These three items in our lives are so demanding, so domineering, and certainly, so directing of our lives... one way, or the other. We all have them, we have them all. For most of us, regrettably, the past is the one that haunts us, as does the future... and evenif your past does not formally haunt you, it does shape you! For some, even the Now is haunting, which is why so many people turn to 'escape mechanisms' (hobbies, sports, drugs, drinking, etc). Regardless, these three items actually 'are' something of a three-legged-stool for our lives, in which without any ONE of them, thestool topples!"Live in the now" is actually one of the best phrases to describe how we should approach each day of our lives. Sure, this phrase and it's premise is used more and more these days, but mainly because it matters, it is true, and it is actually very scriptural. In each day,Psalms 118:24encourages us; "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.",which is to say remain IN this day and don't allow the frets of the upcoming days... or the woes of days-gone-by unsettle THIS day. Maybe your pastis filled with days like today; worrying about the future and never really getting any closer to God, any closer to peace, and certainly any closer to the admonition "... let us rejoice and be glad in it", so this day-of-fretting is added to your past, and tomorrow you begin the cycle all over again! Take advantage of this one 'leg of the stool', and make it right, make it level, and make it do likePhilippians 4:19tell us; "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."The past is important, too. Way too often, we eithercomplete ignore it, or are wholly swallowed by it. Many, many people think/feel it is taboo to linger too long on your past, to ponder over the 'what was' and spending too much time on the 'what could have been'. But, these are actually very, very healthy exercises for your life. Keep in mind, too often, our memories can betray us, so don't get caught 'remembering the facts' as much as remembering the actions, the events, and the results.Considering the future is quite important for us too. This can either give us hope for tomorrow or scare us about it. Either way, the 'action' we derive from considering the future is what helps determine whether we are merely going to loop back and repeat yesterday's woes, or make adjustments in our lives and grow from it all. Doing nothing to change and improve guarantees repeating your woes; maybe with some variety, some flare, and even some minor changes (new job, new friends, different hobby). So, be very careful to settle your life into His leading, to settle your spirit to His still-small-voice, to settle your"quick to respond" tendencies and be sure of His will for you.How?Easier said than done... I know personally. Being aresponsible adult and not worrying (considering) the future don't seem to go together, but letting your future keep you from rejoicing in God's glory today is keeping your future in a dim and frustrating light, and perpetuating anguish for you... so tomorrow looks the same as yesterday.Philippians 4:6-7directs us; "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.", which is important to read those first four words."Be careful for nothing" seems irresponsible, but it actually means/says "don't be so anal"... but, if you do want to be 'careful' for a thing (your retirement, your career, your neighbor, etc), then apply the 2nd half of that verse; "by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving... ask God". See... we tend to just 'ask God', but when you apply the Prayer and Supplication (to seek or ask for by humble entreaty) part WITH being thankful, verse seven is a promised result! Then, your past and your future will be representatives of your now, then will your past and future formally be the 'what was' and the 'what is to come' part of your life, leaving you to shape and enhance your now.http://vocalbillity.blogspot.comArticle Source:,_MDiv/2196890
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