Saturday, October 22, 2016

Make Money Online - Surprising Ways To Make Money Online

Have you ever thought as to how you can make moneyonline?Your answer to the question above could be in the affirmative or in the negative. But believe me, in neither case would you like to challenge me whenI say that for sure, you would like to know someone who knows how to make money online. In fact, most of us would like to know many people around us are making money, big or small,through online sources.Is it easy to make money online? What are the ways? How much money can I make? Can I become a millionaire overnight? Is it possible to be a successful home business owner? These are some of the questions which instantaneously come to mind when we think about this subject. We will try to look at the probable answers to some of the questions mentioned above.At the outset, I would like to say that there is no easy money that can be made anywhere in this world. But I will add that there are endless financial possibilities that can be enjoyed by a home business owner through the endless ways to make money online. If I want to list all the waysto make money online here in this article, I run thefollowing risks:• I will either run out of words or• I will run out of time or• My patience will give way or• By the time I finish writing, some new ways of building wealth online would have been found out.So, I will just mention some of the popular and tried out ways in which you can build true income. These are:1. Trade online in stocks and currencies.2. Write and publish a Kindle eBook.3. Sell your articles, stories and videos.4. Review music, products or websites for money.5. Start your own website and earn money through Affiliate marketing and Google AdSense.6. Become an e-Tutor.7. Sell your notes if you are a student.8. Freelance in the field of your core competence or hobby.9. Join the YouTube Partner Program by uploading videos.10. Buy and sell domain names online.I want to mention that there is no way known to me by which you can become a millionaire overnight. The amount of money you make will depend on the way chosen by you and the amount of time and effort put in to make it a successful venture.For more ways to make money online and multiply your income, check outRevealed HereArticle Source:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

AGP detects massive mismanagement in ZTBL

Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) has claimed to have detected billions of rupees of financial mismanagement in Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) besides declaring Kissan Support Service(s) Limited (KSSL), a company established without the approval of SBP, as illegal.The audit report 2015-16 observed during 2014 audit of ZTBL that the management of the Bank in contravention of the Agriculture Development of Bank of Pakistan (Re-organisation and Conversion) Ordinance 2002, allowed change in the service conditions of ADBP employees introduced through Staff Regulations 2005 on December 30, 2005 for its employees. The employees of ZTBL covered under section 6 of the Ordinance 2002 were also given the opportunity to opt for SR-2005. As a result, the management paid 100 per cent pension commutation to the employees who opted for SR-2005 amounting to Rs 4.514 billion. Moreover, 522 cars amounting to Rs 433.8 million were purchased and allotted to the officers in this category of employees under Car Loan Depreciation Policy (CLDP).According to the audit, the act of the management to change the terms and conditions of service of ADBP employees was not considered lawful by the Peshawar High Court on October 28, 2010 as well as Supreme Court of Pakistan on February 15, 2013.On December 11, 2014, the management reverted all such employees to their previous service conditions across the board except those who wished to continue under SR-2005. The action of the management was against the spirit of section 6 of the ADBP Ordinance 2002 as well as the court decisions. Therefore, audit observed that the ultra vires management decision resulted in non recovery of Rs 4.514 billion and Rs 434 million.The matter was reported to the management and the Ministry on November 27, 2015. DAC in its meeting on January 12, 2016 directed the management to review the matter in the light of Supreme Court''s decision. No further progress was reported till finalisation of audit report.The audit also pointed out: (i) embezzlement in payment of pension funds- Rs 7.028 million; (ii) irregular appointment of officers in KSSL - Rs 84.409 million; (iii) appointment in IT Department in non-transparent manner- Rs 176.530 million; (iv) loss due to irregular appointment of Executive Vice President(EVP) in August 2007- Rs 48.452 million;(v) financial loss on irregular payment due to fixation of pay at higher stage- Rs 18.116 million; (vi) loss due to non-recovery of penalties imposed by the SBP- Rs 9.928 million; (vii) non recovery of the cost of allocated car- Rs 1.392 million;(viii) irregular appointment of Vice President after superannuation-Rs 1.093 million; (ix) outstanding loans in Special Asset Management (SAM) account- Rs 25.741 billion; (x) loans without necessary documents resulting in non recovery to thetune of Rs 75.159 million; (xi) loss due to late filing of intra court appeal- Rs 24.918 million; (xii) non-recovery of loans from the employees of the bank amounting to Rs 16.167 million; and (xiii) non-recovery of special medical ceiling from ex- Chief Operation Officer- Rs 2.904 million.The audit claimed that Rs 8.628 million were paid to the contractors of ZTBL, Vehari building in violation of rules, and a Rs 851.283 million loan was disbursed on forged documents. Wasteful expenditure on acquisition of hardware was Rs 112.742 million, non-recovery of liquidated damages from the contractor of Rs 18.895, appointment of officers without verification of degrees, excess litigation in ZTBL resulting in a wastage of human resources and excess legal and professional charges of Rs 353 million, wasteful expenditure on acquisition of software of Rs 77.550 million and avoidance expenditure on account of services acquired through KSSL- Rs 330.459 million are also part of MFDAC paras.ZTBL BoD is being headed by the private sector, and has failed to improve internal controls. Hundreds of employees have been hired in ZTBL but parked in KSSL. The audit said that the establishment of KSSL was illegal as SBP approval had not been sought for this purpose as SBP, BPD Circular No1 of 2005 serial No(2) of January 28, 2005, states that banks/DFIs desiring to establish any subsidiary must obtain prior approval of SBP.During the audit of ZTBL, Head Office Islamabad, for the year 2014 it was observed that bank management established its subsidiary company KSSL in 2005 without prior approval of SBP. Audit observed that establishment of subsidiary company without approval of SBP and all its activities since its inception viz 2005 are considered irregular. Moreover, issue may be studied in depth with all pros and cons and matter be placed before BoD in the light of SBP guidelines.The matter was reported to the Bank''s management and Ministry on November 27, 2015. DAC in its meeting held on January 12, 2016 directed the management to further clarify the matter and furnish a revised reply and follow up the matter with SBP. No further progress was reported to the audit till the finalisation of report.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

