Let us see what Isabella had been doing in connection with these discussions and what were her activities in the meantime. In fact, all this time her mind was filled with the subject-matter of these discussions and all other engagements and social entanglements were relegated to the background.After ‘the discussion’ between the priests and Umar Lahmi she had come to the conclusion that the priests had no answer to the objections of Muslims and her belief in Christianity had been shaken and no argument could keep her firm on it. During this time she had often secretly met Umar Lahmi and sought information about the Muslim creed. The talk between Umar Lahmi and her father (the head priest) had also concluded at her house and more than a month had passed on it. Nevertheless she continued her enquiry. She had also met several times Ziad b. Umar, the Qazi of Islam in Cordova, through Umar Lahmi and got consolation from him.Ziad b. Umar, besides being a profound scholar of Islam, was a Godfearing man of piety. Muslims of Spain revered him as a Wali Allah (Friend of Allah). Isabella’s mind wasgreatly affected by several visits to him and she became attached to Islam and fully realised that Islam is the true religion while Christianity is a mixture of misguidance and disruptions.The head priest had asked Umar Lahmi in the cathedral to come to his house next day and had also invited all the priests. So early next morning Umar Lahmi with some of his associates and divines reached the house of the head priest and was treated with respect and given refreshments in a separate room. Then more than forty Christian divines also arrived and the head priest then addressed Umar Lahmi.Head Priest: I know the questions which you will ask, but I do not want to go into details and prolong the talk. I will say just a word or two which may lead to the result in minutes instead of hours. What I mean is that Islam and Christianity may be tested by their basic teachings and whichever teaching is best the religion which taught it will be true. Is it not so?Umar Lahmi: I have no objection to anything and I am prepared to discuss on any lines that you choose.Surely it is by the teachings of Christianity and Islam that truth and falsehood can be known.Head Priest: Bravo, bravo ! Surely the help of the Holy Ghost is on your side and you will soon come from the wrong path to right guidance. Now that you have agreed to the lines suggested by me, let me proceed. In every religion there are basic principles and matters of detail. I want to put before you the essence of Christianity in just one word and desire that you will also give the essence of your religion in one word. Do you agree?Umar Lahmi: Yes, you may proceed. Iagree to whatever you say.Head Priest (to the priests) : See, this is the way to talk! Just one word decides the issue. (To Umar Lahmi:) Now listen. The essence of Christianity is “Love”. Christianity has been condensed in a single word. Now, you have also to give the essence of Islam in one word.Umar Lahmi: I am proud to say that Islam has also condensed the essence of its teachings in a single word which covers all basic principles and details. The root of Islamic principles and teachings is Tauhid (unity).Head Priest: If the essence of Islam is Tauhid (unity), then love has been excluded from it. Besides, we also say “unity” to be the essence of our religion.Umar Lahmi: If Tauhid were the essence of your religion, you should have said so. Why did you say that love is the essence of your religion? Now, it is quite wrong to say that by accepting “unity” as the essence of religion, “love” is excluded from it. On the other hand, the fact is that “love” comes from “unity”. If “unity” is not taken with all its requisites, love will be a meaningless word. To accept “love” as the essence of religion means total denial of “unity,”cr not to take it as the essence of religion.Head Priest: The thing is that “unity” comes from “love” and not “love” from “unity”.Umar Lahmi: This is an example of perverted logic. If unity comes from love, then love is quite a meaninglessword. Because without unity, that is, want of knowledge of Allah, love of Allah will be excluded from it as love of Allah depends on the knowledge ofthe divine, and unity is but the true recognition of the divine. Mere love does not prove love of Allah.Head Priest: You have started a long discussion. What I mean is that love has no place in Islam.
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