Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Have You Got to Moan About?

Some years ago my family went for an outing to a restaurant, for a lovely Sunday lunch. The waiter started to deliver our meals and when mine arrived it was nothing like what I'd ordered. When I started to speak to the waiter my father snapped, told me to stop moaning and eat it as it looked perfectly fine to him!
Moaning can come in all shapes and sizes and it's often someone's interpretation of another's behaviour that makes all the difference. Certainly, having someone say, 'stop moaning', can be a massive factor in shutting someone up. No one wants to be accused of moaning, even if it does mean eating the wrong meal!
According to recent research the average Briton moans for 10000 minutes each year, with two-thirds of 20-30 year olds moaning at least once a day for 15 minutes. Moaning can become a habit, an automatic default. And for some people it can be used as an attempt to appear superior. Always having an opinion and looking down on other people and things can be seen as a way to elevate ones standing. Dispensing scathing comments and views from a lofty height can feel important and 'better than'. But beware of the consequences of always moaning or complaining.Becoming habituated to seeing the bad and complaining about it can remove the joy in life. When you're attuned to always notice what's wrong and not as you would like you leave no space for compassion, humour or being easy-going and tolerant. And for others it can be wearisome to be with someone who never has a good word to say, or who refuses to give a pass for the slightest infringement of their code of 'acceptable' behaviour.
Moaning can become a negative approach to life, as in bullying, intimidation, manipulation and in targeting others who are seen to be rarely 'good enough'. Then there are those who moan for advantage. They want to avoid paying for their meal by saying something was wrong or bad. They're after compensation, reparation, even damages and know that many business and service providers are nervous of ignoring the prospect of negative publicity, so will often give in and do what's asked of them.Moaners may see their comments as constructive criticism, feedback, a desire for the other person to improve, and, handled well, constructive criticism is relevant to each of us to aid our growth. As an adult we should be able to handle some comments and teaching points, especially if we're working on a team or to a specific spec, but constant barracking and being complained to or about can slowly erode confidence, self-belief or desire to think for ourselves.Trolling may be seen as moaning or complaining. Often done under a cloak of anonymity, trolling is online abuse - picking on, highlighting something about another person's appearance, behaviour or presence that has caused irritation and issues with the troll. It's certainly a form of bullying and can be insidious, often encouraging others to join in the trolling activity, generating a cascade of distressing online vitriol. Many social media providers have become vigilant about trolling, deleting comments and blocking trolls from posting, but it still occurs and can have devastating consequences for the recipient.But not all moaning is bad. It can create a tribe mentality, where people with a common grievance feel empowered to stand up, complain and campaign for change. It can create a collective energy, where individuals discover that by standing together they can precipitate change by having a common aim in their sights. A group of individuals can become a force to be reckoned with when they unite and complain or 'moan' together.
.Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why It Matters, When A Public Official LIES?

Historically, the greatest elected officials, were, those, who the public followed, because they sincerely believed in that individual's integrity, value, values, and ability, to lead, the nation, in a responsible, responsive manner, which aligned with our American Constitution's guarantees, of freedom, liberty and justice, for all! Although, we have always, elected, certain, charismatic, populist politicians, inspire their core supporters, largely because of these individual's prejudices/ biases, perceived benefits, self - interest, etc, in most cases, the ideas, articulated, were, neither, factual, nor relevant, and sustainable! However, in recent memory, most would agree, we have never witnessed, any public official, consistently, persistently, use misstatements and LIES, as a political weapon (according to several fact - checking organizations), as often, or effectively, as the current occupant of the White House. Although, some of President Trump's core, most fervent supporters, continue to defend him, and repeat his claims, which blame and complain about the media, and, nearly anyone, who disagrees, with him, the reality is, in the longer - run, it matters, when lies become a leader's reality, and, there seems to be little support for facts - based policies, and realities. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, voters should demand more, and better.
