Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Focus and Drive You Need to Achieve Your Next-Quarter Goals (With Example Day-Goals)

I submit to you that without a master plan for the next 3 months of the year, your profitability won't change much from the last 9 months in your business.Secondarily, there is one more issue that is sidetracking most online entrepreneurs: lack of focus, which leads to inactivity, endless looping, social media interaction and the email spiral.Now, imagine instead if you had a rock-solid plan for the next 3 months that would lead to your income goal accomplishment for the next quarter, and by having that plan, you know exactly what to do each day to achieve your next-quarter goals?Would that give you the focus you need to finish the race?Here's a secret to my own focus and drive: I am relentlessly focused on a basket of goals, and EVERYTHING I do in my business points to those goals.Email? if it doesn't point, I don't engage.Facebook? self-explanatory - that's why I don't use it nowWatching YouTube? meeting on LinkedIn? anything else like the above?I just don't do them. Not because I have self-discipline, but because I don't have room for them in my schedule of "things to do each day"And those "things to do each day" point to my basket of goals.For example, so far today I have:1) Planned my week2) Written this emailMy next steps for the day:1) Write a lesson for my membership program2) Work with JV partners on our joint promos3) Release a training package of starter content forIM-niche infomarketers who don't know what to create or put in their IM topic memberships4) Send my assistant a list of tasks, such as create a new YouTube channel for my business,5) Work on my new new-subscriber email campaign6) Consider the method of training I'll use for showing the technical side of creating memberships7) And then, finally, if there's time during the next 2 1/2 hours I'm planning to work, answer any emails from subscribers. If there's not, that gets deferred until tomorrow.Realistically, I'll skip steps 5) and 4), and in that order, those will likely get deferred until tomorrow or Wednesday (tomorrow may be a short working day)and 6) will likely be more of a thought - process through the day, while I'm driving, sitting, or walking during my afternoon personal time.But what WILL get done points with laser-focus towards my goals for this year - one of which, of course, is empowering hundreds of clients to achieving their next-quarter income goals.1) will point specifically towards that, by adding the next lesson.and 3) will point specifically towards that, as it will give IM-nichers an easy-button so they don't have to think about what to create in the IM niche to have great content---> now, back to youAll of that was designed to give YOU food for thought -The question is, how does that compare with your own planned day ahead?How will your day look different?With a rock-solid end-of-year plan, every day you wake up and work can look just like this.Your tasks might be different, but your day can be just as planned, just as productive.Would it be worth working on your 90 day plan TODAY, while it's hot and fresh on your mind?By the way, do you want to add a coaching program to your business in the next 24 hours or less? If so, download my brand new free training here:coaching program starter trainingSean Mize is the author ofAnyone Can Coach, the definitive guide to starting your own coaching program fast.Article Source:

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