The nafl saum (fast) of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam is discussed here. It was the noble practice of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam to observe many siyaam (fasts). At times he continually observed fasts for many days. The virtues of fasting have been mentioned in many kitaabs. In every command of Allah there are thousands of benefits and wisdom. The human mind and lofty thinking cannot reach the wisdom of the All Wise Allah. Every person can grasp the deeni and dunyawi (worldly) benefits of Allah's commands only till where it can think loftily. The wisdom of Allah is much higher than this. In the manner that all othercommandments are filled with thousands of benefits, likewise is the saum, a few of its benefits are apparent and self-evident, one of which is beneficence and sympathy. One who remains hungry, can feel what a hungry person experiences. The difficulties the hungry confront. In such a state one creates a passion to help the hungry, and the feeling to help the poor is also sensed. More than this, it subdues one's animalistic passions and urges. Many a time when these tendencies irritate a human, it results in degrading a human religiously as well as materially. Maulana Rumi explains this in the following couplets:'This love which the people have today, is not the love which good people have. This is a mischief to fill the stomach. When the stomach is filled, then unlawful deeds come to mind. And when the stomach is empty and full of hunger, then love andits kind are all forgotten'.Therefore it is stated in the hadith: "The one who cannot get married, should observe many fasts, for this will subdue his carnal passions". A major benefit of saum is the great spiritual strength that is derived from it. For this reason, in every religion and society there was a form of saum. From among the truthful religions, since the time of Sayyidina Aadam 'Alayhis Salaam, saum has been prescribed. The practices of the Ambiyaa 'Alayhimus Salaam were different in this matter. Sayyidina Nuh 'Alayhis Salaam, always fasted for twelve months. The practice of Sayyidina Daawud 'Alayhis Salaam was to fast every alternate day. Sayyidina 'Eesa 'Alayhis Salaam fasted every third day. In the same manner the Ambiyaa 'Alayhimus Salaam had different practices. The practice of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was unique in this respect. Due to periodical benefits, it was his practice to fast on special and fixed days. Besides this, at times for timely benefits he continuously fasted, and at times did not fast. The reason is clear, that when saum is observed as an antidote or a medical curethe timely benefits, it will be necessary as is the principle of medicine to use less or more. The author has given a few examples of the practices of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam.(281) Hadith Number 1.'Abdullah bin Shaqeeq Radhiyallahu 'Anhu reports: "I inquired from 'Aayeshah Radhiyallahu 'Anha regarding the (nafil) saum of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam. She replied: 'At timesRasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam fasted countinuously. We used to say, he will keep on fasting (this month). At times he did not fast, till we began thinking he will not fast (that month). Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam did not fast for a month after he came to Madinah, besidesthe fasts of Ramadhaan'". (In this manner, the passing of the whole month without fasting was not observed. As mentioned in Abu Daawud. This practice of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam will be mentioned in the commentary of hadith number three in detail).(282) Hadith Number 2.Anas Radiyallahu 'Anhu reports: "Someone was asked about the saum of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam? He replied: 'It was his noble habit to fast on different occasions. In some months he fasted for so many days, that it was thought he would continue fasting. In other months he did not fast, we thought he would not fast now. It was also from his noble habits that if one wanted to observe Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam performed salaah at night, it was possible, and if one wanted to observe Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam sleep at night, this too was possible'".CommentaryThe object here is that the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was not to sleep the whole night, neither to remain awake the full night, but adopt a middle course, wherein the rights of the nafs were considered, and also the 'ibaadaat were given its full importance.Therefore it was possible to observe his sleep at night as he retired for a portion of the night, and also observed the salaah, as part of the night was devoted to prayers. Some of the 'ulama have given another explanation to this, that the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam varied in this respect. At times he performed the nawaafil in the first portion of the night. Sometimes in the middle portion of the night. At times in the last portion of the night. Therefore, if one wanted to observe sleep or salaah at a special time of the night, this too was possible. If one feels that one would like to observethe salaah of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam at a certain part of the night, then this opportunity could also be obtained, and if one wished to observe the sleep at this time an opportunity could also be obtained at some time. Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam would rotate the time spent in prayer to every portion of the night on different days. We understand two benefits of this. The first is that themain object is worship, and man was created for this reason, resulting in attaining the pleasure of Allah. On every portion of the night, at one time or another, the blessings will be obtained. The second is, that when 'Ibaadah (devotion) is confined to an appointed time, it becomes a sort ofhabit, then the taste and pleasantness of hardship does not remain. When 'ibaadah is performed at different times of the night it will not become a habit.back(283) Hadith Number 3.Ibn 'Abbaas Radiyallahu 'Anhu relates:"Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam fasted themajor portion of the month at times, till we thought that he did not intend ending the fasts. In some months he did not fast, we began to think he would not fast now. Besides Ramadaan he did not fast for a full month".CommentaryThe practice of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam has been mentioned in many narrations. There are two reasons for this. The first one has already been mentioned in the beginning of the chapter, that in reality saum is an antidote, and at times it is a medicine for spiritual fulfillment and other benefits. In this manner according to the general rules of medicine, at times it is necessary to use medicine continuously,and at times there is no need for it, or if it is casually needed, then due to some timely obstacles it is necessary to abstain from it. This is common among physicians. Who can reach the state of a spirtitual doctor more than Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi wasallam, therefore,Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam many a time fasted continuously for some timely necessities, and at times did not fast. The spiritual doctors of the ummah, may determine for the sake of spiritual benefit, when should one fast and when should one not fast. Those who are not spiritual doctors themselves, should consult those who are and benefit from them. The second reason is this that Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam has a few special practices. For example, the fasting on the days of Monday and Thursday; three days in everymonth; the ayyamul beed (i.e. the 13th 14th 15th day of the Islaamic lunar month); tenth of Muharram and the tenth of Dhul Hijjah etc. Many times because of being on a journey, or due to some obstacles these fasts were not kept. When the obstacles were overcome he kept these missed fast as qadaa, and also to complete his special practices. It was also from the special habit of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam that whenever he began a devotion he continually kept up
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