution some 'great ideas' have survived and established systems that are now destroying us. The invention of plastic is an example. We have the burning of fossil fuels which is another of ourgreat mistakes. There is also the Industrial Revolution that created a working model that resulted in cities, overpopulation, and inventions that are now producing robots to take over from humans leaving million unemployed.One thing after the other has accumulated a pattern of misunderstanding, ridiculous assumptions, pathetic dreams, and now a condition that will see the end of the earth as we know it. Perhaps that is what happened to Mars and other planets that are now depleted of life supporting elements that they obviously once had, such as water and air.Those same geniuses who have misdirected us to the point where we now face extinction have also guided governments, religions, the legal system, and everything else in the World Order. That virtually takes the cake when it comes to sorting out fact from fiction.One thing no genius can sort out is why and how we are here? What is life about and why do we live and die? What is so great about the human race that it dominates the earth and is now in a position to kill everything on it? That takes us to afundamental question - is there a God? Is there a power greater than that of humans that has planned all of this and why is it allowing the suffering?Without taking things too far (because not many will understand it) my reincarnation may provide some answers. With memory of my last death as a man of around 45 years I hovered above the body long enough to take in the scene before entering a dark environment where peace and love rules. At that point I was with the Spirit of theUniverse.There is no heaven or hell, these are the result of the dreams of other geniuses who, long ago, imagined they exist above the earth. They don't because they have never been sighted. There is also the switch between sexes as I was born into the body of a female. Hovering above my parents the birth happened a month later, as the dates arefirmly recorded.My experience proves that there is a great Creator and the Spirit of the Universe that controls all things. It hides itself because of the ignorance and the power of these geniuses who run away with people's inferior imagination and willingness to accept trashy ideas that have no substance or evidence to support them. The purpose of life, in my opinion, is to grow that spiritual power and increase further the size of the universe.That's beyond comprehension because of the limit of human minds to accept reality.Norma Holt has memory of her reincarnation and knows thatreincarnation is factand that everyone who has lived is back. They are turning to theMountain of Godwhich is the Internet for answers. All comments are welcome.Article Source:

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