1. Listen; learn; leading; lacking; losing: Although, Donald Trump, claimed we would begin, to tire, from so much winning, much of the country, has suffered, from additional losing! Citizens need, and deserve, leaders, willing to effectively listen, and learn, in order to proceed, with leading the nation, for the common good! When there is so much lying, open - minded, fully considered, leadership, is lacking!
2. Integrity; ideology; innovation; imagination; ill - prepared, ill - considered: When lying becomes, the norm, leaders lack the necessary commitment to integrity, and this impacts, whether, they create a common ideology! Necessary, needed, innovation, requires the level of imagination, which rarely occurs, when false - facts, become dominant! Instead of blaming and complaining, and accusing others, preparing, in a well - considered manner, would be beneficial!
3. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energize; earn: When elected officials, lack the genuine empathy, which is needed, their emphasis, often, focuses on their personal/ political agenda, and self - interest, instead of the common good. When they use their energy, to resort to name - calling, and using fake - facts, they only energize, their core supporters, while turning - off, many others! We need to elect people, who, earn our trust, daily!
4. Solutions; system; sustainable; stronger: Empty promises, and rhetoric/ vitriol, should be replaced with viable, well - considered solutions, and a system, to implement quality ideas, and insights! Only when populism is replaced with sustainable ideas, will we benefit!
Wake up, America, and demand better, from those you elect, to serve and represent! Instead of complaining, and blaming others, choose, to vote, for people, who seek a meeting - of - the - minds, for the common good!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense:

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Health And Happiness, Make Us STRONG

Most people state, they want to live, the happiest, healthiest life, possible! However, in the vast number of instances, we do little, proactively, to help ourselves, get stronger, etc! Enhancing our personal health, requires a balance between understanding and seeking happiness, and personal fulfillment, and, a willingness, to take steps, to do something about it! Doesn't it make sense, then, quality health, and genuine happiness, normally makes us STRONG? This refers, not simply, to physical strength, but also, the often, hard - to - measure, concept of inner strength! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Strengths; system; sustainable; solutions: Are you ready, willing, and able, to proceed, in an objective, introspective way, to know, and use your strengths, effectively and meaningfully, as well as areas of weakness, so you might be able to address them, to your best advantage? Will you perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, the best overall health system, for you? Are you willing to look at the bigger - picture, in a sustainable manner, in order to seek the best solutions, for you?
2. Time - tested; timely; trends: Proceed, with a willingness, to know, and effectively use, the time - tested methods and approaches, as well as learning, and using, trends, which might, make life better! Instead of procrastinating, the best approach, is to consistently, proceed, in a well - considered, timely manner!
3. Relevant; realistic; responsive: Using rose - colored glasses, is not, the type of positive attitude, which makes your life better! Rather, one must proceed, in a realistic way, using relevant understanding, and in a way, which is responsive, to addressing your need, to be happy!
4. Options; opportunities; open - mind: Instead of resisting, accepting alternatives, the best approach, is proceeding, with an open - mind, in order to consider various options, and be prepared to recognize, and take advantage of the finest opportunities!
5. Needs; nuances: Humans differ, in many ways! Therefore, it is wise, to understand your personal nuances, and needs, so you might proceed, in the best way, to meet, and exceed your needs, priorities, and perceptions!
6. Goals; greater: When was the last time, you considered, and examined, your goals, and why, you have made them, such? Would it be possible, for you, to make any changes, which might make you greater, and better?
Are you serious about maintaining your utmost degree of health, and well - being? How will you make yourself STRONG, enough, to live the finest life?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How General Contractors Can Win With Blogging

In modern day construction, a digital presence is an easy way for a potential customer to feel comfortable with a contractor's specialty. This match-making scenario becomes challenging when there are countless resources providing the exact service all listed on a search engine's output. Without a budget for ad campaigns and paid ranking opportunities, many contractors feel helpless in the vast sea of large firms "paying to play." Fortunately, there are options. Enter blogging.
