Saturday, December 19, 2015

Is There Even Any Oil Leftin the World?

Yes, of course! There is coconut oil, there are essential oils and then there is cooking oil! There is a whole lot of those across the world. However, what about crude oil? Is there really any crude oil out there? What is the situation of crude oil like?This is a very tricky question.While some leading dailies are of the opinion that, we still have 53.3 years of oil left, some others believe that oil is still available in abundance. Environmentalists onthe other hand are of the opinion that oil reserves are depleting at a very fast pace and quick action is required.Now, one wouldn't know one from the other when so many opinions are thrown at them. Moreover, even if there are oil resources in abundance, a lot of these are withheld either by terrorist organisations or by first world countries to sell at a very high price during the anticipated crisis.How many manufacturing units will be able to buycrude oil at such high price is unknown. It will definitely mean the end of Small and Medium Enterprises in the oil market as they obviously wouldn't have that much capital. Moreover, quite a few manufacturing units in India have already shut down due to lack of oil. Thus, if oil was indeed available in abundance, industries wouldn't close down due to shortage of raw material.Well, here is the deal! While it is true that there are oil reserves in abundance in the Middle East, Mexico and Venezuela, these reserves are not going to meet the demand for oil. There is a lot more demand of oil than the oil in the reserves. This demand will be extremely difficult to meet and sooner or later, the oil industry is going to go into a crisis. In fact, the crisis has already begun for small-scale industries.Thus, while we may continue to have a steady supply of oil for a few more decades, this supply is going to aid only those industries and enterprises who can afford it. That will mainly be business giants and a few others who have done well. Even then, there might not be enough for all of them after say 50 years. Moreover, experts have projected an increase in the demand as time goes by.Hence, one can estimate that oil industries are going to be in a difficult spot if quick action isn't taken right away. However, is there a way out? Oneof the best available solutions is to use Emulsified Oil instead of Crude Oil. Emulsified Oil is a green fuel that is manufactured out of by-products and can help the world oil situation in a large way. It isone of the most plausible solutions available to usas of today. Moreover, Emulsified Heavy Furnace Oil or number 6 E.F.O is not only an eco-friendly but also a cost efficient solution to the current problem. This can definitely help the industries that have shut down due to raw material shortage in a huge way.Creatnet Technology is a pioneer in the field of emulsified furnace oil in India. It will help improvise the oil situation in a large way. It is already supplying EFO to a large number of industries in India. Here's where you can connect with us -http://www.creatnettechnology.comFill in the contact form or give us a call for any queriesand we shall reach out to you at the soonest possible!Article Source:

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