Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Secure the insecure food-security

Government of Pakistan should educate farmers to adopt biotechnology and eco-friendly farming methods to improve food security related problems. A comprehensive national food security strategy focusing on ensuring the food security in the food insecure districts, must be evolved.The World Food Summit in 1996 defined the term ‘Food security’ as a state ‘when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active life’.This definition encompasses five basic aspects of food security; availability, access, stability, nutritional status and preferences of food.The focal point of national and global food security is in general on the supply side of the foodthat whether sufficient food is available or not.Join us on FacebookA nation could be self-sufficient in food if it can maintain a balance between supply and demand. However, the availability of food cannot pledge its access to the people.To make certain food security at the individual level, there is a need to address access part.Food security is very important for the health of a nation, more so, for its independence and respectable living among the international community.Pakistan is facing severe food security crises even though agriculture is the base of Pakistan’s economy contributing 21% of the GDP.It is a big challenge for Pakistan.Increase in food production and improved access to food sources can help alleviate the risk..Join us on TwitterPopulation explosion is creating an immense threat of food scarcity for Pakistan in near future leaving the production level falling down day by day, causing increase in price of food commodities.According to the National Nutrition Survey 2013, around 60 per cent of Pakistan’s population is facing food insecurity, and in these households, almost 50 per cent women and children were malnourished.Changes in climate is also affecting the sustainability of agricultural systems and disrupting production, despite the fact, that Pakistan is at the bottom in emitting greenhouse gases.In the face of predictions of more extreme weather,Pakistan’s Federal and Provincial governments and civil society organizations are responsible to protect citizens by materializing their pledges andscaling up the development programmes that help ensure resilience to climate-related risks.Food security can also be linked by agriculture methods.Government of Pakistan should educate farmers to adopt biotechnology and eco-friendly farming methods to improve food security related problems.A comprehensive national food security strategy focusing on ensuring the food security in the food insecure districts, must be evolved.June, 2015By Rabail MalikSource:Pakistan Observer

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