Chances are you've been acquainted with the most popular search engine, Google. Although it's frequently pumping out updates to the way its algorithms react to users' keywords, tapping into Google ranking through cost-effective means isn't a far-off goal. In fact, it's a pretty solid game changer for contractors willing to put the proper tools in place.
Through strategic keyword usage and variation in blogs, contractors can build thought leadership while enhancing their Google ranking - becoming visible to potential clients before the competition. To build on both HTML (Hypertext Markup Language - aka website coding) and site copy keyword usage, blogging is a great outlet to also gain visibility while creating content for your firm's social channels.
With the large investment that construction commonly represents for today's owners, it's important to trust the credibility and reputation of a well-known contractor. Blogging is an easy way to do this without shoving information down a potential customer's throat.
A contractor is able to use several free resources from Google to understand what keywords are bringing users to its site to supplement the development of a blog with the goal of search engine optimization (SEO). Tools such as Google Analytics allow users to look at competitor data, identify sources of traffic, and target how users behave on a website..
Activities such as blogging allow a significant bump in interaction volume - thus increasing traffic, strengthening keyword recognition, and improving search ranking.
This is where the connection to hard dollars can be made. By creating a measurement framework of business objectives tied to online tactics with key performance indicators, conversions become reality. Through practice and tight attention towards user interactions, a blog is a great avenue to gain traction on a website that leads to informed, engaged user impressions. Monitoring what areas are appealing to your audience allow you to get better at achieving whichever goal you set, whether it be directing traffic to a landing page for brochure downloads, or completion of a 'contact us' form.
As you grow your blogging capacity and strategy, opportunities for guest blogging and content collaboration with all become additional ways to increase the span of your digital presence, and eventually the conversions that stem from it. Backlinking (placing a link on another website that points back to your own website) with good quality and a measurable quantity of outlets, can eventually build a diverse link profile to eventually allow your website to be viewed positively by search engines. These backlinks can live in a bio within a guest blog, press content, social media posts, advertisements, and other channels that can amplify a digital presence without being at a "spam" level.
Through blogging 2 to 3 times a week, general contractor and construction manager JH Greene & Son has made its mark on a very saturated Mid-Atlantic construction market. From observing the above-mentioned tactics, many business owners searching for a local resource were able to drill down on the best-suited option and find JH Greene among a vast sea of competitors. At least one new opportunity a month is introduced through clients who have shared that they have discovered the JH Greene team through a Google search.
As much as it would be wonderful if this were an easy goal - it requires a lot of dedication and resources to produce the level of content needed to reach the point of becoming discovered. It has taken JH Greene about 2.5 years of constant organic SEO and content marketing to achieve conversion goals from Google.
It's no light undertaking - but in the long-run it pays off.
As a general contractor, JH Greene is somewhat of a rarity to have this type of resource in-house. There are countless inexpensive consultants and a la carte blog producers who will generate some keyword-dense content that will work hard for any brand. When writing feels like pulling teeth, having a content partner allows business owners and executives to focus on what's most important - their business.
About the Author
Through the growth of the JH Greene team, Heather's contributions to the blog become increasingly well-rounded through our vast construction experience in retail, restaurant, medical, industrial, senior living, and office spaces. Explore more about our team of construction solution experts today at
Need help with blogging? Fraley Construction Marketing can create content for your blog or assist with your content strategy.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your Body?

Ever wondered how long marijuana stays in your blood? How long does marijuana stay in your system? It cannot be denied that the effects of weed produce a high that you can feel for a short time. This is what makes pot so attractive and relaxing. Most users love the benefits they get from weed. When you are high, this means that you tend to have an altered perception state, chattiness, giggling, feeling as if time has slowed down, a sense of relaxing and a real sense of well-being.
Of course, when it comes to wondering how long does marijuana stay in your system, the truth is that too much of a good thing has its price. In fact, what most people don't talk about are the other less-beneficial effects of weed. To them, the benefits they feel when they are high far outweigh the disadvantages of weed. Nonetheless, knowing about the other side of weed is highly advisable. Making informed choices is always beneficial.
