Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mobile Home Inventory State By State

As mobile home investors the more supply of local mobile homes the more opportunities you have to help sellers and make a profit by fast turning or holding mobile homes. I recommend having a 100 miles investing radius for finding and owning manufactured home properties to everyone I help.With that said it can be helpful for you to know how your state stacks up compared to others. Keep in mind that within every state there will be entire zip-codes, neighborhoods, and citiesthat will have many more MHs compared to other areas. These areas will be good places to farm for mobile home sellers.Do you know the percentage of mobile homes and manufactured homes (out of all the housing units in existence) in your state?Rank: State: Percentage1.South Carolina: 18.8%2.North Carolina: 16.8%3.New Mexico: 16.6%4.West Virginia: 16%5.Alabama: 14.7%6.Wyoming: 14.5%7.Kentucky: 13.9%8.Mississippi: 13.8%9.Arizona: 13.3%10.Montana: 12.8%11.Arkansas: 12.8%12.South Dakota: 12.1%13.Louisiana: 11.7%14.Delaware: 11.7%15.Georgia: 11%16.Idaho: 10.9%17.Florida: 10.4%18.Oregon: 9.9%19.Tennessee: 9.9%20.Oklahoma: 9.5%21.Maine: 8.9%22.North Dakota: 8.6%23.Texas: 8%24.Nevada: 7.9%25.Washington: 7.5%26.Missouri: 7.3%27.Vermont: 7.2%28.Alaska: 6.9%29.New Hampshire: 6.5%30.Indiana: 6.5%31.Virginia: 6.1%32.Wisconsin: 6%33.Michigan: 6%34.Kansas: 5.2%35.Colorado: 4.9%36.Pennsylvania: 4.6%37.Nebraska: 4.5%38.California: 4.4%39.Ohio: 4.4%40.Iowa: 4.2%41.Utah: 4.2%42.Minnesota: 3.9%43.Illinois: 2.8%44.New York: 2.6%45.Maryland: 2%46.Connecticut: 1.2%47.Massachusetts: 1%48.Rhode Island: 1%49.New Jersey: 0.9%50.Hawaii: 0.2%51.District of Columbia: 0%Weighted average 8.0%In areas with high amounts of manufactured homes a MH investor can have a busier time investing compared to other areas with fewer MHspresent. I have had the pleasure of mentoring motivated investors that travel 150 miles to routinely invest in inexpensive mobile homes.In reality you can invest in every state. Different rules and laws apply to every state. On the other side if you have only a few MH communities or MHs located around you then you will want to spend your time with multiple niches in real estate. MHs can be the main course of your business or just another bullet in your investor's tool belt. The important thing is to get your first deal as quickly as you can - without sacrificing quality of course.No matter your situation or region there are likely sellers and buyers to help this very day. Follow the advice and leadership of someone you trust to begin or continue your investing career.http://www.MobileHomeInvesting.netArticle Source:

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