"Success is a journey not a destination."-- anonymousThis is one sense of realization that I and my company had to come to. Many times we achieve degrees of success and we feel as if we have arrived. But, that's a reality that is not true. As long as you are alive you should always strive to achieve more.A definition I heard of success is,the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal. That's deep. That definition there speaks volumes about you, your career, your business, or whateverit is that you may be involved in. The total aim of achievement is found in obtaining a noteworthy goal. That's the journey and the path that you should strive amidst all the distractions or obstacles that may try to get you off the path.We have to make it a point to not get settled in our success. Settling leads to complacency. Complacency leads to routine. Routine leads to boredom. Boredom leads to passivity. Passivity leads to inactivity. You don't ever want to get the mind, "Yeah, I've achieved a few times doing a few things. Whoohoo!" But, what happens after the first time, or the second time, or the third?Here are four elements that I think help to add vivacity and virtue to you and your business. If youhave a career that you are pursuing that's awesome to. I call these theFour Charismatic Qualities of Change.1. Change of SelfIn order to be a success the first change is going tohave to start with you. In some cases you may have to re-invent yourself to program your mind to be successful at whatever it is that you are setting out to achieve. The true you is shown in, and comes from, your experience and journeying in your area of endeavor. You have to take all of your experiences and use them to help change work in you for the better.You have value to bring to the world, and there are certain people out there who you need to share your success with. Sharing of success from a changed you helps to guide in the success of others.2. Change In Your CareerWhen you set your sight to advance in your career there are a couple of projections that you will needto consider. One, what expected end are you going to? Two, What are the goals that you want to accomplish? Three, is there a way for you to advance beyond where you are right now?You see, when we talk about change we are talkingabout ways to position yourself to get the most outof your efforts. To maximize sometimes calls for you to make some changes. To experience greater measures of success in your career, or business may call for some changes to be made.3. Change In Your Target AudienceWhen you think in terms of business, maybe you have a specific group of people that you are trying to reach. Maybe you have been a success to a degree in your career or business, but there is always room for growth. Remember, just because you have experienced levels of success in times past doesn't mean that you have arrived yet. You and I both could always better ourselves to receivemore than we have at this point in our efforts.A change of perspective in how you reach out to your target audience could mean another level of success, and a closer relationship to them also. You have to have a longing within for your target group and how you can offer valuable benefit to them. If you are a person who isn't involved in business, see how change in your life could help you to add value and success to those who are in your surroundings.4. Change For Your WorldThis here is when you can evaluate your journey ofsuccess. When I have made changes within myself, changes in how I approach others, then I can look at how I can change my world. That is one of the greatest joys in success; when change from you is on a worldwide level."How can I change the world? I'm only one person," you may say. But, little by little the changethat you exert from you to others could mean the carrying of that change from person to person. I believe that everyone was meant to touch someone or someone(s) life for the better. It's bigger than a business; it's about changing on higher level for you and others.If you want to experience great levels of success onthis journey you may have to make personal adjustments to reach out further than you've gone before. This success journey is about being the best so that you will forever have the best.To learn more about SRB Publications visit our website:http://www.srbpublications.webs.comArticle Source:http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sheldon_R_Smith/1435926
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