Short Term Effects
Short term effects of weed also include paranoia, anxiety, feeling faint, feeling sick, confusion, dry eyes, dry mouth, rapidly beating heart, feeling restless, sleepy, problems with coordination, an increase in appetite and not being able to focus very well. For this reason, you might even be pulled over when you smoke and drive. You could be driving in a wobbly manner without even realizing it.
how long marijuana stays in your system will go a long way towards helping you anticipate the length of time it remains in your blood. Plus, if you have a drug test coming up, it is always a good idea to find out what test they are doing. Are they doing a blood test? A hair test? A urine test? Knowing what kind of test is coming up will enable you to know how many days before is safe to smoke weed.
Lesser Known Effects Of Pot
Pot can also cause psychosis, delusions and hallucinations in rare cases when your dose of weed is extremely high. Ingesting weed or smoking pot on a daily basis can also affect your body and mind. You might increase your risks of having impaired learning, impaired memory, impaired cognition, anxiety, depression, other mood disorders, lung infections, bronchitis, respiratory illness, stroke, heart disease and cardiovascular diseases.
When you smoke weed while you are breastfeeding or happen to be pregnant at the moment, there is an increase in the risks of your baby having brain development defects or birth defects.
But Really, How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System?
After your last use of weed, it can remain in your system for between a few days and many months. Depending on various factors and the drug testing method, weed will pass through your system at varied lengths of time. It will also depend on whether you actually ate the weed or smoked it. If you have a drug test coming up soon at the office it is a good idea to get as informed as you can about how long pot stays in your blood.
After all, depending on your job requirements, it is not a good idea to have marijuana detected in your body tissues even if it is legalized in your state. The reason is that your company or school may not tolerate the effects of pot on your learning and memory. For example, law school or law firms as well as persons that operate machinery should definitely not have marijuana running around in their system as they do their jobs.
There are short term effects of weed and these start tapering off after 1-3 hours. Other effects such as having a hard time sleeping or problems with your memory can last more than a day or two. Depending on your system, the effects will wear off after quite some time. These can last for months, weeks or days after your last use of weed. In fact, some of the effects never wear off and can even become permanent.
Have you been wondering about how long it takes to get rid of the weed in your system? More and more institutions are testing for weed as required for work or as routine, general testing, whether or not weed is legal in the state you live in. As a matter of fact, regular testing is more and more par for the course for most people who attend school, work at an office or even just driving strangely on a freeway. No matter what the reason is, it is always a good idea to know everything you can about how long it takes for pot to get eliminated from your system.
But really, how long does weed last? Well obviously, it is going to take longer for weed to leave your system if you are a heavy user. On the other hand, social smokers who barely use weed won't have to worry too much about weed leaving their system in a shorter amount of time. Keep in mind, however, that hair follicles do hold weed for up to ninety days after your last use so if a thorough test is performed on you, they may find it in your hair.
It is actually THC that tests detect, which is what they call broken down weed in your body. How long does THC stay in your urine? How long does THC stay in your blood? It really varies. When it comes to how long does weed stay in system, the fact is there are many things affecting the length of time that marijuana remains in your body. Some factors include body mass index, gender and age. In other words, different types of bodies process marijuana differently.
Also, the way you actually use weed affects how this is used. This includes how often you use weed and how much of it you use when you do. Obviously, more frequent usage of higher doses will increase the time it takes to get rid of the weed in your body. More potent weed has high THC doses compared to lower quality types. Good quality weed which has higher THC will remain in your system longer than bad quality weed. When you eat weed, this stays in your system longer than weed you smoke.
Have you been wondering how long does pot stay in your system? Also known as cannabis or marijuana, weed is usually detected in the fluids of the body for between one and thirty days after you use weed last. As with any drug, it can be detected in hair for many months. How long does weed last? The window for detecting weed will generally depend on how much you have ingested or smoked. It will also depend on how often you smoke. Generally, a larger, more frequent dose of week will be related with longer times of detection possible.
