Monday, August 26, 2019

How To Become A SMART Leader?

One can either, seek to become a better, SMART leader, or make all the mistakes, less successful individuals, consistently perform! Being smart, doesn't mean, being the most educated, intellectual, and/ or, intelligent, individual, in the room, but, rather, using one's experiences, wisely, with quality, expertise, judgment, and wisdom. After, over four decades of involvement, in nearly all aspects of leadership, and leadership planning, from identifying, qualifying, developing, training, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, personally, as a leader, on numerous occasions, I have closely considered, and pondered, the techniques, approaches, and components, involved. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and what's involved.
1. Service; system; solutions; sustainable; strengths: Know your strengths, and use them wisely, and efficiently, and address areas of weakness! Emphasize implementing superior service to the group, and constituents. consistently! Perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, a well - considered, system, which focuses on viable solutions, in a relevant, sustainable manner!
2. Make mark; mention; motivate; meaningful: A great leader seeks to make his mark, for the better, in the most meaningful manner! Never forget to mention, the help, assistance, and/ or efforts, made by your constituents, and thank them, sincerely, for their contributions! A great leader motivates his stakeholders, not, merely by his rhetoric, and/ or, promises, but, rather, by the quality, and focus of one's actions, and plans!
3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; assess; assign: Proceed with a positive, can - do, attitude, and considering obstacles, to be challenges, instead of problems! Develop relevant skills, and skill - set, so you possess a well - considered, developed aptitude! Pay keen attention to alternatives, articulate a positive, inspiring, motivating message, and assess the best courses of action! Carefully, assign responsibilities, to the best support people, to make things, better!
4. Relevant; reliable; responsive; realistic: A leader must be optimistic, but realistic, also. He must provide reliable leadership, which is responsive to needs, priorities, etc, in a reliable, effective manner!
5. Time - tested; trends; timely: Combining well - considered, time - tested, techniques (rather than reinventing, the wheel), using relevant trends (wisely), and never procrastinating, are keys to effectively leading! It is essential to pursue the best course of action, in a well - designed, and considered, timely manner!
Will you try to be a SMART leader? Are you up to the tasks and responsibilities?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Leadership: By Fear/ Pressure, Coercion, Empathy, Or Example?

After, over four decades, of involvement, in nearly all aspects of leadership, and leadership planning, from identifying, qualifying, training, developing, and consulting to thousands, of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, I have often, pondered, what makes a leader, more effective, prepared, and ready, for present, relevant, as well as, future, sustainable possibilities/ ramifications. There are many styles, of leading, and, although, there is no such thing, as, one- size - fits - all, I feel it might be helpful/ useful, to consider, examine, review, and discuss, some of these options, such as: using fear/ pressure; coercion; empathy; or, leading, by example.
1. Fear/ pressure: Far too often, some pseudo - leaders, seem to believe, they can only be effective, inspiring, etc, by resorting to using fear and pressure tactics. While, in the immediate, and short - term, this may work, to some degree, in the longer - run, will have the unwanted ramifications of turning - off, others, including existing members, as well as potential future constituents. Leading effectively, means, considering, both, how to overcome obstacles, and address current needs/ priorities, while avoiding ramifications, which might negatively impact, future sustainability!
2. Coercion: Coercion is defined as, the practice of persuading others to do something, by using force or threats. In the shorter - term, using this approach, clearly indicates, a degree of panic, and lack of quality preparation, and, almost always, in the longer - run, creates an overall negative attitude, etc. A true leader doesn't coerce, but, rather, inspires and motivates, those he serves, and represents, by clearly, demonstrating, he is ready, willing, and able, to effectively listen, and learn from every conversation and experience, and proceed with the utmost degree of genuine empathy!
3. Empathy: One can't fake, being empathetic, although many seem to try to! It requires being ready, willing and able, to avoid, the desire, to hear our own voice, but, rather, prioritize effective listening, and learning! When a leader possesses genuine empathy, he puts himself, in the place of those, he serves and represents, and seeks to inspire and motivate his stakeholders, by addressing their concerns, priorities, etc.
4. Leadership, by example: One must realize, recognize, and understand, quality, effective leadership, must be, by example! Others always watch, what a leader does, even when he doesn't realize it! Stakeholders and constituents, become, far more willing to follow, and be inspired and motivated, to be more involved, when they believe in a leader's example. It's what they do, not what they say!
If you hope to be an effective leader, plan accordingly, and be prepared. Learn, prepare, and commit, to doing, what's needed, to make a difference, for the better!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