What Makes A Good Business School?

Business degrees are very popular and there are so many universities and evencolleges offering them. The business job market is lucrative hence moreand more people are choosing to study business as a good investment for a bright future. But to get the best whether you choose to pursue an MBA or an undergraduate degree, you must start by selecting the best school from where to get your studies from. The right business school will propel you into your business field only if it is founded on the best qualities. What then are these qualities that will make your business school a good and reliable one?1. Strong leadership- This is a very critical element that determines how good a business school is. The leadership or administration of the school matters; for you to get the best you must be led by an experienced team in academia and business. This way the school is run and set as part of the business community and there is the collective vision to support and balance student, alumni and faculty interests.2. Competent faculty- For a school to deliver quality education in business, it ought to have talented and qualified researchers and teachers. The faculty should be knowledgeable and experienced so they can effectively teach the aspiring business leaders. An inspiring faculty does not only dwell on theoretical standpoints, but also emphasizes on the application of the theory to real business world issues. Apart from gaining valuable education from such a faculty, you will also have an easy time getting business advice and getting connected to business career opportunities.3. Appropriate majors and subjects- There are somany areas in business field and you could choose to specialize in a given area or degrees that are more general. A good business school should offer relevant majors and subjects that address the goals you have in pursuing a business degree program. For instance, students who wish to start their own business in the futureshould go for institutions offering business courses that are solid and allows specialization in entrepreneurship. Think about where you want to be when choosing a school so you start off on the right path.4. Student support- Making educational decision can be a little tricky and you should therefore get all the support that you might need to make the best. A good business school should offer you guidance from the time you apply for a program all the way to even after graduating. You should be offered necessary help with simple and complex matters so you have the resources you need to be the business professional you aspire to be. Schools with strong alumni networks and career centers are best placed.5. Good reputation- The overall ranking of the school among business schools can tell you a lotabout its quality and worth. Rankings usually rely on important factors such as faculty, programs offered, student services, career support an research. Find out what kind of ratings and reviews are given to the business school just to be sure.If you are looking for the best business schools, aneducation directoryorschool directorycan help you narrow down the search to find the best and most reputable.Article Source:

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Importance of Knowing How to Prosper

Women are making momentous strides economically. But it still seems to be thatmore women than men are uncomfortable with money. Both filth richand dirt poor are incompatible with sugar and space and everything nice.So many women have avoided thinking about money in favour of taking whatever comes to them by the path of least resistance.As a result, women may be enchanted with what money can buy but intimidated by its acquisition and upkeep. In order to have a grounded sense ofself in this era and culture, women need to be financially skid-proof.If money is an issue, time that could be spent cultivating an exception life will go instead to working overtime, worrying overtime, and wearingyourself out to come up with ingenious ways to pay off your Master Card with your Visa. Financialwell-being depends on living in accord with underlying principles.1. Money is nothing to be afraid ofGet comfortable with it. Carry some extra cash sothat you'll never be without it. Balance your check book promptly. Pay your bills on time. Know how much you have and how much you owe. Enjoy your money without anxiety.2. Spend joyfully but rationallySome people use purchasing power to make up for feeling powerless otherwise but reckless spending fuels further helplessness. Buy what you need and buy what makes your heart sing. Respect yourself, your space, and your solvency enough to leave the rest in the store.3. Be wary of debtYou rob your future when you spend money you don't have by using credit without reserve cash orcollateral to cover the purchase. Unless you conscientiously pay off credit cards each month, consider the freedom of a cash economy, incurring no unsecured debt.4. Put some of your money asideCompound interest is a wonder of the world. If saving is hard for you, start with a small but consistent automatic transfer from your paycheck or checking account into a money market or mutual fund. As your money grows for you, saving will grow on you.5. Don't deprive yourself eitherThe opposite of squandering, deprivation leads todiscontent, self-pity and periodic spending binges. Instead, use your resources to take good care of yourself as well as those you love. As long as you're not going into debt to do it, treat yourself to fulfilling experiences and guilt-free gifts.6. Learn prosperity principles and the basics of financeTo make friends with a person, you find out abouther life and her interests. To make friends with money, do the same thing. Read the financial pages. Take a course in consumer economics. Learn about the metaphysical underpinnings of abundance.By taking these steps, you will prosper and you will enjoy yourself as a woman. This will give you the self-confidence and ability to be just as powerful as a man who controls his money well.Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. For more writing tips, please visit her website at In addition, she published a book about on how not to scattered in our culture. Please double click onthis link for more information. Source:

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Inculcate The Effectiveness Of Industrial Testing Services

Maintaining quality of products and services is highly essential for corporate bodies of this age. This can only be done by going through a detailed analysis and evaluation regimen delivered by microbiological testing houses. From procuring authentic certification process to generating the worthiness of certain business products, such laboratories are reputed to deliver all.According to the latest trend, settling with such testing module has turned out to be and essentialnecessity everywhere across the globe too. Someof the testing genres that they deliver are:*.Food testing*.Water Testing*.Environmental testing and moreNo wonder, when a test house deals with the most crucial facet like water and food, its efficiency and proficiency gets portrayed to all. Needless to state, one of the most effective and extensive evaluation module called,industrial testing services, delivered by the same are of equal diligence too.There is a huge crave for products testing in the world of trade and commerce. Growing pollution and presence of contaminants around us may be one of the most effective reasons in this respect. This is because of the fact that, such obnoxious wastes are making its presence at every essentialitem like, food water and more. Eventually, life in this environment is getting affected with illness of various kinds. Nevertheless, with the assurance that such products are pure and are fresh, ability of bringing back positive health in this world can be actualized. All of these can be ideally achieved if one gets to undergo the analytical testing protocol delivered by laboratories mentioned above. On enduring by such assessment scheme one gets to gather:*.First and foremost aspect that can be achieved in this context is, authentic and legitimate quality assurance of business products*.Delivering nutritional basics for consumable products*.Assurance to obtain test results that are transparent, true, correct and matches with all the legal aspects too, etc.Standardisation to calibration and every other aspect of these laboratories are conjoined with the expertise of deft technicians and also of updated apparatuses. Needless to state, presence of "2-armed robotic technology" has simply dignified its serviceable qualities to a levelhigher. Such attachments has actually, exemplified theDelivery of accurate and appropriate results that too right on time has actually popularised the functional qualities of laboratories mentioned above. Moreover, on being independent test houses, guarantee of fetching results that are free from any third party role can be generated with confidence too.Microbiological test houses like these are also getting a huge acceptance as a perfect marketingtool. After all, every end user is also intelligent enough in using products that are certified or accredited by lab like these. Eventually, on obtaining quality assurance guarantee form such laboratories, ability to get connected with such intelligent consumers becomes easy and flexible.Nevertheless, need to obtain rewarding revenue can be turned to reality with it.By following all these essential features, it becomes easily understandable that laboratories delivering testing services like these are of immense importance and fully industrious. That is the reason why, industry houses should settle with such testing module.Rony Sneijder, the author of this article is an online blogger and finely edified with latest developments in microbiological testing. In this article, he has shared his well researched views onindustrial testing services in Philippines.Article Source:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

