Friday, December 25, 2015

Nation pays homage to Quaid on 139th birth anniversary

KARACHI: The 139th birth anniversary of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah is being celebrated across the country on Friday with due enthusiasm. Jinnah wasborn on Dec 25, 1876, in Karachi.The day has been declared a public holiday.A change of guard ceremony was held at the Quaid’s mausoleum in Karachi in the morning, where Commandant PMA Major Gen Nadeem Raza was the guest of honour.Cadets from PMA Kakul assumed guards' duties at Quaid's mausoleum. —DawnNews screengrabA contingent comprising180 cadets from the Pakistan Military Academy Kakul assumed guards' duties at the mausoleum.President Mamnoon Hussain along with Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah paid a visit to the mausoleum where they placed wreaths and offeredFateha.President Mamnoon Hussain along with Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah paida visit to the mausoleum. —DawnNews screengrabA military band played ceremonial and marching tunes, including the national anthem.In their messages on theoccasion, President Mam­noon Hussain andPrime Minister Nawaz Sharif paid tribute to theQuaid’s leadership.The presidenturged the nationto forge unity to defeat the forces of extremism and militancyand try to uphold the principles of democracy,constitution and the ruleof law. “Let us dedicate ourselves, on this historic occasion, to keep the unity of the country and glory of Islam uppermost in our thought and deed.”

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