For everyday weed users, marijuana can be detected for a many months after you last use it. Some frequent users can sometimes be detected for up to ninety days. Regardless of how often you use weed, there are windows for detecting cannabis in hair, saliva, blood and urine.
How Long Does It Take To Break Down Weed In Your Body?
Weed has an active ingredients called delta-9 tetrahyrocannabinol, also known as THC. This is weed's active ingredient and is what most tests detect. THC goes into your system and your blood absorbs it. Some of the THC is stored in your fat tissues and organs. When THC goes to your kidney, your blood can re-absorb it.
It is in the liver where THC is broken down. There are a lot of different metabolites that THC breaks down into. What a drug tests does is that it looks for these metabolites which stays in your bloodstream even longer than THC.
Later, as days pass and you don't use any more weed, the metabolites including TCH are washed out of your body through your stool and urine.
How Long After You Last Used Marijuana Can Drug Tests Detect It?
When you go through a drug test, what the tests measure are not the plant itself but rather, the byproducts, which are called metabolite. After the effects of marijuana has worn off, the weed by products remain in your system for a very long time.
How To Get Marijuana Out Of Your System?
To be honest, there isn't a lot of tings you can do to get rid of the marijuana that has found its way into your tissues in your body. Just like pretty much everything else, it takes time for weed to be broken down and eliminated once it is in your body. Staying hydrated, which means drinking a lot of water, eating healthy food and exercising can help excrete marijuana more rapidly, but not very much.
There are many detox remedies for weed as well as kits you can avail of. Some of it involves tea and drinking a lot of water to get rid of weed in your urine. Using herbs like vitamin B12 and creatinine is supposed to mask the weed in your pee, but are not really one hundred percent reliable.
Hair--How Long Does Weed Stay In Your Hair?
Testing hair follicles to test whether or not you used weed can be done for up to ninety days after you last smoked, ate or inhaled weed. Believe it or not, marijuana gets to each hair follicle on your head through tiny blood vessels. Of course, very small amounts can remain in each hair. Hair grows about half an inch per month. Thus, a hair section measuring about one and a half inches that grows closest to your scalp will provide an indication of whether or not you used weed for the last 3 months or ninety days.
Saliva Testing--How Long Does Pot Remain In Your Saliva?
Weed can be found in saliva through testing. If you don't use weed very often, the saliva test will reveal cannabis between one and three days. On the other hand, if you are a heavy user, saliva tests will reveal weed in your blood for up to twenty-nine days. You can have weed in your saliva even if you are simply exposed to the smoke. It will obviously be detected when you smoke weed directly. The metabolites or by products of weed can be found in saliva when weed has been ingested or smoked. When getting tested in states in which weed is legal, saliva can be used for road side tests.
Blood Testing--How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your Blood?
Lab testers use a blood test to see if you have used weed recently. Typically, weed is detectable in the blood for up to two days. If you are a heavy weed user, weed can be detected in your blood for up to twenty-five days. The more often you use weed, the longer it stays detectable in your blood.
Within seconds of when you inhale, weed can be detected in the blood. The cannabis is then distributed to the rest of your body systems. Some is broken down and reabsorbed in your bloodstream, where it can remain for days.
The most common method of testing for weed is through your urine. Marijuana can be detected in urine after last use depending on the amount you used. Heavy users multiple times a day can have weed detected in urine for up to thirty days.
Daily uses that use marijuana everyday but just once or twice a day can have weed detected in their system between ten to fifteen days. Four times a week moderate users can have weed in their system for up to one week or seven days. Social users up to three times each week can have week in their system up to three days.
Metabolites or by products of weed are soluble in body fat. This means that they bind themselves to your body's fat molecules. Because of this, it can take time for the weed to get out of your system.

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