CCAC Revies Production Estimates Downword

The Cotton Crop Assessment Committee (CCAC) on Thursday revised cotton production estimates downward for the second time in the current season to 11.039 million bales against the initial estimates of 14.1 million bales for the current season (2016-17). Second meeting of CCAC for the season 2016-17 was held to assess the volume of current cotton crop in the country, under the chairmanship of HassanIqbal, Federal Secretary Ministry of Textile Industry.The country had missed the crop production target by around30 percent in 2015-16 and it remained around 10 million bales, which according to Finance Minister caused 0.5 percent to GDP growth. However, according to sources the prospects for the current season are not very bright as well and the country may face significant shortfall in the crop production as well.Plant Protection Department, Trading Cooperation of Pakistan (TCP), cotton growers from Punjab, representatives of Pest Warning Department, Punjab, Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC), Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) attended the meeting. The Chair welcomed the participants and appreciated the stakeholders' interest and participation in the process of cotton crop assessment and described the objectives of the meeting.Dr Khalid Abdullah, Cotton Commissioner dilated the overview of cotton crop production in the country and challenges faced by the cotton crop especially of climate andpests like pink boll worm and white fly. The house was told that cotton sowing has decreased by 21 percent in Punjab however; it was increased by 2 percent in Sindh, with overall decrease by 15 percent than the last year. This decrease in area has proportionately depicted in the production as well.Director, Crop Reporting Services Punjab conveyed the production figures by SMS whereas Director Crop Sindh telephonically told the cotton assessment by phone. The house agreed to the following crop size of 170kg bale. The government has downward revised cotton production target as well as area and fixed at 14.1 million bales from 7.4 millionacres for the season 2016-17 against 15.49 million bales from 7.7 million acres estimated for 2015-16.Punjab was expected to produce 9.5 million cotton bales from 5.9 million acres, Sindh had to cover 1.6 million acres and was estimated to produce 4.5 million cotton bales, Balochistan had to grow cotton on 0.12 million acres and was targeted to produce 0.04 million cotton bales and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was targeted to cover about 74000 acres and produce 0.0015 million cotton bales.CCAC revised downward cotton production estimates for thesecond time and Punjab is estimated to produce 7.3 million bales against the initial estimates of 9.5 million, Sindh 3.7 million bales against 4.5 million, Balochistan 0.038 million bales against initial estimate of 0.098 million bales and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 0.001 million bales against 0.0015 million bales.Grower representative from Punjab, agreed to the assessment whereas Chairman PCGA was of the opinion thatcrop size in Punjab is about 7.5 to 8.0 million bales, considering the point of view of this important stakeholder, the chair in concurrence of the house considered the production of Punjab as 7.3 million bales. Cotton growers emphasised the need of extensive awareness campaign for pest management or rain damage. It is further added that all the data is based on 170kg bale weight. Secretary MinTex said that cotton crop size is assessed on the basis of data provided by provincial governments, which has good infrastructure for the same, and ensured the third assessment will be held after 3 to 4 weeks.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Setting Goals for Success - 5 Top Tips for Successful Entrepreneurship

