Why is it, so many people seek, are elected, selected, and/ or ascend to, positions of leadership, but, very few, actually, end up, becoming relevant, quality, effective, meaningful, true leaders? Does it seem to you, few of these individuals, seem to take office. prepared, ready, and with a meaningful, relevant plan, rather than merely embracing the supposed, perceived glory and power of holding some office, and/ or their personal/ political agenda, and self - interest? Wouldn't it make sense, for every new leader, to take a period, from the onset, to fully examine needs, goals, etc, and create, a well - considered, action plan, which offered viable solutions, and direction, to make the organization better, etc? Don't we deserve leaders, who proceed, with the FOCUS to serve stakeholders and the organization's best interests, and are willing to expand the limitations of their self - imposed, comfort zone, rather than proceeding, with the same - old, same - old, irrelevant ideas? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, consider, discuss, and explore, using the mnemonic approach, why doing so, is meaningful, and significant.
1. Faithful; future; fruition: When one seeks a clearer focus, he must make certain, his priority, is based on faithful service and representation, rather than any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest! Only when one constantly, consistently, looks to the future, and determines needs, goals, priorities, relevance, and sustainability, will his plans, be worthy of bringing to fruition!
2. Options; open - mind; organized; opportunities: True leaders consider various options and alternatives, with a genuine, focused, open - mind. He must do so, in an organized, efficient manner, so he recognizes opportunities, and seizes any, which will make the most difference, for the better!
3. Character; clarity; cooperation; create: One's focus and priorities, generally indicate his true character, and we need leaders with the quality of character, to proceed, with keen clarity, and seek to create, the best, he can possibly do! To do so, the individual must focus on cooperation, rather than polarization, and unifying, rather than creating adversaries!
4. Useful; usable; urgent; urge: Unless one prioritizes useful suggestions and actions, he won't focus, as he must! Great leadership requires usable ideas, and actions, and differentiating urgent issues, from the petty stuff! Will you be ready, willing and able, to articulate a message, which urges others, to join you in your quest?
5. Suggestions; stakeholders; service; sustainable: Are your suggestions, viable, as opposed to empty rhetoric and promises? Will your stakeholders, both actually, as well as perceive, and believe in the quality and direction of your service? Unless/ until, the emphasis is on relevance, as well as well - considered, sustainable solutions, you won't become a quality, meaningful leader!
Do you have the necessary FOCUS, a true leader needs? Are you up to the task?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.netand Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10015334