Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sources of Joy

Joy is spontaneous, the moment when desire is achieved, when pleasure is attained, or when our happiness reaches a pinnacle. Rarely is it planned.Rather, it happens now, and is gone in seconds. But, it is so special. We will remember the moment, sometimes for all of our lives.Some people never experience joy, and may have trouble comprehending it when they see it happen to other people.Yet, universally, those lucky ones who are showered with joy yearn to get it back when it is gone. So, where will you find joy? Probably, it will happen for you when you do something that makes you happy. But, it is just as likely to happen to you in an obtuse way, like the strike of a randombolt of lightning!Your children may bring you joy. The first uncontrollable laughter of a three-four-month-old baby is my best example of joy in its purest form. Others will describe their joy at the moment of achievement after a long and arduous quest. Some people are bestowed indescribable joy when they receive Jesus in their lives, when they are asked to marry, when they give birth, when they graduate from an education program, when they are promoted at work, or when they are designated as a leader. But, for me, joy is not about personal accomplishment, and it is not necessarily about something that directly affects me.In 2007, I served in Afghanistan, a combat zone, while supporting a NATO staff. Such an arduous time that was in my life, yet, I found joy there. Beingan international force, the personnel consisted of uniformed men and women from many countries. The common thing among them was that nearly all of them were young, in their twenties and thirties. I was there to see a security contingent from the Republic of Moldova arrive, all young men, except for one petite woman. Being a securityattachment, they drew some of the more dangerous duty. The men seemed to treat the young woman like a sister. I could not speak their language, but I did notice how they protected her. Ihappened to be in the messing facility (where meals are served) in time to see her get her first meal there.She had made a salad for herself. It was a work of art, not because it was large, but because she had put it together so meticulously. After it was perfect, she held the bowl of salad up in her hands, and cried tears of joy. The moment was compelling. This was a young woman who had never eaten so well in her life. I was not the only one who noticed. A number of hardened soldiers from several countries, including Americans, choked up when they saw that. I think of that moment of joy sometimes. I have so much, and I marvel that joy can come to someone who has so little. I hope joy finds you."How Tony Wrote and Published Two Novels," is a writer, an author of several published novels, and an independent publisher. In September 2012, he wrote and published the first of a three-book drama series, "A Voice from New Mill Creek: The Methodists," as an e-book. In April,2013, he released his second e-book and first romance novel, "Goodnight Paige." In July, 2013, Tony released a guidebook titled "How Tony Wroteand Published Two Novels." In May 2014, he published "The Star of India, "the second novel in the Voice From New Mill Creek drama series. Source:

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