Everybody wants to be successful in life. In whatever we do, our primary aim is to be successful in it. But we realize that often time, our plans take another turn, in the course of execution, or fail totally to yield desired results. This is always the case when we fail to put certain measures in place, or act in ignorance of important steps and considerations.Consider when you set goals for the year, and at the end of the year, it turns out that you are yet to achieve any of the goals you had set. This exposes a lapse in harmonizing one's personal discipline and attitude, with goals-both personal and organizational.In this article, I will outline 5 important tips for successful goal setting and entrepreneurship. These tips can help us set viable goals, and effectively implement courses of action that will lead to the achievement of such goals.1. Setting Smart Goals:Goals define our role, and generally challenge us to be better. It also motivates us to be unwavering and persistent on a particular task.Therefore, goals that will yield positive results must beSMART.This means that our goals must be;a. Specific.b. Measurable.c. Relevant.d. Timely ande. Attainable.2. Organization:Our business goals should be broken down into smaller goal sets, with specified role requirements, and carefully assigned to different people to carry out.However, you should ensure people who are responsible for a particular role, are trained to efficiently and effectively carrying out their task. You should also oversee processes to ensure they remain in harmony with set goals.3. Efficiency:In carrying out actions that could lead to the achievement of goals, there is a great need to be efficient and knowledgeable enough in assigned roles. Hence, regular training and evaluation is required to ensure utmost efficiency in a goal getting process.4. Accountability:This is a very vital aspect of our existence. We need to be accountable to ourselves and others too.The African Managers Initiative Team suggests that having an Accountability Partner can addressthe lapse between our desire to be accountable, and actually being accountable.This Accountability Partner should be someone you trust and respect- preferably a senior colleague or a partner. He/she should be one who can hold you responsible to your goals, and speak up without fear when you lose focus or go wrong. This latest invention by the AMI has shown high level of practicability and success.5. Time Management:No matter where you are or what you do, time is always of essence, and should be smartly managed for optimum benefits. I will write about time management in my next article. But it is worthy of mention here, as everything I have outlined above could fail if time is not properly and smartly managed and used.Research shows that every one hour wasted amounts to a corresponding hourly income loss. This is essentially true in core areas of our business life, as inputs directly determine expected output-all other things being equal.We should therefore be keen on deploying the best suited time management technique for our unique goals and roles. This, I believe is the engine with which every other measures work.Ambrose Akeh is the Founder/CEO ofAdbushi Classifieds Marketplace, Nigeria, and A Renowned ICT Consultant in Nigeria.Article Source:

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Finance Solutions For Companies Venturing In The Import Industry

Importing pertains to the process of bringing in goods or services from anothercountry. They come from foreign countriesand are usually brought in for resale. Manycompanies find this type of business quiteattractive since the products or services from other countries are really affordable and they can be resold for a nice profit margin.Although the process of importing and reselling goods seems like a simple concept, entrepreneurs who are considering starting this kind of business will have to overcome various hurdles. Oneof these is finding the right financing solution.At present, there are various finance solutions or methods you can choose from. The most recommended one by finance experts are:Factoring in accounts receivables.Also known as asset-based loans, this method involves selling your credit accounts or accounts receivable to a bank,lending company, or other financing institution. Accounts receivables are usually sold at a discount, between 80-90%of the face value of your credit accounts. An advance payment will be given to you by the factoring company, about of 2-3%, for the accounts you would normally have to wait on for payment.Purchase order financing.This method has similarities with asset-based loans. The main difference with thisfinancing solution is that you take your invoices or purchase orders and assign or sell them to a financing company. This company will then assume the risk and thetask of billing and collecting. When the goods are produced, the financing company collects the payment from the customers, takes its cut of the proceeds, and pays you the profit. This option is highly recommended if your profit margin is high enough on the goods you are importing. Having a good and reliable supply chain and creditworthy customers are important factors to consider as well.Inventory financing.Although inventory financing is an expensive solution, it is still a highly effective way of financing an importing business. Under this method, you will haveto use your present inventory to secure a loan that will permit you to buy the imported goods your customers want or need. Because of this, you can effectively increase your inventory without impacting your cash flow. However, with this option, it is crucial to make sure that you can service or repay your debt. Inventory financing comes in three types: blanket inventory lien, floor planning, and field warehousing. Choose the type that best meets your requirements.Read more aboutimport finance here.Article Source:

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Pakistan warns of ''water war''

Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz informed the National Assembly on Tuesday that India cannot revoke the Indus Water Treaty unilaterally and if it does so "the revocation can be taken as an act of war." Responding to a calling attention notice moved by PTI members Dr Shireen Mazari and others, he said that Pakistan can approach the United Nations and the International Court of Justice if India violates the Indus Water Treaty.The discussion in the Lower House came against the backdrop of New Delhi''''s decision to alter Indus Water Treaty signed between both the two countries for water sharing unilaterally. "The international law states that India cannot unilaterally separate itself from the treaty," he said, adding the 56-year-old pact brokered by the World Bank was not suspended even during 1965 and 1974 wars and the Kargil and Siachen conflicts.If India revokes or violates the treaty, Pakistan can approach the UN Security Council or the International Court of Justice, he said. There is no provision in the pact for its suspension or a unilateral exit, he said, adding that Pakistan is gaining support of international community on the issue.He further informed the House that Pakistan is considering briefing P-5 countries and international community about the dangers of suspending the water distribution pact. Aziz said the provocative statements and actions from Indian leadership on the Indus Water Treaty are violation of international laws and breach of water treaty. The Advisor said Pakistan will not accept any pressure from India and will continue to expose brutal Indian atrocities being carried out in Occupied Kashmir by the Indian forces.Later, the National Assembly unanimously passed a resolution condemning the India''''s assertion at the UN General Assembly that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. The resolution said the House resents the parallels being drawn between Jammu and Kashmir, a recognised disputed territory, and Balochistan, an integral part of sovereign Pakistan. The resolution said peace and progress depend on good neighbourly relations and the only way forward is constructive dialogue and not the "threats being issued by the Indian Prime Minister to unilaterally terminate the Indus Waters Treaty".Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in a policy statement informed theHouse that Pakistan has become 104th member of multilateral convention of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development by signing the agreement on 14th of this month in Paris. The Minister said it is a comprehensive multilateral instrument available for all forms of tax matters and to tackle tax evasion. He said it is a convention against tax havens. Ishaq Dar said after operationalization of the convention next year there will be flow of information about tax evasion and tax havens.The House also adopted a unanimous resolution that the government should take steps to abolish interest on house building advance being given to the federal government employees. The members urged the government to make sure that the banking system and others should be interest free. Parliamentary Secretary for Housing and Works Sajid Mehdi informed the House while responding to a calling attention notice that the retiring federal government employees have been issued no-objection certificates and other relevant papers of their quarters within three days after completing formalities.Speaking on a point of order, Leader of the Opposition Syed Khursheed Ahmad Shah urged the government to convene a joint session of the Parliament for discussion on Kashmir issue in the wake of bellicose statements issued by the Indianleadership. He said India is raising new issues to pressurise Pakistan. He said Kashmir issue has acquired importance due to increased atrocities by the Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir. He said there is a need to hold a thorough debate in the Parliament on the issue. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf member Dr Shireen Mazari also called for an earlier joint sitting of the Parliament.Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party chief Mahmood Khan Achakzai said the joint sitting should not be limited to Kashmir issue alone but internal and external threats faced bythe country should also be discussed. Sher Akbar Khan of Jamat-e-Islami also called for early joint sitting to send a message of unity to India and international community on Kashmir issue making them realise their obligations to UNSC resolutions.Five bills were also introduced in the National Assembly including "The Prevention of Mal-practices in Academia Bill, 2016," "The Pakistan Minorities Rights Commission Bill, 2016," "The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016," "The Protection of Minorities Bill, 2016" and "The Technical Educational Institutions, Medical Educational Institutions and Universities (Regulation of Fee) Bill, 2016." The chair referred these bills to the relevant standing committees for a further discussion.News SourceNews Collated byPAKISSAN.comCourtesy