Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Leader Vs Boss

The number one thing that makes a good employee quit their job is that theydon't like their boss. This is why the top companies in the word put millions of dollars a year towards educating management on how to not only be able to get results from their team, but also be a leader that their team wants towork for. But, what is it that separates a boss from a leader?1.A leader is standing beside you in the trenches. Not gazing at you from above.No one wants to feel that they are a slave, doing all of the work while their boss sits back in their office relaxing or worse, is out on the golf course"schmoozing clients". A leader is someone who doesn't ask their staff to work overtime to complete a job unless they are pulling in the same weekend or evening hours. They are also someone who collaborates on projects, where employees know exactly what their boss is contributing, rather than spending all their time delegating or (worse) micromanaging.1.A leader has experience and expertise.There is a reason that few people want to work for boy's son who graduated from school and skyrocketed up the corporate ladder to a management position. And it isn't just that they were on the fast track. It's also that they missed a lot of important information and valuable information that they would have learned if they had worked their way up.You want your boss to be someone whoyou can go to for advice and will have the answers that you're looking for. If your boss has never done your job (or something very similar) than how couldthey understand what your daily challenges are?1.Leaders show that they value their employees.Employees that feel that they are valued both by the company that they work for and their direct manager are more likely to be loyal to their current job than those that feel they are invisible or that they are being taken advantage of. There are many businesses that are now putting into practice the belief that if you take care of your employees, they will in turn take care of your customers. This starts with managers providing positive feedback to their employees, recognizing when there is an issue or when someone on their team needs assistance, and not asking more of theiremployees than they are capable of doing under a healthy work schedule.1.Leaders inspire their team.It's not enough to just feel that you are a valuable member of the team. Most people also want to feel that the work that they are doing is valuable and worthwhile. Those that are happiest in their jobs feel that they have found their place in the world where they are filling a need and doing work that few others could do. A great leader is someone who is able to pick their team up when there are problems and can keep them motivated when deadlines need to be met. They don't rule by fear but instead show how everyone benefits from the best possible results.1.Leaders want to create more leaders.One of the best things that a leader can do is to teach their employees how to get by without them. Just like a parent teaches their child to leave on their own one day, good leaders want to give theirtop employees the tools and knowledge that they need to one day rise higher in their own careers. The best leaders are those that help people to see their potential and foster that to get the best results for everyone. A bad boss is someone who tries to hold the best employees back and doesn't give them to freedom to really ever reach their potential.We all had those people in our lives, whether they were a boss, coach or family member, who inspired us to grow and succeed. Think back to those that positively influenced your life and career and try to emulate their best traits every day at work. This is what will make you a leader rather than just a boss.Tokii is a lifestyle company that is all about helping you to love yourself, achieve more and improve the world around you. Check out our iOS appPersonality Profile Quizzes by Tokiiwhere we offer you a chance to explore your own psyche through hundreds of fun and informative games and quizzes. Our online storeWearable Therapy by Tokiiis a place where you can define your normal through original fashion based on real emotions and feelings that are not commonly expressed through other companies. We all have our own brand of normal. Embrace yours.Article Source:

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