Friday, August 23, 2019

Selling on Social Media Without Driving People Away

Social media is one of the best marketing tools out there: you can grow and reach a large audience with content and ads, and people who like and/or follow you are your fans, so they're already your target group.
However, people can be resistant to selling on these platforms. They see sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as places to share content and interact with friends, families-and nowadays, brands.
You really have to approach this the right way or you could alienate your audience, causing them to unfollow or unlike you because they expect a two-way conversation and engaging content, not to be marketed to.
It's also important to clarify that social selling doesn't mean advertising your product or service online for people to buy.
Social selling means you're using social media to connect with sales prospects and nurture relationships to hopefully convert them into customers.
For example, I recently did a Tea Time Tip about things that you need to consider before you start building your website. People could comment and asking questions in real time, and the Facebook Live had a lot of information about hiring a professional web development company.
So, I wasn't simply talking at people to hire us for their website-building needs; I was sharing pertinent information and nurturing those leads who might be looking for a company to help them out.
Now that we've defined social selling, let's discuss what you can do to increase your odds of success:
1. Think relationships, not dollar signs. 
Make sure you're posting relevant, non-sales content. You want to become an expert resource in your industry, so focus on adding value to your users' feeds.
According to a study performed by LinkedIn, buyers who are active on social media welcome input from industry experts. In addition, 76% of buyers are ready to have a conversation with potential providers.
Get to know your potential customers by asking them engaging questions, answering their questions in a timely manner and responding to comments. The more trust and loyalty you build, the better your odds of converting a follower into a paying customer.
Read: The Power of Social Media Storytelling
Once upon a time your strategy was probably largely focused on sharing links to third-party content with your audience. Well, those days are over, and if you want to stand out in the crowded and noisy online environment, you need to focus on content marketing storytelling.
2. Take the time to build out your accounts.
Make sure that your bio and profile are filled out on all the platforms you want to use for social selling. You should include your website URL, About Us, phone number and any other relevant contact info.
It can also help to pin relevant posts, make sure your branding stands out and have high-quality images to attract followers' attention. Again, this builds trust and loyalty, making people feel more comfortable and secure doing business with you.
See how one of our clients, A Family Law Firm, has taken the time to not only fill out their contact info, but also the "Our Story" section on Facebook.
3. Choose your messaging wisely.
What works on one platform may not work on another. Where do your potential clients hang out? Where do they talk business, or go for restaurant recommendations? Generally:
* LinkedIn is more business-focused, so people are more comfortable with marketing messaging there.
* Twitter has a great search function, so you can more easily connect with prospects, and find relevant topics.
* Facebook has many communities that you can join and network in (remember, don't be pushy!)
* Instagram and Pinterest is for visuals, not long content pieces.
By tailoring your messaging for each platform, you'll be more likely to attract the right kind of customer.
4. Let user-generated content sell for you.
You don't have to do all the work of social selling alone! There are so many ways to use user-generated content (UGC) to your advantage, including:
* Contests and giveaways that encourage followers to share your content, hashtags and/or messaging.
* Ratings or reviews for your product or service
* Testimonials
For example, J.Crew posts user ratings and reviews on their website, so when they post a dress or shirt on their social media account and someone clicks on through, they see other people's votes of confidence.
Not only does user-generated content help you, but it helps your customers. Almost 80 percent of people say that UGC drives their purchasing decisions. It's a win-win situation!
5. Try, test and try again.
Every business owner should be tracking and measuring their efforts, whether it's a digital Newsletter push or a Google AdWords campaign. Look at your data and stats to determine what's working and what isn't.
Maybe people are being referred to a page on your website from your Facebook post, but they're only spending a few seconds on it.
You need to look at why that is: is your messaging unclear? Boring? Is there a broken link? By tracking your visitors' paths, you can see where you need to take a closer look.
Google Analytics is a free tool you can use to measure your website statistics, and there are also paid tools out there that can help you break down and understand your data.
The more you test and tighten your social media selling attempts, the better your ROI will be (and the happier your followers will be).
While social selling is different than traditional methods, it's still about building relationships and credibility. Focus on the person behind the platform, not on converting them into a sale or guiding them down a marketing funnel. Take the time to build connections and you'll create a community of prospects who will welcome hearing from you.
Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.
As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.
Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results"

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Harvest the Thoughts of the Distant and Dead

