Many people tend to become worried when they see widespread military activities taking place across the country. These people are generally concerned that our government is taking unnecessary actions intent upon curving their constitutional liberties. Usually these fears materialize in the form of our National Guard Units being deployed to various locations. I feel thatwe as survivalists often don pointed tin hats as we conceive possible scenarios for potentially dangerous situations. However with that being said the government frequently oversteps their bounds and fosters the tin hat scenario.Unfortunately or fortunately according to how oneviews it, domestic military exercises are necessary in order to maintain an effective fighting force. No one can argue the value of a fictional training exercise where some extremist might hit a school with mustard gas however as with any exercise of this nature we find people complaining of identifying these exercise actions with possible identification with the right wing, pro second amendment or tea party members. In fact, although I can understand the need for these typesof exercise I too get a little peeved at the insinuation that gun supporters are the potential problems and not the individuals that use them.One particular guard training scenario last year involved an elaborate plot to employ biological weapons in order to advance the groups beliefs onpreserving the second amendment and our constitutional gun rights. This scenario was set in a local school environment where the exercise displayed an actual feel of the real thing. In an exercise conducted by the Ohio National Guard last year the gun rights supporters were portrayed as domestic terrorists. The bad point here is that those people who choose to exercise their second amendment constitutional rights are being portrayed as some sort of domestic terrorist.This Portsmouth mock disaster was staged in order to see how the first responders and the Ohio Army National Guard would react to such a scenario where the local school officials were plotting to employ biological, chemical and radiological agents against the community in general.The local Portsmouth police chief responded to concerns on this exercise as the reality of the world today and condoned it as being prepared. He concluded his news release to the public with a reminder that there is domestic terrorism taking place in America as he speaks. The exercise in itself may not have been so bad however depictingsecond amendment supporters and gun advocates as the villain was totally inappropriate and wrong. Notes in the documents that were released on the exercise, state that the Second Amendment supporters with the 'anti-government'attitude were the groups portrayed as the domestic terrorists.During the progression of this exercise it was reported that one final document contained remarks from the first responders as they entered the classroom. According to the report those responders who entered the classroom made note of the writing that was on the blackboard which made statements about protecting the second amendment and Gun Rights. In addition, notes were made of the school lunch menu and the related instructions discovered that pertained to the poisonous compound ricin. It was indicated inthe exercise that William Pierce the notorious neo-Nazi was the fiction right-wing terrorist leader.When the authorities were questioned on using gun advocates as the bad guys the people responsible refused to comment and ended any discussions. To me it is a scary situation when law enforcement and the military are being brainwashed into believing that Second Amendment advocates are their enemy. In my opinion this is totally wrong on many counts. These types of action are inappropriate and unnecessary. Perhaps some imaginative alternatives should be used instead of condemning one of the largest voter ballets in the nation. Debates may be raised on capital Hill as tothe need for gun control but facts and figures do not lie. Since America does not have a universal gun registry such as is found in many foreign nations there is not a simple answer to how many guns are actually in the hands of the citizens. According to the Geneva based small arms survey estimates range at about 270 million guns. Folks that makes us the best-armed civilian population in the world.Copyright @ 2015Http://www.survival-training.infoArticle Source:
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