Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Don't Get Complacent When Times Are Good

The economy is ever changing. As a business owners it is necessary to step back and evaluate the business during the good and the bad times. It is important to build a resilient, flexible business that is able to take advantage of opportunities and respond to economic crisis in days, not years. As a leader, continually take a helicopter view of the business to make sure that each part is working towards the same goal. Be prepared for the rough times by constantly looking for ways to improve products and services and stay one step ahead of the clients by knowing what is needed before it is needed. By being prepared for the downturn, if it happens, less of a pull will be noticed.When the economy is bad, it is as bad as it is madeto be. While there is a direct link to a downturn in the economy and the success of businesses acrossthe board, the mindset is the make it or break it. Donot expect the worst but always prepare for it. If the mentality is that the sky is always falling, how can business and employees be expected to grow?As an owner, words should be chosen wisely. If you tell employees that growth can reach up to 3 million in sales then that is what growth can be expected. Believe the impossible! People are watching and looking for direction. Provide that by always looking ahead at opportunities for the company to grow.Stay consistent. Do what should be done all the time. Always listen to the clients and keep them topof mind. The clients are who keep the employees busy and the company running. Make sure to let employees know they are appreciated. Incentivize the employees to keep them and let them know they are appreciated.Another way that to stay profitable during a downturn in the economy is by constantly finding ways to improve products and services. If not constantly improving the products and services, business will fall short. Continue to stay in front and on top of what the clients need and want. Do what the competition is not and does not want to do.The way perception plays into success is simple. Perception is reality. It's all about the way the clients see the company. Portray a professional image at all times no matter what type of business. The reason professional image products are so important is because they show the clients the willingness to go above and beyondto protect their homes or businesses. By putting ona pair of shoe covers or laying down a custom logo mat clients are shown the commitment to keep their home as clean as it was before the employees arrival. The professional image portrayed to the clients exceeds that one visit. It is spread by word of mouth, social media and repeatclients.For a great example of how important perception is just take a look at particular eating establishments. When going to a restaurant with great customer service, expectations are set because they have built a great business model that they live by. All employees are in sync and understand what is expected of them. From their"my pleasures" to their positive attitudes, they go above and beyond what the customer expects, theyknow who they are and do not waver from that. Then take a look at another restaurant without the same standard and their employees. It is possible to go through the drive through and be greeted warmly by an employee, but it doesn't happen often. Most of the time at the drive through withoutso much as a "have a great day". For example, McDonald's had a 2.3% decrease in sales and a 28% drop in operating profits within the first 3 months of the year causing over 700 restaurants to close. They are working on making improvements now, but this is a perfect example ofwhy keeping true to core beliefs and making sure employees are passing perception along. Always define the brand and company and then live by it.When the economy is entering a recession, problems that should have been worked on all along become the first to work to improve. The important thing to remember is "move closer to the desk", while the economy is good and stay focused as though the world is in a recession negative effects will never be felt. Without this mentality in place, the business will continue to rise and fall like a roller coaster.A good thing to remember is "if things are going good you better duck". Keep the fingers on the pulse of the company and continue doing that then when things turn positive you will reap rewards beyond dreams. Dreams have no boundaries. So, make sure and continue to keep dreaming!Steve Stone invites you to check out ShuBee's products for a professional image today: more valuable business tips visit: Source:

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