Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ch 5.2: The Second Meeting

Peter: We cannot advise God. He did as He liked. It is your impudence to teach God.Umar Lahmi: You know that Christ was born from the womb of Virgin Mary. Now say whether this birth related to man or God, that is, whether it was “God” who was born, or was it man?Peter: God is immune from birth. It was the humanity in Christ which was born.Umar Lahmi: And who died on the cross, God or man ?Peter: God is also immune from death. It was man who died on the cross that is humanity in Christ.Umar Lahmi: So the birth and death relate to Christ’s humanity and not tohis divinity.Peter: Certainly, certainly.Umar Lahmi (holding the Bible in his hand): Just see, it is written in the Book of Job (Ayyub) (15:14) that “he which is born of a woman” is sinful and since the birth was not of divinitybut of humanity, therefore, accordingto the judgment of Job, even the humanity of Christ was sinful. And see it is written in Romans 6:23 that “the wages of sin is death,” that is, death is the proof that the dead is sinful, therefore, the question comes again : why did not God crucify someother sinful man so that His divinity was saved ? Further, according to you, a sinner cannot atone for the sins of others. So Christ did not serve for atonement.Peter (perturbed and perspiring): I have also said that all these are Divine mysteries. God did as He liked. How can you or I criticise Him?Umar Lahmi: If your religion is basedjust on Divine mysteries, then why did you call us here and thus wasted your time and ours for two weeks?Since Isabella was keenly interested in theological questions, she listenedto all this talk most attentively and felt in her heart that when these priests cannot answer a question, they take the cover of Divine mystery. Just then priest Michael rose.Michael: Brethren, today is a confrontation between Christian religion and Mohammedan religion. But do you know what is Mohammedan religion? This religion allows for four marriages. It has ordered indiscriminate killing of non-Muslims and its Apostle married eleven women and…Umar Lahmi: If you are unable to answer my questions, say so clearly, and then whatever criticism you haveagainst Islam you may put forth and I am ready to answer all. But is this your morality to call us at your place and then indulge in abusive talk instead of answering our questions. (Pointing to IsabellaNow say if this attitude of your priests is proper.On this Isabella at once got up and spoke in broken words.Isabella: I have heard this talk from beginning to end. I am sorry that neither holy Peter nor Michael answered the questions put to them. Umar Lahmi’s demand is quite justified that either his questions should be answered or defeat admitted. But I think you will do neither. So it is better to conclude the discussion now so that Christian religion is not ridiculed and whatever your learning it is not exposed. It is quite strange that…Peter: Isabella! are you mad that you have come down to such nonsense talk ? (Addressing the audience:) Surely this girl is possessed by the devil and she has deviated far from Christ, and no wonder if she has lost her senses.Isabella : Instead of venting your anger on my poor self you should either answer the question of Muslims or end the discussion. I do not want to answer here the allegations made against me, but if this is the reward of my frankness I do not mind if you take me to be demented.Michael: Will you not keep quiet? Talking, talking and talking. We haveanswered all questions of Muslims. If you have the courage, come forward and answer.A priest: It seems that this girl has secretly become an unbeliever. How could she answer the questions of Muslims? Her respected father should be informed about her impudence and she should be duly punished.Catherine (a companion of Isabella): It is unfortunate that you have not done justice and all of you fall upon poor Isabella. Some call her mad, others threaten her, but no one puts his mind to the real matter. Isabella is quite right to say that you people have not been able to answer the questions of Umar Lahmi, but it does not mean that Christian religion is not just. You people are worthless and are trying to give bad name to Christianity on account of your worthlessness.Peter : Turn out these girls from here. Who allowed these wretched girls to interfere in our talk?Umar Lahmi: If you allow me to speak I will explain what Isabella meant.Michael: Do not interfere in our talk. It is a matter of our own.Another priest: What if Isabella and Catherine have both become apostates!Michael: We cannot say this just now. These girls are foolish and want to expedite the result of this discussion, although these matters take months and even years to settle.These were adverse comments on these poor girls and charges framed and attributed. Seeing this tumult Umar Lahmi in his sonorous voice recited some versus of Surah Maryam, on which the whole assembly was struck dumb. Eminent priests closed their ears with fingers lest the words of the Qur’an should affect their hearts. Since there was praise of Prophet Jesus and his holy mother and the charges leveled against them by the Jews were refuted, Christians were favourably affected and Isabella’s face in particular brightened. But this time she exercised patience and firmly set.After the recitation Isabella spoke.Isabella: Gentlemen, I call upon you to bear witness that I am a strict Christian and so I do not want that Christians should be humiliated. I donot mean that we have no answer to their questions, only our priests do not put their mind to them, as they think that the help of the Holy Ghost is needed to understand the creed of Christianity. Muslims attribute this toour weakness. I hope that after this there will be no misunderstanding about me. Now I request that the discussion be resumed.One priest: We do not at all need any talk with these “unbelievers”. Alreadythe talk has shaken our faith. What I mean is that these “unbelievers” should be at once turned out from thechurch.Another priest: Do not talk in excitement. The matter should be decided after careful consideration. I also think that the discussion should end, as it is of no use.Umar Lahmi: Gentlmen, you were very proud of the teaching of your Master that if anyone slaps you on one cheek you should present to him the other cheek also. But what is this that we see here? Have we entered here by force? Did you not call us here? Even now if you frankly say thatyou do not want to talk we will immediately leave. But I may tell you that we have delivered our message and Allah will not let our efforts go waste. Now, tell me if we should go or you want to talk.Peter: Respected monitor, the thing is that you cannot understand the realities of Christian faith, nor have you come here for this purpose. But ifyou want to continue the talk you shall have to answer my questions.Umar Lahmi; Very well. I give you fullfreedom to put any question and we shall calmly answer.Peter: Has the Qur’an praised the Bible? Do you believe in the Bible?Umar Lahmi; Certainly the Qur’an has praised the Bible and we, all Muslims believe in the Bible, Taurat (the Psalms) and all the books revealed to Prophets.Peter: Then why do you not believe in our Bible ?Umar Lahmi: Because it is not the Bible. If anyone composes a fiction and names it Bible we are not bound to believe in it. You may put before usthe Bible which the Qur’an has praised.Peter: Is the Bible of the Qur’an different from our Bible? Its proof?Umar Lahmi: Because the Qur’an, while praising the original Bible, has falsified this Bible and pointed out its wrong statements.

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