Believe it or not, you have a superpower.
One that few folk throughout history have had.
Those who shared this power enjoyed a tremendous advantage over those who didn't.
They could access information from other times and places - information they shouldn't have been able to learn.
These heroic few - of which you are a member - could learn faster and open their minds to new ideas. They could absorb the wisdom of the ages in moments... or spend a lifetime reflecting on it.
This superpower cannot be underestimated. Without it, your life would be radically different.
It's the ability to talk to anyone in human history. Well, not anyone. They had to meet certain conditions first. If they did, though, there's no stopping you.
Even if they live on the other side of the world.
Even if they speak a foreign language.
And even if they died centuries before you were born.
Sure, it's not perfect. It's a one-sided conversation. If you have a specific question, you have to hope they'll answer it.
Still, that's not nothing. If you couldn't do that, you'd swear it was a miracle.
So what is this unnatural ability that defies time and space?
This superpower is nothing short of the art of reading.
Before you scoff and say how 'normal' that is, remember you live in a privileged age. For most of history, only the wealthy could afford education. Something as simple as reading was beyond the realm of the working class.
And don't scoff at what reading does for you.
Everything I said above, and more.
I've read the works of Marcus Aurelius, arguably the greatest Roman Emperor in history. He died thousands of years ago and we shared no common language. He couldn't understand my life - the fact I'm writing this on a keyboard alone would stretch his imagination.
Even so, he understood enough to enrich my life in deep ways.
I could have a one-sided conversation with him, thanks to him writing down his thoughts.
And thanks to folk keeping those thoughts alive.
And to others for translating them into modern English.
Plus, the Internet deserves some credit for delivering it to me.
It's a team effort.
And a momentous effort it is.
It'd be a shame to waste it, huh?
I call reading a superpower because it lets you expand your knowledge. The fact that knowledge can come from so many folk, from almost any time in history, adds to its power. Without that, it's still powerful enough.
I invite you to find a book that challenges you.
That stretches your intellect.
That pushes you to the limits of who and what you are.
Something that adds to your skills... and to your wisdom.
You're reading this, which (all humility aside) is a good start.
But don't stop here.
You can begin that simple self-improvement technique now.
And enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
If you really want to take your mind to new places? To improve more you dreamed possible?
You might want to read about this mind training program:

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Friday, August 2, 2019

5 Startup Lessons They Don't Teach You in College

After graduating, the next thing we like to do is partying and celebrating the victory. However, nobody will tell you that challenges are actually on the other side of the college life. Nowadays, every youngster wants to be an entrepreneur, but you know what? Your degree can give you an opportunity to enter in the corporate world but your skills make you survive. In college, you learn what is given in a syllabus, but if you want to be an entrepreneur, there are few things they don't teach you in college.
Let's find out the lessons you may not learn in college
1. Deal with Failure
A leader fail many times before he succeeds! Every entrepreneur faces failure once in a lifetime but this is not the end of a life. Failure is a continuous process and with every failure, you can make your next move is a successful one. However, nobody will teach you in college how to prepare for failure or for not getting a job. This is something you learn in outside world when life tests you. In a corporate world, failure is a very normal thing but how you deal with it make all the difference!
2. Raise Money
Raising money for a startup is not a piece of cake! Its paperwork is very complex. The banks and investors expect you to submit a detailed business plan that describes everything about the product from how it works to how it will generate revenue. Further, you can consult a financial planner for accounting and tax advice. As it will help you to negotiate with investors and banks. Nobody will teach you how to convince someone to invest in your business. No worries! Skills like convincing power develop with every attempt.
3. Think out of the box
Often in school, we get a syllabus for every subject. However, outside the school, in a corporate world, ambiguity rules. If you don't have the courage to try something new, you will never come up with something unique. In a competitive world, if you want to lead in the industry, you need to think out of the box. In the end, being innovative and creative is the key.
4. Become a Leader
Being a good leader is not everyone's cup of tea! A leader wears so many hats and handles so many responsibilities on his own. Every entrepreneur is not a leader, but every leader can become an entrepreneur. However, you won't learn how to be a great leader in school or college. In the journey of life, your lessons and failure will tell you what it takes to become a great leader.
5. Manage your Time
In college, you are a free bird, you can enjoy leisure time any day. However, that won't happen in the corporate world. To run a successful startup you are going to work for 24/7, no matter how tired you feel. So, when your friends are enjoying happy hour, don't feel upset about preparing a business plan. In the end, it is all about priority, its OK to sacrifice few things to achieve bigger goals.
I work as a digital marketer and Online reputation manager at Websetters, one of India's leading online reputation company and web development company. I have 7+ year Experience in online marketing services. Every time found new opportunity to develop my knowledge and feel good when achieving this challenge.

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