Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Secret of Web Design and Its Different Aspects

Web design simply means planning, designing and creating a website. It also involves website structure and layout, information architecture, color, contrast, imagery and icon design. All these elements are joined together to form a website. As a matter of fact, the word 'design' is recognized not only as a visual aspect but designing a website includes more theoretical elements such as user habits, ergonomics, layout, navigation techniques and otherthings that help to smooth the use of websites and attract more users towards it.Most of the time, the technical aspect of web designing is emphasized in the meaning of design. True, the modern website designing techniques involve server-side scripting like CGI, ASP, and PHP, website's visual aspect is managed with CSS and HTML, the user experience is intensified with AJAX and Java Script. So modern website designing techniques concentrate not only on the designing techniques but also on functionalities. For example, how can the website be beneficial to the user and how will the companyhelp to update the website regularly through the content management system?In traditional terms, website designing is more about the visual appearance of a website. This approach involves balance, contrast, colors, rhythm, icon and overall website design. So web design is very similar to traditional print publishing.A good website design is not just about the appearance and the functionality of the website. Instead, it takes into account the need of the owner that the website is being developed for. If it is a business, it might be a shopping website or it might just be an information platform where people can learn more about the products.Besides the basic elements of web designing that make a website beautiful and informative, user-friendliness is also important an aspect of web designing. It can be achieved by paying attention to a number of factors such as navigation, multimedia, compatibility and technology.So if you are embarking on web design, think beyond the technical aspect of the website. Ask the client about their business and about the type of organization. Go for a simple structure and don't give too much attention to moving images or fancy graphics. Be creative and yet make something simple. This is the secret of a good website - less is more.All these ingredients are combined with the basic principles of web designing in order to create a professional, knowledgeable and user-friendly website.Article Source:

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