Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How Leaders FIND OUT About Their Constituents?

How many times have you heard a discussion, or read an article, etc., about how important it is for a leader tobe empathetic, listen effectively, communicate, articulate, and truly develop a bond, with constituents and other stakeholders? However, have you ever wondered how this is possible or achievable, without, first, making a concerted effort to examine thoroughly, andFIND OUTas much as you can about the needs, priorities, and concerns of your constituents? While effective leaders must have an energy and desire to serve, and be motivated by a vital, vibrant vision, and a strong bond and allegiance to their organization'smission, this must be articulated in such a way that it motivates others, and therefore, one must discover all he can.1.Features; friend; focus:What do you believe the most important features your organization and itsstakeholders, seek? Leading is not about merely becoming someone's friend, and being led by focusing on popularity. Great leaders always possess quality focus, and pay attention to the needs, concerns and priorities of those they serve!2.Ideas; interests; integrity:You need ideas that make a difference, rather than merely restating the same-old, same-old! Are your interests in synergy with those you represent? In order to lead effectively, you must maintain absolute integrity, rather than picking and choosing!3.Needs; niche:If you want to learn about your constituents, you must address the needs of your constituents. Leading is not a one-size-fits-all process, but must adopt the best niche, to get through to those served!4.Delve deeply; decide; deliver:Examine all aspects, as well as ramifications, and look thoroughly at every relevant issue, or need/concern. When a leader delves deeply, ratherthan merely on the surface, he becomes more capable of relating to constituents, and making the most relevant, sustainable choices. Once you decide, deliver on your promises on a timely basis!5.Opinions; options; opportunities:You know the adage about opinions, so be careful to examine those offered in detail! Keep an open-mind, maximize your options and alternatives, and be in the best position to seize upon the best opportunities, or to create them!6.Usefulness:Beware of falling into thelooking busy, or busy-worktrap! Leading effectively does not mean talking the talk, but rather walking one's talk, in a useful, sustainable, priorities-based, quality way!7.Trust; tendency:What qualities in others, makesyou trust them, more or less? Do you deserve the trust of those you serve, and do you articulate in such a way, that you motivate quality, positive attitudes, etc? Do you know your tendencies, both good and bad, and attempt to address weaknesses, while using strengths effectively?The more a lead is willing toFIND OUTabout opportunities, constituents, etc, the better his chance, to do so, in a sustainable, relevant manner. Will you be willing to make that effort?Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website:http://plan2lead.netand LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:http://facebook.com/Plan2leadArticle Source:http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

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