Sunday, January 3, 2016

Efforts Continue in 2015 to Turn Recycled Materials Into Usable Products

It's wonderful to see manufacturers andother industries come together to keep recyclable packaging out of landfills and deliver it to recycling companies where it's sorted and repurposed. Vinyl recycling is at the top of the list along with plastics.One common waste that is partly responsible for ruining the environmentis flexible packaging. Studies are underway to record how these items arecurrently sorted at recycling centers.Items like food packages, pet food bags,pouches for soups and other foods, andsandwich bags are counted after sorting to determine how effective the process really is. Studies hope to help the process and send more products to the correct facilities for recycling.Big Name Companies are InvolvedOne may be surprised to hear which companies are in on the efforts in an attempt to make a name for themselves among environmentally conscious companies. They include:*.Nestle USA*.PepsiCo*.Procter & Gamble*.Sealed Air*.SC Johnson*.Dow Chemical Co.These companies and many other depend on flexible packaging to protect their products and the fact that it can be reused so easily is something that can't be overlooked any longer. Hopefully this sorting study will help recover more of these packages to be reused in plastic and vinyl products.A non-profit group called the Research Foundation for Health and Environmental Effects, which was established by the American Chemistry Council, launched the Materials Recovery for the Future project. They arecontributing everything they can to helpthe vinyl recycling industry.Walmart's EffortsWalmart is just one company that is ramping up their plastic and vinyl recycling efforts via a zero waste initiative. As a leader in recycling, Walmart's sustainability efforts are better each and every year. Many companies know of what the company calls a super sandwich bale, this is a heap of waste that includes up to 32 items for recycling. The list includes hangers, aluminum cans, soda and water bottles, loose plastic, and varioustypes of paper.Any company that wishes to begin stronger efforts can turn towards their methods as a great example.What Recycled Vinyl BuildsRecycled vinyl is used in a variety of products that many don't even realize it can be used for. If more companies takeadvantage of the low-cost recycled vinyl and even contribute to recycling efforts they can reap the benefits in three ways. First, they can be paid for their recyclables; this is little known information to most! Secondly they are able to purchase it for less from a well-known company. Finally they are reducing their carbon footprint and helping their company image.Some common products manufactured from vinyl recycling:*.Building materials*.Toys*.Clothing*.Vehicles*.Packaging materials*.CarpetingSpread the WordIf more companies and individuals are educated as to the benefits of recycling, the world will surely see an increase in efforts. It's now more important than ever to focus on the health of our world and prevent more recyclable materials from resting in landfills and swimming in the ocean, killing marine life.It's great to know that some companies are maximizing efforts to improve the recycling process but there are still several more that have no clue the benefit they could be doing for their business and the world by implementing a recycling plan. By signing up for recycling with a company that focuses on the task, they can be paid, save money and boost business.Word of mouth is the fastest way to increase vinyl recycling across the globe, so everyone is encouraged to share this knowledge with friends, family and professional contacts. Let them know they can be paid for their recyclables and purchase resins made from vinyl recycling for far less than other methods.As a popular company founded by Mark Shuholm, they have served the Western U.S. and Canada for over a decade. Recycling and repurposing plastic into high-quality resins they have become the industry standard. Companies from a variety of industries can sell and buy plastics, resulting in a reduction in their carbon footprint and cost savings. First and foremost, NPI, Northwest Polymers is committed to responsible waste disposal. They have an extensive logistical network for pick-up and deliver to satisfied clients. Efficiency, reliability and environmentalintegrity are guaranteed along with constant aspirations to keep up with thelatest technology in their field. For moreinformation go tohttp://www.nwpoly.comArticle Source:

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